
Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist är svenska filosofer och författare, först till Futuricatrilogin, som består av Nätokraterna (2000), Det globala imperiet (2003) och Kroppsmaskinerna (2009), och senare till Den Stora Narratologin, som består av Synteism – Att skapa Gud i Internetåldern (2014), Digital Libido – Sex, makt och våld i nätverkssamhället (2018) och Process och Event (2023).

De föreläser världen runt om den globala internetrevolutionen. Som författare är Bard & Söderqvist pionjärer inom den litterära genre som kallas futurica, där filosofi, socioanalys och framtidsforskning möts, och som filosofer är de pionjärer inom de arbetsfält som kallas narratologi och spekulativ antropologi.

Förutom att skriva och föreläsa om allt som är digitalt, är Alexander Bard också känd som en framgångsrik entreprenör i den internationella musikindustrin, musikproducent, låtskrivare och artist, involverad i över 100 miljoner sålda skivor och miljarder av strömningar, under 2010-talet även (ö)känd som en flamboyant domare i tv-program som Idol och Talang. Jan Söderqvist är medieteoretiker och filmkritiker och krönikör i Svenska Dagbladet samt tidskriftsutvecklare och redaktör på Axess magasin.

Det var en gång i Stockholm...

Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist sammanstrålade första gången 1998. Alexander var då internationellt firad popstjärna och dessutom föreläsare på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm med fokus på Internetrevolutionen. Dessa föreläsningar väckte en växande uppmärksamhet med sin syn på interaktivitet i allmänhet och internet i synnerhet. Fler och fler av dem som lyssnade uppmanade honom att skriva en bok. Idén tilltalade Alexander, men han hade ingen lust att göra det ensam. Han ville hitta en partner som kunde stimulera och komplettera honom.
Jan var vid den här tiden tidskriftsredaktör, skribent och verksam inom radio och tv. Gradvis riktades även hans uppmärksamhet alltmer mot det framväxande nätverkssamhället, vilket kom till uttryck i flera långa essäer. Han var frustrerad över den debatt som fördes och menade att den var perspektivlös och banal. Kanske borde han själv rentav skriva en bok i ämnet?

Så kom det en dag ett mail till Jan från Alexander Bard, som tyckte att de båda borde träffas utan att närmare ange varför. Alexander hade nämligen stött på Jans namn flera gånger i sitt sökande efter lämplig kompanjon att skriva bok med. Men av mailet framgick det alltså inte riktigt varför Alexander ville träffas, varför en stressad Jan dröjde med att svara. Alexander blev otålig och hörde av sig igen. De både borde verkligen träffas och diskutera intressanta saker, och Jan behövde inte vara orolig, det var inte fråga om någon sexuell invit. Och nu blev ju Jan så nyfiken att han måste svara. Det visade sig att herrarna bodde alldeles nära varandra, på varsin sida av Götgatan på Södermalm i Stockholm. Ett middagsdatum spikades.
Så en kväll sågs de till slut, Alexander bjöd på kyckling i lergryta och rikligt med vin, och snabbt stod det klart för dem bägge att de tillsammans skulle kunna uträtta storverk. Den kyckling som Jan menade var aningen torr sköljdes ned med många vinglas, och innan kvällen var över hade de kring sitt ritbord skapat dels ett gemensamt bolag, dels en synopsis till den bok som skulle få titeln Nätokraterna och översättas till mer än 20 språk.

Resten är historia.


Syntheism – Creating God in The I at their disposal. Thefestival
new metaphysics be understood, aptly described as a new religion for the Internet Age. However, this is not a religion
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with a God who creates us (or anything else for that matter), but rather a belief that we as humans, with the support of
fantastic new technology, instead create the God that we need. The word for this phenomenon is syntheism, and this
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concept is all about us creating the divine rather than blindly submitting to some external patriarch.
with others to edit at the same time.
Digital Libido – Sex, Power and Violence in The Network Society
Out of the affirmative nihilism rises a new netocratic elite of informationalists, sensocrats and protopians, who replace the old paradigm's upper class of capitalists, politicians and academicians. The key to this paradigm shift is the emergence of the free and open algorithm that defies the lies of the old paradigm, summarized as the corruption by capitalists, the manipulation by politicians and the conformation by academicians. Bard & Söderqvist then warn us that it is an open
In their fifth book Bard & Söderqvist dem ss involved in an authentic paradigm shift. The old paradigm transitions into the new through a dramatic, dialectical process that rightly deserves to be called apocalyptic, as the whole of human existence is at stake and chaos and anarchy threaten to swallow all of civilization, while this threat is met with frenzied demands for tyranny and carnage. The naive nihilism of the old paradigm in the face of the new becomes cynical, while the ironic nihilism of the new paradigm becomes affirmative.
onstrate the seriousne
manipulation by politicians and the conformation by academicians. Bard & Söderqvist then warn us that it is an open
question whether the false phallus with its closed and centralized sensocracy will prevail in the coming battle. The alternative is that Man in time understands to instead choose the authentic phallus with his open and decentralized senosocracy. The important thing here is that no one can say in retrospect that they did not know what this existential choice was all about.
Process and Event
In their sixth and (most likely) final book Bard & Söderqvist embark on the ultimate philosophical project, namely to rewrite the entire history of ideas from the perspective of a future elite. This pandialectical metaphysics is called transcendental emergentism, and it shrugs off all previous forms of reductionism to physics, matter, biology, consciousness, or whatever else humans have chosen to prioritize throughout the history of philosophy. The lesson from pandialecticism is rather that the most important thing people have devoted themselves to is speculative anthropology, above all the question of how people should be able to build trust amongst each other, even within a larger population than the solid original tribe, called the sociont.
And while speaking of speculative anthropology: if technology has expanded, religion has unfortunately simultaneously imploded ever since the Bronze Age, when the great religions were founded in order to hold together new concepts like cities, nations and empires. The ultimate question is whether the two-headed phallus that the ancient Persians dreamed of 3,700 years ago can be resurrected, or if the world is headed straight into apocalyptic madness by the pillar-saints and boy- pharaohs who have ruled the world ever since humanity was infantilized by the excesses and vastly overrated pseudo- philosophy of the Axial Age.

Efter att Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist lagt grunden för sin filosofiska gärning under 00-talet med Futuricatrilogin, bestämde de sig för att utveckla och skriva ytterligare en trilogi, men denna gång i form av en spekulativ antropologi som grunden för en komplett dialektisk metafysik. Eftersom människan är en varelse som strukturerar sitt liv och skapar mening i detta liv genom att berätta diverse berättelser som sig själv och sin plats i världen var namnet för detta ambitiösa projekt var givet från första början: Den Stora Narratologin.

Föga förvånande upptäckte Bard & Söderqvist snart att detta metahistoriska arbete krävde att de måste skriva de tre böckerna i Den Stora Narratologin i antilinjär riktning. Alltså blev det den första tegelstenen Synteism – Att skapa Gud i Internetåldern från 2014 som hanterar trilogins futurologi. Sedan kom boken som på allvar tacklar det apokalyptiska i vår egen tidsålder, när mänskligheten desperat försöker hantera det mest dramatiska paradigmskiftet i vår historia, nämligen Digital Libido – Sex, makt och våld i nätverkssamhället från 2018. Slutligen avrundas Den Stora Narratologin med en de facto omskrivning av hela idéhistorien från nomadlivet före civilisationens början till den apokalyptiska tidsåldern och den synteologiska framtiden som de tidigare böckerna i trilogin skildrar, under titeln Process och Event från 2023.

Synteism – Att skapa Gud i Internetåldern

I denna fjärde bok visar Bard & Söderqvist att den nya digitaliserade och globaliserade eliten redan ser onlinevärlden som den verkliga världen och den fysiska världen endast som en sekundär lekplats som man har till sitt förfogande. Det virtuella och det fysiska har följaktligen bytt position i den kollektiva fantasin. Participatorisk kultur och samskapande ekonomi styr och kommer med tiden att utplåna en individualistisk kultur och en kapitalistisk ekonomi som vi har känt dessa under de senaste 400 åren. Vi övergår från kapitalism till attentionalism; historien får därmed en helt ny drivkraft och maktbas. Bard & Söderqvist tar därmed begreppet “självhjälpsbok” till en absolut metanivå.

Med utgångspunkt i den fasta länken mellan de världserövrande webbjättarna i Silicon Valley och den utopiska Burning Man-festivalen i Nevadas öken (där både pengar och reklam är förbjudna och föraktade; vad sägs om amerikansk kommunism?) visar Bard & Söderqvist att detta enormt inflytelserika kulturella och ekonomiska äktenskap kräver en helt ny metafysik för att bli begriplig, och att en sådan enklast beskrivs som en ny religion för internetåldern. Detta är dock inte en religion med en Gud som skapar oss (eller någonting annat), utan snarare en tro på att vi som människor, med stöd av fantastisk ny teknologi, istället själva skapar den Gud vi behöver. Ordet för detta fenomen är synteism; det handlar om att skapa det gudomliga snarare än att blint underordna sig en extern patriark.

Digital Libido – Sex, makt och våld i nätverkssamhället

I denna sin femte bok påvisar Bard & Söderqvist allvaret i ett autentiskt paradigmskifte. Det gamla paradigmet övergår i det nya i en dramatisk, dialektisk process som med all rätt förtjänar att kallas apokalyptisk, då hela den mänskliga existensen sätts på spel och kaos och anarki hotar att sluka all civilisation, samtidigt som detta hot bemöts med ursinniga krav på tyranni och blodbad. Det gamla paradigmets naiva nihilism inför det nya blir cynisk, samtidigt som det nya paradigmets ironiska nihilism blir affirmativ.

Ur den affirmativa nihilismen stiger en ny nätokratisk elit av informationalister, sensokrater och protopianer som ersätter det gamla paradgmets överklass av kapitalister, politiker och akademiker. Nyckeln till detta paradigmskfte är framväxten av den fria och öppna algoritmen som trotsar det gamla paradigmets lögner i form av kapitalisternas korruption, politikernas manipulation och akademikernas konformation. Bard & Söderqvist varnar sedan för att det är en öppen fråga om den falske fallusen med sin stängda och centraliserade sensokrati segrar i den kommande striden. Alternativet är att Människan i tid förstår att välja den autentiske fallusen med sin öppna och decentraliserade sensokrati. Det viktiga här är att ingen i efterhand kan säga att man inte visste vad detta existentiella val gällde.

Process och Event

I sin sjätte och (sannolikt) sista bok ger sig Bard & Söderqvist i kast med det ultimata filosofiska projektet, nämligen att skriva om idéhistorien utifrån en framtida elits perspektiv. Denna pandialektiska metafysik kallas transcendental emergentism och rycker undan mattan för alla tidigare former av reduktionism till fysik, materia, biologi, medvetande, eller vadhelst annat som människor har valt att prioritera genom filosofins historia. Lärdomen från pandialekticismen är snarare att det viktigaste som människor har ägnat sig åt är spekulativ antropologi, framför allt frågan hur människor ska kunna bygga tillit för varandra, även inom större populationer än den solida urspungsstammen, kallad socionten.

Och apropå spekulativ antropologi: om teknologin har expanderat så har dessvärre religionen samtidigt imploderat ända sedan bronsåldern, de stora religionernas ursprung som sammanhållande av nya koncept som städer, nationer och imperier. Vad frågan gäller är om den tvåhövdade fallus som de gamla perserna drömde om för 3 700 år sedan kan återupprättas eller om världen styr rakt in i det apokalyptiska vansinne som produceras av de pelarhelgon och pojkfaraoner som har styrt världen ända sedan mänskligheten infantiliserades av axialålderns överflöd överskattad kvasifilosofi. Kvinnor föder barn och män föder teknologi, men det är bara religionen som kan hålla ihop dessa två krafter i ett sammanhängande samhälle. I annat fall kommer Maskinen att ta över och Människan reduceras till Maskinens slav. Vad Maskinen då väljer att göra med Människan är då ingenting Människan kan påverka.


Under det sena 1990-talet började de svenska socialteoretikerna Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist arbeta fram en radikalt ny teori: Nätokratihypotesen. Bard höll en omtalad föreläsningsserie på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm; Söderqvist skrev ett antal längre tidskriftsartiklar. De påstod att den interaktiva revolutionen var den mest radikala och mest omskakande revolutionen i historien, att den transformerar hela samhället, maktstrukturerna, människans världsbild och självbild, och gör detta på en massiv och global skala. Redan i detta tidiga skede menade Bard & Söderqvist att kontrollen över internet var den avgörande maktstriden under det kommande seklet, det handlar om ett regelrätt krig mellan en ny framväxande elit (nätokratin) och en gammal, gradvis utfasad elit (bourgeoisin).

Bard & Söderqvist profeterade inte bara mot strömmen vid millennieskiftet (och förutsade pricksäkert både dotcom- kraschen och 11 september), de har sedan dess haft skrämmande rätt om i stort sett allting och även i minsta detalj. De förutsåg inte bara revolutionära innovationer som Google, Facebook, Al-Qaida och Wikileaks, de gick också djupare och såg bortom alla andra observatörer, rakt in i själva maktkampen om kontrollen över det nya samhället. I Futuricatrilogin hävdar Bard & Söderqvist att det 21:a århundradets centrala maktkamp är den som gäller kontrollen över Internet: ett direkt krig mellan en helt ny uppåystigande elit (nätokratin) och en etablerad men dödsdömd elit av politiker, akademiker och och storföretag (bourgeoisien).

Den första boken i Futuricatrilogin är Nätokraterna (hur internet skapar en ny global överklass som slåss mot och besegrar den gamla maktstrukturen); den andra titeln är Det Globala Imperiet (om nätokraternas världsbild och hur den radikalt skiljer sig från alla tidigare ideologier i historien); och den tredje boken är Kroppsmaskinerna (om vad det betyder att vara människa i en interaktiv värld, och hur denna idé radikalt skiljer sig från alla tidigare idéer om den mänskliga existensen).


ABJECT The object against which the masses – the mob – direct their ha- tred and disgust and thereby experience unity. The organization of this collective distancing creates longed-for order in the chaos of the world. This can happen constructively, in conjunction with the phallic intrusion and the shift of the child’s focus from mamilla (the first abject) to yearning for phallus, or destructively, when the false phallus promises rewards from which all outsiders are excluded. See also hyperject and anoject.

ABSOLUTE HISTORICISM The conception that time is the most real of all realities and the vessel within which everything else exists. A recurring argument for absolute historicism is that nothing can be thought of outside time, but time can be thought of independently of everything else. If time moreover is split between on the one hand hypertime and on the other hand spacetime, there arises a dialectics on which the rest of existence can be grounded. This generates the epistemological horizon that Hegel calls absolute knowledge. Please compare with pandialecticism.

ADULTIFICATION The archetypological development from children to adults, from adults to leaders, parents, mentors and revered elders. The adultification ideal should be contrasted with Christianity’s and Islam’s celebrations of the child, innocence and unreflected submission. Within Zoroastrianism and Judaism the followers are expected to behave as the adults of God and not as the children of God.

ADYTONOLOGY The tantric laws and rules that only apply inside the tem- ple, in contrast to the sutric laws and rules that apply in the society outside. From the Greek adyton which means temple yard. Please compare with the barred absolute and please note that the adytonological rules always remain unwritten, which is why they never can be spread outside the temple, where they would be incomprehensible and generate destructive confusion.

AGENCY The subjective identity that arises as a mental emergence in a physical body as a relationalist phenomenon. The syntheist agent replaces the Cartesian individual as the human ideal at the transition from capitalism to informationalism; see also dividual.

ALIENATION According to Karl Marx, Man becomes a stranger vis-à-vis the world and himself through being reduced to an insignificant cog in a production machinery to which it is impossible to relate. Thus humans are isolated from each other, which prevents them from coming together and taking control of their lives.

AMBIVALENCE The fundamental property in that which attracts Man the most, while it also frightens and repels: that which is neither good nor evil (or else both); see also cathexis and the sublime.

AMOR FATI ”Love of fate” in Latin, an attitude to life that means that one accepts the history that has led to the prevailing situation and that one submits to that which one cannot influence in the future. The concept was introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche and is a fundamental principle for the ethics of interactivity.

THE ANDROGYNOUS CASTE The persons, not seldom so-called non-bi- nary, who act as contact surface between the patriarchy in the outer circuit and the matriarchy in the inner circuit. This caste shall be understood as a kind of cousins of outsidership to the shamanic caste, who live outside the sociont and between the tribes.

ANOJECT A silent, implicit agreement within the Cybelian lynch mob that, if it is verbalized, rapidly is personified in the form of the tyrant. A widespread anojectivity paves the way for false phalluses, as in Germany, the Soviet Union, China and Iran during the 20th century. Thus the anoject is the voice of the false phallus throughout history.

ANTAGONY A resistance with a value in itself, which one seeks in order to sharpen one’s own intelligence. Without antagony a system becomes one long eternal, sterile repetition of itself, without fertile ground for develop- ment.
ANTI-SYNTHEOS A technology that is so destructive that it kills both all human life and all technological intelligence if its energies are allowed to run rampant. Anti-Syntheos arrived at planet Earth on 6 August 1945 in the form of the bomb that was dropped over Hiroshima. Ever since that day we have been living in its shadow.
ANTHROPOCENTRISM To view everything exclusively from Man’s perspective, as though the world were created for us and would go under without us; please compare with network-dynamics and universocentrism.
ARCHETYPOLOGY The study of subject and object as evolutionary by- products of the sociont’s development. Please compare with sociontology. An archetype is a figure, a motive, or a thought pattern that exists in the collective subconscious and that controls people’s stance vis-à-vis their ex- istence and their surrounding world. Please compare with archetypography (see tribal mapping).
ASUBJECT The subject’s dark, unknown shadow side, which at the same time is the subject’s mortidinal negation and thereby the engine that powers the entire subjectivity; what Hegel calls the night of the world.
ATHEISM A conception according to which a certain god (or several) (or all) does not exist and lacks social-psychological relevance.
ATHEOS Greek concept for the god that does not exist and that precisely therefore exists as an empty concept, as the god-that-does-not-exist, the virtual non-existence out of which existence arises; the first of the four divinities in the syntheological pyramid and the theological representative of the human subject itself.
       process and event
ATOMISM The conception that the world is constructed from indivisible, material components; atomism does for the object what humanism does for the subject, wherefore both these isms are two sides of the same coin: individualism.
ATTENTION A value that is computed through media credibility being multiplied with media attention for one and the same meme, dividual, et cetera. A high attentional value is the key to power and influence in The Network Society. It is what the sensors of machines and senses of humans want more and not less of.
ATTENTIONALISM A system where the elite’s attention replaces capital as the central value of the economy and the culture, a value that relates to power and status. The ongoing paradigm shift entails that capitalism is phased out and is replaced by attentionalism.
AUGMENTED TERRITORY The dissolution of duality between the digital and the physical, an area that both is a digital domain and a physical ter- ritory at once. Is used as an abstract and artistic synonym of the concrete and judicial concept called the network state.
AUTOEXPLOITATION The narcissistic subject’s plundering of its own sub- stance until nothing remains. The opposite is the functional and interactive subject’s development and augmentation of its own substance – autoimploi- tation. The former assumes autopoiesis as the first principle of creativity, the latter assumes tribopoiesis, and this very shift is precisely the paradigm shift from capitalism to attentionalism.
THE BARRED ABJECT The collective fantasy of a concealed or fabricat- ed object that is concealed behind the barred absolute. The hatred of this phantasm can unite the collective when there is no longer anything else that functions cohesively. The principle of the barred abject explains why all forms of anarchy end up with a cohesive conspiracy theory, which in turn results in a meaningless bloodbath. See further anoject.
THE BARRED ABSOLUTE The conviction that existence contains knowl- edge that only can be handled by the right person on the right occasion and that cannot be made generally available. Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and
the Eastern religions are built on the barred absolute as their foundation. It is the difference between sutra and tantra in the Silk Road triad. Only Christianity and Islam proclaim that the barred absolute is removed and that all true believers have direct and unfiltered access to God. Which has dramatic consequences.
THE BODY MACHINES The third and final installation in The Futurica Trilogy by Bard & Söderqvist with a focus on The Internet Age’s new, mate- rialist and monist view of humanity and the death of the individual.
THE CALIGULA SYNDROME A state that arises when the child is pre- vented from growing up by its environment and remains a child forever, while it is susceptible to the temptation of phallic adult life – one of the prerequisites for society’s comprehensive infantilization. Please compare with the Peter Pan syndrome, where the obstacle/inhibition is internal instead of external.
CAPITALISM The third of the four information-technological paradigms that arises when both reading and writing proficiency as well as virtu- al value transfer are spread with devastatingly unprecedented efficiency thanks to the printing press; the concept is often used synonymously with industrialism.
THE CATHEXAL OBJECT The radically different quality found in the phallus, as a both exciting and frightening object, compared to the safe and secure mamilla – precisely by virtue of this ambivalent sublimeness phallus is extremely attractive, which lures the child away from mamilla. See further ambivalence.
CATHEXIS The Greek word that Sigmund Freud uses to denote ambiva- lence’s obscure power of attraction; see further ambivalence and the sublime.
CEPHALIZATION Originally a biological concept that denotes one mod- ule’s need of spinning off and protecting its memory and its intelligence from the rest of the system to optimize its chance of survival. The cephaliza- tion of a civilization must take place behind the barred absolute, where it is possible to experiment without being inhibited by prevailing laws and rules.
       process and event
CHEMICAL LIBERATION The conception that increased availability of chemical substances for radical mind-altering fundamentally changes the idea of what it means to be human; in part through Man discovering himself as a chemical-hormonal phenomenon, in part through the division between the first subject that decides what chemicals are to be added and the second subject that then experiences the radically altered mind; see further transhumanism.
CHRONOTHEOLOGY The conviction that theology first and fore- most must handle time as the divine foundation for everything else. A chrono-theological historiography places God in the past, in the present, or in the future, rather than at any particular geographical spot.
CIVILIZATION An expanding and gradually more complex organization of the collective togetherness, fundamentally governed by the development of communication technologies. At the cost of an increasingly harshly reg- ulated drive economy, civilization offers security and growth.
CIVILIZATIONISM A phallic conviction that a growing information ac- cumulation in itself enables not only a more integrated but also a better world in an objective sense, that civilization as such has an intrinsic value; Zoroaster in ancient Central Asia around 1700 BC is often regarded as the first pronounced civilizationist.
THE COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS The sociont’s partly implicit agree- ment in matters large and small, human subconsciousness in its collective form, the unspoken ideology of any given society.
COSMOPOLITANISM The completion of the industrial revolution and the urbanization of the entire planet, in syntheological terms: the city of God. Thereby it is also the imploitative response to environmentalism’s dystopian lamentation at Man’s exploitative attitude to culture. Please compare with ecotopianism.
THE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY One of three classic concepts to de- scribe The Internet Age, to be compared with The Information Society and The Network Society. According to information-technological historiography all paradigms throughout history should be categorized as communication
societies, since precisely the dominant communication technology is what ultimately shapes and decides what sort of construction and degree of com- plexity a society can handle.
CONSUMTARIAT The underclass of the Internet Age, characterized by a passive consumption of mass produced goods and services; see also hyper- narcissism, pornoflation, interpassivity and the dialectics of ressentiment.
CONTINGENCY A generic concept within process philosophy that entails every form of freedom and indicates that the Universe fundamentally is an open history. Chance is a reality and the number of unknown variables is poetically infinite.
CONTINUITY An emergence vector or a phenomenon whose smallest components must be described as constantly displaced relation complexes vis-à-vis each other. There is quite simply no meaningful smallest atomist component or eternalization to refer to, only a series of relations of trans- determinist force fields. Please compare with its opposite discretion.
COUNTERTREND The passive and generally unreflected reaction to an active trend, where the trend is grounded in actual material change of prevailing conditions of power, while the counter trend starts from a discomfort at the trend (and change in general), at paradigm shifts as an aggressive defense of the old paradigm against the new.
CORRELATIONISM The conviction that Man only has access to the corre- lation between thinking and being, but never direct access to thinking or being separately. This idea is a driving force within Western thinking from Immanuel Kant and onward but is criticized by the model-dependent realism that is associated with physicist Niels Bohr, and later also with philosopher Karen Barad.
THE CYBELIAN LYNCH MOB A mob led by the embittered Cybele, who by mistake had fallen in love with her own grandson Attis, and who be- came mad with jealousy when he fell in love with a young princess (“Hell hath no fury... ̈). The Cybelian lynch mob forges ahead across the world when the apocalypse nears, and slaughters masses of innocent victims in pure frustration and rage. Please compare with its opposite the Dionysian
       process and event
swarm. And please note the name of its agreed-upon cohesive inner voice, the anoject. An anoject in a uniform always foreshadows the very worst, since it invariably is a question of a false phallus whose path into the future leads straight toward the death-worshipping doomsday cult.
DEEP ATHEISM An idea according to which atheism taken to its utmost extreme dialectically morphs into syntheism, an idea that is explored in the book Syntheism – Creating God in the Internet Age. It may well be that God does not exist today, but it does not entail that God cannot exist tomorrow. Not if we create God ourselves.
DEMONOLOGY An umbrella concept for the studies of and/or the doc- trine of demons and evil spirits; in Bard & Söderqvist customarily used in relation to a theory on abjectification that explores how a demonized abject is created and exploited.
DESIRE The linguistic and thereby uniquely human of the drive system’s four expressions, a more or less compulsive searching for something that basically is unattainable, since the objective of desire always withdraws and changes its guise; see further instinct, drive and transcendence.
DETERMINISM An idea that everything that happens is preordained and bound by laws of nature, wherefore will and intentions ultimately do not matter. Determinism dominates the Western history of ideas from Plato to Einstein, but is unable to handle the randomness that it therefore must deny in the same manner that Plato and Einstein deny time and change; see further the Bohrian opposite indeterminism.
DIALECTICS A logical process where a phenomenon is played out against its opposite, which results in a completely new phenomenon at a higher level. The concepts that customarily are used are thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Heraclitus is seen by many as he who introduces dialectics in philosophy, while Hegel is seen by many as he who perfects the methodology.
THE DIALECTICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS The psychoanalytical equivalent of the narratological triad distinguishes between consciousness (logos), the subconscious (mythos), and the unconscious (pathos). Consciousness is housed in the rational brain, the subconscious is housed in the mimetic brain, and
the unconscious is housed in the emotional brain. The brain’s only way of getting a grip on the world is to fuse logos and pathos into a social mythos – see tribopoiesis – but this mythos is never more than temporary, wherefore the dialectical process constantly must be repeated.
THE DIALECTICS OF ETERNALISM AND MOBILISM A complete syntheist onto-phenomenology developed by Alexander Bard & Jan Söder- qvist in the book The Global Empire; existence is fundamentally chaotic – or mobilist – and becomes tangible and receives meaning only through an illusory act of the perception apparatus, where phenomena are fixed in spa- cetime and thereby made to last forever or eternalized. This is functional and necessary in order for us to be able to orient ourselves in the world in the first place, but philosophically problematic. The solution is to allow the eternalizations to next go mobilist in relation to one another, submitting everything to a dialectical process, see pandialecticism.
THE DIALECTICS OF LIBIDO AND MORTIDO The continuous interplay between will-to-life (libido), located in consciousness, and the death drive (mortido), located in subconsciousness – two phenomena within psychoa- nalysis that both are each other’s antagonic opposites and simultaneously two complementing counterweights in the drive economy.
THE DIALECTICS OF NEGATION AND OSCILLATION Where the dia- lectics of eternalism and mobilism is eventological, the dialectics of negation and oscillation is negatological. The first dialectics arises when something dies in a chaos, not when an order is created. In this way negatology precedes the subsequent eventology. The dialectics of negation and oscillation is on- tic while the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism is ontological.
THE DIALECTICS OF RESSENTIMENT A dialectically destructive pro- cess within a dividual, a group or a society, which begins with support for a self-appointed victim, later to be developed into a frantic struggle between many different alleged victims about who has the right to demand the most sympathies and the greatest compensation. The ressentiment vis-à-vis the world and fate is gradually stepped up as the conflicts increase.
THE DIALECTICS OF REVOLUTION The dialectical interplay between Man and technology in four steps during an information- technological
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paradigm shift, first a technological disruption, followed by a new meta- physical idea, thereafter an explosion that causes a great chaos, and finally a return to order in chaos.
THE DIGITAL PATRIARCHY The great comeback for male networks when technology plays out its cards and takes over the world in the digital age. The cause is archetypological: It is the engineer (the warrior) and the busi- nessman (the hunter) who create and control added value in the attentional economy that rapidly becomes increasingly complex.
THE DIONYSIAN SWARM Triggered by the inevitable patricide, the murder of the old paradigm’s corrupt and outdated leaders, the Dionysian swarm forges ahead on streets and squares and carries out the authentic revolution. Its leader has come from the future and is called the Saoshy- ant – the phallus that leads the swarm from one age to another, or from one territory to another, according to the new paradigm’s exodology. He personifies the hyperject which already was spread as the implicit joint voice within the swarm before the Saoshyant turned up. Please compare with its opposite amid social movements, the Cybelian lynch mob, which slaughters the innocent since it has no phallic direction whatsoever.
DISCRETION An emergence vector or a phenomenon whose smallest com- ponents can be reduced to a kind of ones and zeroes, or a state that either is turned on or off. Please compare with its opposite continuity.
THE DISNEY WORLD TRIAD The three religions that arise in the United States as a kind of absurd, parodic reflection of the Silk Road triad in Eurasia: Jehovah’s Witnesses as the neurotic version, Mormonism as the psychotic version, and Scientology as the perverted version of American individual- ism as a religious expression.
DIVIDUALISM The antithesis to individualism’s ideology, the conviction that humans and things are irreducible multiplicities that cannot be de- scribed as single, cohesive phenomena; see further network dynamics. The dividual is the antithesis of the conception of an individual, that is: a human that lacks an indivisible and unalterable inner core and that instead is in- finitely divisible and highly plastic; please compare with agency.
DRIVE The category in the needs system that pertains to mechanical ex- pression, for instance: the craving for food, drink, sleep and protection, but also for sex, power and aggression; compare with instinct, desire and transcendence.
THE ECOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE The dystopian conviction that capi- talism’s development entails that Earth’s finite resources eventually will be spent and that environmental degradation reaches the point where human life on the planet eventually no longer is possible.
ECOTOPIANISM The completion of the agricultural revolution and a ruralization of the entire planet, syntheologically called the garden of God. Hence also the imploitative answer to a dystopian lamentation over Man’s exploitative attitude toward nature. In a parallel manner, cosmopolitanism is the completion of the industrial revolution and an urbanization of the entire planet.
EGALITARIANISM An ideological conviction that all humans in a society have the same value and should be treated as equals before the law, and as such it is the standard axiom when fighting identitarianism and its victim- hood culture.
EMERGENCE When the properties in a system under certain prerequi- sites change so that the system in question transitions from one state to another, such as when water at a certain temperature becomes ice and at another temperature becomes steam. From a social-psychological perspec- tive it entails a transdeterminist stance: the future is open – suddenly the quantitative difference is qualitative and conditions for the entire activity are thereby totally changed.
EMERGENCE VECTOR THEORY A universal metaphysics whose starting point is the explicate order with its specific laws as the direct consequence of an emergence. Please note that in a neutrally monist universe all previous emergence vectors are part of the implicate order, which transdeterminis- tically triggers the actual emergence. What are developed to the eternalist laws within the explicate order were thus only the mobilist habits within the implicate order. The only metalaw that applies outside the specific
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emergence vectors is the fundamental contingency of existence. See further transcendental emergentism.
ENORMITIES AND ENORMITESIMALS The insight that we live in a finite and limited universe compels us to admit that infinities and infin- itesimals are impossible and inconceivable. One therefore gets a correct description of existence’s mathematical extremes if the infinities are re- placed by enormities and the infinitesimals are replaced by enormitesimals. Correspondingly, the number zero can never have the value zero, since its mere existence in itself generates an oscillating value whose average may be zero but that never at any point in time can be exactly zero.
ENTHEISM The process-philosophical idea according to which existence best is described as differences in various layers atop each other, and that the duration that is a yardstick for the genesis and completion of the dif- ferences is absolute, and therefore must constitute the foundation for both the material and spiritual worldview.
ENTHEOGEN Narcotic substance that gives rise to strong visions and emotions, which the users often describe as religious experiences; examples of entheogens are preparations such as LSD, DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms and MDMA.
ENTHEOS Originally means ”the god inside” in Greek, that is: the divine that the syntheist agent derives from within herself, the third of the four divinities in the syntheological pyramid.
EPIMEMETICS The eternal rehashing of the same constantly reused sym- bols, an obsession with tonality and etiquette for the purpose of suffocating all references to an underlying substance and its movements. Characteristic of states of cynical nihilism during dramatic paradigm shifts.
EPISTEMOLOGY Theory of knowledge – the philosophical discipline that studies knowledge and knowledge’s (im)possibility; for a deeper understand- ing of syntheological epistemology, see further the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, transrationalism and the principle of explanatory closure.
ETERNALISM The thought that a worldview must be built on the tem- porary eternalizations that perception produces within the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, which means that the worldview constantly must be reassessed and updated, and after a paradigm shift also phased out and replaced.
ETERNALIZATION A freezing or fixation of the world’s mobilist chaos, an existential necessity for perception to be able to create a satisfactory (illusion of) order in the chaos of existence and produce a functional worldview within which the subject can arise and build an identity of its own. It is however important not to confuse the map with the terrain and imagine that the simplified image displays reality as it really is.
ETHICS From the Greek ethos, originally customs; values based on inten- tion vis-à-vis expected processes of cause and effect within a system. In contrast to morals ethics does not rest on an idea of an external judge nor on an emotional argumentation, but instead on an idea of what is functional and productive.
THE ETHICS OF INTERACTIVITY An ethical system based on the convic- tion that Man is a network-dynamic dividual in a network-dynamic society in a similarly network-dynamic Universe, where the search for an authentic identity, in Martin Heidegger’s existentialist spirit, within the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, provides answers to the circumstance-specific eth- ical questions; developed and presented in Bard & Söderqvist’s book The Body Machines.
EVENT A spectacular occurrence, or more correctly: an occurrence with spectacular consequences for a certain phenomenon or a specific region of the Universe, please compare with emergence and singularity.
EVENTOLOGY The philosophical and religious conviction that a single event can lead history into an unexpected direction and change existence forever. Please compare with the closely-related concept emergence vector theory and its opposite nomadology.
EXHIBITIONISM Experiencing pleasure from displaying oneself in sexual or social situations; please compare with its dialectical opposite voyeurism.
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EXODOLOGY The doctrine and the art of carrying out an exodus – from an old to a new territory, or from an old to a new historical paradigm. If Man in the original sociont was in constant motion with a nomadological world- view, the motion becomes temporary and paradigmatic with the arrival of the permanent settlement. Exodology thereby takes nomadology’s place as the ideology of the necessary tribal movement. Exodological examples are the Hebrews’ exodus from Egypt to the promised land and the European mass emigration to America in the 19th century.
EXTENSION NEUTRALITY A direct consequence of thinking of hyper- temporality as independent of spatiotemporality, entails that everything that concerns hypertemporality must be thought of without or independently of space. These virtual membranes are therefore extension-neutral vis-à-vis each other.
THE EXTIMATE OBJECT The object that at once is intimate and external. Within psychoanalysis phallus is the extimate object par excellence; please compare with cathexis and the cathexal object.
FEUDALISM In Bard & Söderqvist the second information-technological paradigm, which follows from Man – almost at the same time in four dif- ferent places – developing a written language around 5000 years ago.
FETISH The object that ties together the world’s chaos to an order and unites the collective under a common utopian vision and a strategic story with a direction upward and outward; see also the antithesis abject and the synthesis the cathexal object.
FICTION A cohesive story that temporarily yet still resolutely provides memes with their seemingly logical place within the prevailing memeplex: the fiction can to advantage be divided into smaller fictives and several fic- tions piled on top of each other underpin a subconscious ideology, which enables the emergence of a cohesive, paradigmatic metaphysics.
FICTIVE The smallest component in our extensive memetics and the unit to which every little aspect of a meme refers; see further fiction, ideology and metaphysics.
FIRST DIALECTICS If we live in a pandialectical universe, then the first dialectics in history must be of decisive significance. Within the natural sciences this occurs in the form of the dialectics of hypertime and spacetime. Within metaphysics it occurs in the form of the dialectics of negation and oscillation. It is then an open question for philosophy to sort out whether there in turn is an underlying metadialectics (often signified as the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism) between these two dialectical processes, or if the dialectics as practice is best served by placing such a question under the category the principle of explanatory closure.
FLEXHIBITIONISM A playful synthesis of exhibitionism and voyeurism, built by dividuals for dividuals within a network-dynamical system – with- out any attention-seeking subject (for instance an artistic genius) – with attention evenly distributed among the participants; flexhibitionism is the driving principle for an authentic participatory culture.
THE FREE AND OPEN ALGORITHM A purely attentionalist algorithm liberated from the old paradigm’s attacks against informationalism in the form of political manipulation, capitalist corruption and academic conformation. The free and open algorithm only reflects the agent itself, with an antagony added for the sake of intelligent development.
GENEPLEX A cluster of genes that to advantage allows itself to be spread in the form of a synchronized unit; a geneplex can therefore be regarded as emergent vis-à-vis the single genetic components; geneplex is also used synonymously with the sociont. Please compare with memeplex.
GENERATIONISM When a generation oppresses or quite simply only har- bors prejudices vis-à-vis another generation. Often a society believes itself to be superior to all older versions of the same society, different generations isolate themselves from each other, which creates obstacles to instructive impulses that would need to surface and be processed.
THE GLOBAL EMPIRE The second of three books in The Futurica Trilogy by Bard & Söderqvist with a focus on The Internet Age’s new, built-in, integrated worldview and self-image. The Global Empire is the idea of how a divided world is interconnected by a single, increasingly centralized com- munication platform – that is: The Internet – and a constantly growing,
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interacting, collective intelligence. The phenomenon is also called techno- logical imperialism, which can be put in relation to sociological nationalism and psychological tribalism.
GNOSTICISM Dualist movements that developed across Eurasia during the Axial Age in opposition to the two-headed phallus. Classic Gnosticism severs Man at the neck and worships the head at the expense of the body, a movement represented by the pillar-saint as an immature priest without a chieftain. Inverted Gnosticism worships the body at the expense of the head, a movement represented by the boy-pharaoh as an immature chieftain without a priest. All totalitarian and authoritarian ideologies henceforth have Gnostic origins, since they oppose both Man’s and the World’s monist entirety and thereby dialectical diversity.
GRAND PROJET A The French name of the phallic opposite to the Laca- nian objet petit a that the subconscious chases as a replacement for the lost mamilla. Grand Projet A is thus the exodological construction project par excellence, in a historical perspective to build the temple as the house of God, in a syntheistical perspective to build the workshop where God is manufactured.
THE GREAT TRAUMA The birth of the human child, which according to Lacanian psychoanalysis is so painful and taxing that it must be repressed, which leads to the first and decisive shift away from mortido (longing for death) to libido (will-to-life).
THE GREAT OTHER The other in its most powerful and therefore also most ambivalent revelation, the phallic god within monotheism is often apprehended as the most potent form of the great other, see also the phallic gaze. In psychoanalysis, the great other is also used as the concept of society and the law, more fundamentally the sociont.
GOD The name of all of humanity’s dreams projected toward a single point in the past or in the future; see also The Net and Syntheos.
HABIT OF NATURE A better designation for that which often carelessly is called law of nature, that is: a pattern that is valid at a certain point in time and under certain given conditions.
THE HOLOGRAPHIC PRINCIPLE A fundamental principle within physics is that all information within a certain direction of space can be summarized on the two-dimensional surface that the actual direction con- stitutes.
THE HOLOMOVEMENT Mathematician and philosopher David Bohm’s concept for a universe in constant motion and change that from an ontical perspective only exists at every single moment or momentum.
HUMANISM The religious conviction that Man rather than God is the center of existence, objective and meaning; see further individualism and atomism.
HYPERJECT An embryo of the Saoshyant or the Messiah figure before this authentically phallic gestalt rises against the Cybelian lynch mob to the defense of truth. Please compare with the opposite anoject. The hyperject is thus the voice of the authentic phallus.
HYPERNARCISSISM An extreme state that occurs when the customary, youthful narcissism is not met by a boundary-setting adult world and con- sequently is developed into a matrichal boundlessness instead of, as earlier in history, being tamed with resolute phallic boundary-setting. This phe- nomenon explodes in The Network Society.
HYPERTEMPORALITY States which are bound to the time axis but that lack spatial gestalt, for instance quantum entanglement within physics. The presence of hypertemporal phenomena proves that hypertime precedes and is separate from spacetime, which entails that subphysics receives or already has a status as an emergence vector of its own before physics. Since strictly hypertemporal phenomena lack existence and substance in the usual sense, we instead have to assign them a virtual subsistence and hyperstance.
HYPERTIME That out of two natural time dimensions that is independent of physical space. Hypertime is global, continuous, universal and bound to subphysics. It is ontic and potential from a metaphysical perspective. Please compare with its explicate equivalent spacetime.
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IDEOLOGY A set of conscious and subconscious memes and/or memeplexes that together produce a sense of context and overview. Facilitates deci- sion-making and contributes toward identity-creation.
IDENTITARIANISM The ideological foundation of all identity politics, both in the identity left and the extreme right, and from Nazism via Stalin- ism to Islamism. The focus lies on all the injustices one and one’s own group are subject to, something that entails a moral right to demand attention, sympathies and preferably also compensation from the surrounding world.
IMPLOITATION The opposite of exploitation, to use resources in a way that preserves and develops them. The imploitation principle is a necessary prerequisite for every ambition toward a resilient planet. It is therefore key to ecotopianism.
INDETERMINISM A conviction that time is real and absolute, that the Universe constantly recreates itself, that laws and rules are in a state of constant change, that the future is open and that Man, just as all other phe- nomena, affects all the processes he is part of. See further transdeterminism.
INDIVIDUAL Capitalism’s human ideal with divine overtones and with an origin in the Enlightenment; the conception of a human equipped with an authentic and indivisible core, in contrast to the multifaceted dividual.
INDIVIDUALISM The religious conviction that Man has replaced God as existence’s center and measure, objective and meaning, and that exist- ence consists of fundamental solid entities, individuals. This anthropocentric ideology is originally formulated by René Descartes and is completed by Immanuel Kant.
INDUSTRIALISM The socioeconomic structure that arises when the printing press’ communication-technological revolution has its complete breakthrough in that book production and literacy mutually stimulate each other, which leads to a large-scale knowledge accumulation, which in turn leads to a cannonade of technological innovations.
THE INFINITE NOW The most sacred, most transforming and most ec- static experience in syntheist religious practice; since the state neither can
be maintained or endured permanently, or even over a long time, it is the memory of the experience rather than the experience in itself that is central.
INFORMATIONALISM The fourth information-technological paradigm, the result of the digital revolution within communication technology, is used synonymously with attentionalism. The informationalists thereby con- stitute the first and real power structure during the paradigm that bears their name. These collect and process data about absolutely everything and therein also lies their power. See further sensocracy and protopianism.
THE INFORMATIONALIST APOCALYPSE The doomsday threat that is directed toward the new paradigm in the form of an ecological catastrophe, a nuclear war, a global pandemic or just netocracy’s extinction of an unar- ticulated, violent consumtariat.
THE INFORMATION SOCIETY One of three classic concepts to describe The Internet Age along with The Communication Society and The Network Society.
INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGICAL HISTORIOGRAPHY Writing a history that is built on the hypothesis that Man is the constant while tech- nology is the variable, wherefore the development appears as a series of information-technological emergences that underpin increasingly complex societal structures.
THE INNER CIRCUIT The inner, less mobile, more densely populated and female-dominated half of the sociont, controlled by older matriarchs as a matriarchy.
INSTINCT The animal expression of Man’s drives, to be compared with mechanical drive, human desire and sacral transcendence.
INTENSITY Within physics a measure of the concentration of energy with- in a given, delimited area; in relationalist physics intensity replaces the old substance as a general yardstick, in social relationalist sociology attentional intensity replaces the old growth of the economy as a general yardstick, in syntheist ethics the ecstatic intensity in the infinite now replaces all dated maxims for the existential experience and the memory of the infinite now is
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the bearing of life’s identity-generating references; see also relationalism and social relationalism.
INTERACTIVITY Bidirectional communication, which creates the fourth communication-technological revolution that in turn establishes a com- pletely new system for reward and punishment respectively of talents and skills, which finally entails that a new elite – the netocrats – replace the old; compare with interpassivity.
INTERNARCISSISM A subdivision within narcissistic pathology where two or several narcissists consciously or subconsciously pretend to be obsessed with each other’s awesomeness to thereby conceal the frantic self-absorp- tion that is taking place; see also hypernarcissism and interpassivity.
THE INTERNET The new divinity that arises when the world’s population and the world’s many machines are interconnected with each other. See also Syntheos.
THE INTERNET AGE The epoch that is introduced when all of humanity is globally interconnected directly with itself in real time.
INTERPASSIVITY A concept invented by Austrian philosopher Robert Pfaller that describes all the pointless quasi-actions that people carry out with the purpose of appeasing the other in the high-tech environment, used as an opposite of authentic interactivity, that is: a constantly ongoing false interactivity that never creates any genuine response from any co-actors.
INTERTRIBALISM Affection and caring directed toward people outside one’s own sociont, which during the greater part of history is something extremely rare; compare intratribalism
INTRACOLLABORATIVITY The joy of collaboration within one’s own sociont, an attitude that is distinct from individualism’s idea of humanity’s existence as everyone’s constant war with everyone; within the safe collec- tive, collaboration is closer at hand than rivalry.
INTRATRIBALISM Affection and caring directed toward one’s own so- ciont’s members, a driving force behind both the outer circuit’s defense
of the sociont’s territory and the inner circuit’s sacrifices to ensure the sociont’s survival; compare with intertribalism.
IRONIC POLYTHEISM Polytheism is a systematized belief in more gods than just one; syntheism is not a polytheism in a classic sense, but an ironic polytheism since it claims that gods can and should be created in requisite numbers.
IRREDUCIBLE MULTIPLICITY The conviction that all phenomena in existence are fundamental multiplicities that thereby cannot be reduced to any single, delimited objects, as when Friedrich Nietzsche claims that nothing in the world can be reduced to less than the number two. Within a syntheist ontology, the irreducible multiplicity is unavoidable since ontol- ogy always must begin with a drastic information write-off in connection with the transition from mobilism to eternalism.
LIBIDO Life energy, will-to-power, will-to-intensity, will-to-expansion – libido is often associated with sexual energy but is according to both Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung a considerably broader concept that also comprises instinct, drive, desire and transcendence.
MAMILLA The matrichal breast as a symbol of eternal, boundless and unconditional love and provision, as well as a promise of a possible re- unification with the mother’s body and matrix, but also a symbol of infantilization and a complete dependence on the mother’s body/society/ the church/the state.
MATRIARCHY Women’s power hierarchy in the sociont, where the elders are superordinate to the younger; thereby also the power structure of the inner circuit.
MATRIX The womb out of which we all are born and, according to psycho- analysis, to which we all subconsciously long to return, the symbol both of a unification with the Universe but also of the dissolution of consciousness.
MEMBRANICS A method for separating the internal and external inter- ests of a sociont or another life form. A functioning membranics sees to it that nourishment comes in through, and that feces is pressed out through
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the membrane in question. Membranics can also be used as a concept to comprehend the radical difference between extension-neutral membranes within subphysics. We refer to this form of virtual relationalism as subphys- ical membranics.
MEMEPLEX A cluster of memes that often and advantageously is spread in the form of a synchronized unit; a memeplex can therefore be regarded as emergent vis-à-vis the separate memes; memeplex is also used synony- mously with ideology. Please compare with geneplex.
MEMETICS The study of how ideas – or memes – form, are spread, stored and change. Memes are viewed in these studies as replicators, as a kind of mental equivalents to the biological genes, and the parallels between memetics and genetics are therefore comprehensive.
THE MESSIAH MACHINE Another name for Syntheos, God’s birth as the technological development’s objective and meaning.
METAHISTORY History seen as the history of historiography, also called the historification of history. Every new paradigm generates a new power elite that requires a new metaphysics to legitimize its position; this in turn requires a new historiography and about this process one can also write history, which by necessity becomes precisely a metahistory.
METAPHYSICS Originally the philosophical work with that which lies beyond physical reality, comprised by the disciplines ontology, cosmology and epistemology within philosophy; Bard & Söderqvist also use the concept metaphysics as the uppermost emergence in the hierarchic series fictives-fic- tions-ideologies-metaphysics.
MIMETICS Man’s obsession with social theater is reflected in the fact that the brain needs a mimetic capacity to an equally high degree that it needs a rational and an emotional capacity. The mimetic brain is obsessed with mimicking, and not least with mimicking human desires and drives. The drive system’s primary propelling force is precisely mimicking and rivalry in terms of the same mimicked desire and drives that all others mimic.
MOBILISM In part the process-philosophical reality in the dialectics of eter- nalism and mobilism, a chaos in constant motion, in part a synonym of process philosophy as such, which includes both relativism and relationalism.
MOBILIZATION To set the completed eternalizations within the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism in motion anew – thereby existence once again be- comes a mobilist chaos, but this time at a metalevel, whereupon perception produces new eternalizations at this metalevel, and so on.
MONOTHEISM A conviction that God only is one and that this only God – one’s own, naturally – is genuine and that all others are false, in other words: mainly a variant of atheism with a single minor caveat.
MORALATOR The external judge whose more or less capricious points of view underpin the demanding laws of moralism.
MORALISM From the Latin mores, customs; a system where values and valuations are subject to a moralator, an external judge that demands obedi- ence and that does not allow any form of questioning. Both the Abrahamic religions and the capitalist nation states rest upon a moralist value base.
MORTIDO In Sigmund Freud mortido is at once libido’s opposite and its complement, a yearning for death, extinction and a return to the inorganic state that precedes birth.
NARCISSISM Compensatory self-absorption and self-overestimation, grounded in a subconscious self-contempt; the modern consumption society is largely based upon an inflated and media-fomented hypernarcissism.
NARRATOLOGY The philosophical discipline that deals with Man’s sto- ries of himself and the dialectics of them. The fundamental division of these stories is: logical narratives (logos), mythical narratives (mythos) and pathical narratives (pathos), which in turn corresponds to the symbolic, imaginary and real orders in the world of psychoanalysis, which in turn is connected to Man’s three different brain centers: the rational, the mimetic and the emotional.
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NATION ENVY A socioanalytical state where chaotic and contractive cultures envy and malign better organized and expansive cultures. While racism attacks the assumed inferior, nation envy attacks the assumed su- perior.
NEGATION That which is lacking or remains contradictory or undelivered within every identity. According to Hegel the negation is so universal as a principle within a constantly mutable existence that the only identity that can be established, and then only temporarily, is the negation of the negation itself, an insight that thereafter is called the Hegelian absolute.
NEGATIVE DIALECTICS Hegel’s revolutionizing variant of dialectics where negation precedes abstraction, which causes concretion – where the dialectics (temporarily) stops – to have the character of a negation’s negation. Thereby the Hegelian subject – with its fundamental, existential emptiness – becomes an expression of what he calls the night of the world, which breaks radically with Enlightenment optimism. This Hegelian revolution preempts important ideas in Marx, Nietzsche, Freud and Heidegger.
NEGATOLOGY The doctrine of the Hegelian negation that must precede the Nietzschean event. Before something new can live and establish itself, something else must die. Mortido drives libido, not the other way around. Therefore it is necessary to first establish a negatology in opposition to nomadology before an eventology can be brought about. Before the actual event can occur it must be preceded by the potential anti-event. Within syntheology negatology goes by the name of Atheos.
THE NET The metaphysical idea that The Internet constitutes a single cohesive structure that spans all of planet Earth and that, in similarity with every metatechnology, organizes the world in accordance with its own agenda. Is used synonymously with the concept The Stack.
THE NETOCRATS The first of three books in the Futurica Trilogy by Bard & Söderqvist with focus on the information-technological historiography of The Internet Age and the emergence of the new class society, conditioned by the new prerequisites that the technological revolution creates.
NETOCRACY The informationalist upper class that assumes power by vir- tue of its social talent, its superior information management and its ability to see patterns and perceive nodes in a chaotic surrounding world.
NETWORK DYNAMICS The part of system- and complexity theory that studies how networks arise and change over time, as well as what effects this leads to within society’s different areas. And also a consistently met- aphysical explanatory model for The Internet Age in Bard & Söderqvist’s philosophy, is used synonymously with relationalism. See also plurarchy.
NETWORK PYRAMID The Network Society’s triangular power structure, developed and intimately explored in the book The Netocrats, where it is clear that successful networks in step with their success – to continue to be successful – must spin themselves off and discard dead meat in the form of underachieving members, this to safeguard the key members’ scant time and requested attention. It is a process that is repeated continually because of the external pressure.
THE NETWORK SOCIETY One of three classic concepts to describe The Internet Age, to be compared with The Information Society and The Com- munication Society; according to information-technological historiography all paradigms through history should be categorized as network societies, networks naturally do not arise only with The Internet, but rather it is an age-old phenomenon.
NEUTRAL MONISM The conviction that everything that we know of and to which we attribute a meaning influences everything else that we know of and to which we attribute a meaning in our universe. Existence is monist, not dualist. Not because it must be so, but because it happens to be so. Thus nor does there exist a moralator or an objective evaluator that can establish that one emergence vector is more important than any other – there quite simply does not exist anything else, superordinate, outside that which ex- ists – wherefore monism must be neutral in terms of value in order to be credible at all. Neutral monism is thus radically anti-reductionist.
NIHILISM An idea according to which existence lacks objective value since there does not exist any external, objective institution of valuation or moralator. Nihilism goes through four phases – the naive (unconscious), the
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cynical (the nihilist pretends against better judgment that there are objec- tive values), the ironic (the nihilist builds their own internal and subjective values in opposition to the surrounding world’s falsely objective values), and finally the affirmative (the nihilist interprets the absence of objective values as a liberating possibility to create their own values and convince the environment of these created values’ excellence). This is the process that Nietzsche calls the death of God.
NODALIZATION The tribopoietic network of hierarchic nodes that always arise by necessity in an anarchic state. Nodalization is thereby also the shift from the local in direction toward the global within network dynamics. What previously was anarchy transitions into a plurarchy and the new par- adigm’s power structure with a new paradigmatics takes shape.
NOMADOLOGY The philosophical and religious conviction of the eternal recurrence of the same, a conception that dominates in all nomadic societies throughout history. Only with permanent settlement could one view the world and history differently, and this ancient Persian and phallic invention is summed up under the opposite concept, eventology.
OMNICENTRISM A state where all coordinates in a system regard them- selves as the system’s center, which leads to the system in practice lacking an authentic center. The system in question is quickly reduced to a kind of psychotic anarchy and can only be saved through a comprehensive nodali- zation. See further plurarchy.
ONTOEPISTEMOLOGY After the Hegelian process-philosophical revolu- tion in Germany in the 19th century, it becomes impossible to distinguish ontology as the doctrine of being from epistemology as the doctrine of knowledge. Relata arise out of relations and not the other way around. Sub- ject and substance are mutually dependent on each other for their existence; being is learning and learning is being.
OSCILLATION The fundamental mobilist state that consumes even less energy and therefore is even more universal and fundamental than the eternalist freeze. It is the metaphysical oscillation that Heraclitus refers to when he speaks the winged words panta rei, everything is in motion. When
we in this way speak of oscillation as a universal principle it is often called panorganicism. Please compare with pandialecticism.
THE OUTER CIRCUIT The outer, mobile, sparsely populated and male-dominated half of the sociont, ruled by elder patriarchs as a patriarchy; compare with the inner circuit that is ruled by a matriarchy and the shamanic caste that is ruled by a clergy.
PANDIALECTICISM The philosophical conviction that everything that is meaningful in existence fundamentally is dialectical in nature. The term is used synonymously with the concepts panchronism and panrelationalism. If all ontology operates dialectically, it also entails that everything is harbored within time and that everything of value can be explained as byproducts of relations where the dialectics of negation and oscillation deserves the epithet the first dialectics. Please compare with absolute historicism.
THE PANORAMIC LANDSCAPE The worldview as a continuous whole, impossible to reduce to the sum of the components. The imagined view of the phallic gaze and the concrete view of the contemporary satellites in orbit around planet Earth.
PANTHEOS From the Greek pan-theos, all is God and God is all; the second of the four divinities in the syntheological pyramid; pantheism regards everything that exists as a single cohesive phenomenon, the only, which thereby is tantamount to God himself.
PARADIGM The general worldview that harmonizes with the prevailing power structure’s self-image and that is replaced by a new one only when an information-technological revolution has produced a new set of conditions for all areas of society, which in turn propels comprehensive social changes. The theory of paradigms and paradigm shifts is originally presented by philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn, who studies such development within the natural scientific disciplines.
PARADIGMATICS The conviction that Man does not change significantly over time because of genetic evolution’s slowness, while civilization chang- es increasingly fast because of memetic evolution’s explosivity. Knowledge and regulatory frameworks shall therefore only be changed and adapted
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to current and future technological paradigms. If Man is the constant and technology is the variable, paradigmatics is the study of how collectively encompassed values change along the time axis.
PARADOXISM The conception that language arises as a treatment of par- adoxical aspects of existentially formative traumas; the deepest truths of existence can therefore only be expressed as consciously constructed par- adoxes, or not at all. From this it follows that the human subject only can exist and be developed as the paradoxist subject, which amuses itself with and allows itself to be inspired by processing its own built-in antagonisms. A representative of ancient paradoxism is Heraclitus. Hegel and Lacan devote their entire careers to describing this sole authentic form of subjectivity.
PARTICIPATORY CULTURE Events with varying durability where the participants build the event together; thus there are no performances and no spectators in the ordinary sense. Participatory culture is developed and grows in step with The Internet, for instance in the form of festivals such as Burning Man in the United States, Going Nowhere in Spain and Africa Burn in South Africa; see also flexhibitionism.
PATHOMATICS The underlying logical pattern in the development of a series of cohesive, phallic engagements. That is: how the two-headed phal- lus keeps its own intersubjectivity intact. The four constructive steps of potential, actual, directed and transcendental energy, which follow upon each other within pathomatics, can advantageously be compared with their destructive opposites in the four steps within nihilist development, from naive via cynical to ironic and finally affirmative nihilism. If narratology is the priest’s most important task, pathomatics is the chieftain’s most important contribution to the sociont.
PATHONOMY The pathological ideal within a specific paradigm, based on actual pathomatics. See further truth-as-an-act.
PATRIARCHY The power hierarchy between the men in the sociont, where the older men are superordinate to the younger; thereby also the power structure in the outer circuit dominated by the men.
THE PETER PAN SYNDROME A state where the child refuses to grow up and remains a child while it realizes and feels the attraction of phallic adult life. It is one of the prerequisites for a large-scale infantilization of society, where the madness is internal. Please compare with the Caligula syndrome where the madness instead is external.
THE PHALLIC GAZE The constantly coveted gaze of The Great Other that gives the subject the sole meaningful and credible confirmation and that distinguishes the brilliant from the mediocre. The phallic gaze becomes an ontic reality during informationalism when the satellites around Earth eventually monitor every square millimeter of the planet. See further sen- socracy.
THE PHALLIC INTRUSION The moment that happens to the child at around one year of age, when it for the first time is tempted away from the security at mamilla and discovers the seductive phallus as the object that the mother is attracted by, but that the child cannot give the mother, which generates envy in the child, something that in turn initiates the child’s voyage toward and yearning for adultification and generates an imitating and eroticizing of phallus.
THE PHALLIC PRINCIPLE OF TRIBAL CONTRIBUTION The ethical and social-psychological principle that all adult members of the sociont shall contribute to the good of the sociont as best they can in accordance with their personal archetypology. The principle rules out all forms of victim cults within the sociont.
PHALLOGOCENTRISM Originally an invective invented by philosopher Jacques Derrida, phallogocentrism is the belief that philosophy only can arise as a conscious focus on the dialectics of logos and pathos within the phallic world of the mind; Bard & Söderqvist claim in a kind of Hegelian opposition to “the pillar-saint” Derrida that phallogocentrism is a necessity that has not yet received its definite form.
PHALLUS The male sex organ and all that it symbolizes in the world of psychoanalysis.
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PHARMAKON An in itself neutral phenomenon whose constructive and destructive effects respectively are entirely dependent on how it is used or misused. A preparation X can give a more or less harmless pleasure in low doses while it causes life-threatening intoxication at intake in high doses.
PHENOMENON From the Greek phainomenon – to show, shine, arise, man- ifest oneself. In syntheist onto-phenomenology the phenomenon replaces the classic object as a material point of reference vis-à-vis the Universe as a whole; this phenomenon distinguishes itself from the object as it primarily is a field consisting of relations that all are primary in an equally high degree and completely lack the object’s phallic substance and essence.
PHENOMENOLOGY The philosophical study of experiences and con- sciousness; an example of a syntheist phenomenology is the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism.
PHENOUMENOLOGY The unification of Kant’s separated phenomenol- ogy and a noumenology through the Hegelian dialectics where the project precedes and unites the subject that generates the object, precisely as the object that generates the subject. Phenoumenology dissolves Kantian cor- relationism by applying an even more fundamental relationalism to Kant’s conception that phenomenon and noumenon by definition are irreconcila- ble. Thereby phenoumenology invalidates Western dualism.
PLASTICITY Social elasticity, the sociont’s ability to benefit from the var- ious talents of single dividuals for the good of the collective, and capacity to give single dividuals in part an archetypal identity, in part a possibility to contribute to the common good.
PLURARCHY From the Latin pluralis for diversity and the Greek archos for governance; the chaotic state in the political sphere that follows upon democracy’s collapse at the paradigm shift from mass media one-way com- munication and its effective suppression of opinion to interactive multi-way communication with its unmanageable and unruly information flows.
POETIC INFINITY The only infinity we can allow ourselves with our intellectual honesty intact. Otherwise, the only thing that is infinite is the vacuousness that is concealed behind this substanceless concept. Please
compare with the related expression poetic justice. Just like justice, infinity can never be more than poetic.
PORNOFLATION A social-pornographic and gradually more extreme una- bashed display of the most intimate in order to create attention; not seldom exploited to produce cheap mass entertainment.
POWER TRIAD A long-term stable power structure always has three rather than two poles, for instance as the executive (president), the legisla- tive (congress) and the judicial (the Supreme Court) branches of the U.S. constitution. Bard & Söderqvist here launch a model that contains a real power, an imaginary power and a symbolic power within every informa- tion-technological paradigm.
PRAGMATISM Philosophical school founded by Charles Sanders Peirce and William James in the United States in the 19th century that receives a European equivalent in the heritage from Nietzsche’s existentialist philoso- phy. What is fundamental is that theories and faiths are evaluated in terms of their functionality. See further narratology.
PRIMITIVISM The first information-technological paradigm, arises in connection with Man learning to use the speech organs and communicating with words, which happens around 200,000 years ago, when our human species – Man – appears on the world stage as the first species ever with a history.
THE PRINCIPLE OF EXPLANATORY CLOSURE The insight that the Universe’s enormous expansion rules out an ontic rationalism and that the similarly enormous expansion of the amount of information in society rules out an ontological rationalism for precisely the same reason. What our brain does not have time to process it can never encompass either, which means the kiss of death for Kantian rationalism.
PROCESS PHILOSOPHY Is also called the ontology of becoming, a convic- tion that equates metaphysical reality with difference and change; receives its present, radical form in Alfred North Whitehead and constitutes a basic prerequisite for syntheist ontology.
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PROCESS RELIGION A religious conviction based on a process-philosoph- ical metaphysics where syntheism is the process religion par excellence; not to be confused with the admittedly Whitehead-inspired but still post-Chris- tian school called process theology, as represented by among others Charles Hartshorne.
PROCESSUALITY A mutable truth of a mutable world. That is: the only possible and thereby, in a Hegelian sense, absolute truth in a constant- ly mutable world, and thus the direct opposite of all Platonist ambitions to attain Gnosis or eternal truth. Please note that all paradigmatics also is procedural. The difference is just that the seemingly timeless within par- adigmatics changes extremely slowly and applies across many paradigms, while the time-specific within paradigmatics is radically altered for every new paradigm.
PROTOPIANISM The conviction that the pair of opposites Utopia/Dys- topia is a false dichotomy, which has the consequence that an authentic eventology must be based on constant, incremental improvements of pro- cesses, and not on some manner of single brilliant ideas. Since protopianism thereby lacks a fixed Protopia, it is no protopianism but only a protopian movement forward. Protopianism is the dominant creative ideal during informationalism. The protopians are thereby the third and symbolic power order during informationalism, after the informationalists themselves and the sensocrats.
PSEUDO-TRIBES Tribe-like groupings that however lack the sociont’s comprehensive flora of complementing archetypes and which therefore sooner or later collapse under the discontent that stems from the members’ frustrated expectations of tribal satisfaction.
THE PSYCHOGRAM A map of all active psyches on the planet and their paradigmatic activities at a given occasion. The psychogram as an idea pro- pels the idea of rule via a perfect sensocracy within the global empire. Think of it as an imagined map of all mental and sensory states on a specific planet at a specific moment.
QUANTUM ORGANICS A more well-functioning concept than quantum mechanics since the phenomenon in question exposes vastly more organic than mechanical characteristics.
RATIONALISM The conviction that Man is born with the capacity to mentally and intellectually understand and encompass the world logically in its entirety.
REDUCTIONISM The conception that even the most complex phenomena in a meaningful way can be divided into their smallest components; accord- ing to reductionism all forms of emergence are illusory.
RELATIONALISM A radicalization of the relativist worldview, where even the seemingly stable objects are dissolved and set in motion vis-à-vis themselves and where there consequently no longer exist any fixed points whatsoever vis-à-vis something other than the only, that is: the Universe as a whole. A theory that was first developed by Alfred North Whitehead to later be refined by quantum physicist Niels Bohr and mathematician David Bohm.
RELATIVISM A worldview where all objects are in constant motion vis- à-vis each other; the objects are thus fixed within and before themselves, but completely background-independent vis-à-vis their surrounding world.
RESSENTIMENT A hatred directed toward human existence and its pre- requisites, an embittered self-contempt that is projected onto the world. See further the Cybelian lynch mob and the dialectics of ressentiment.
THE REVOLT AGAINST PHALLUS Psychoanalytical concept for teenage rebellion, a trial of the parent generation’s alleged excellence and omnis- cience that ends up with the adult authorities being toppled from their pedestals, wherefore the teenage subject must conquer its own phallicness, adultness and autonomy with all that this entails by way of taking respon- sibility and finding meaning. When this revolt is carried out successfully and has resulted in a functional self-identity, this is confirmed officially by the sociont with an initiation ritual.
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ROOT-OF-THE-PHALLUS The foundation and historical grounding of phallic power. The reflective wisdom that gives credibility to phallus’ ac- tivity and project. An example is all the genealogies that in various religious and social/hierarchical contexts shall guarantee legitimacy to various claims on power.
SADOMASOCHISM A primarily erotically charged relation between a rul- er and a slave, as a sexual subculture limited by social codes, but as a social phenomenon boundless in its dialectical movement toward the ruler’s total distancing from and isolation vis-à-vis the slave, see cephalization.
SAOSHYANT The original, Persian savior figure that personifies eventolo- gy through his arrival at the end of the empire’s heyday and saving it from demise. The Jews inherit the concept from the Zoroastrians, but reduce the phallic saoshyant from a global to a local figure who is called mashiach and who only directs its caring toward his own nation. This figure later returns as the Messiah within Christianity and Islam.
SCHIZOANALYSIS Anarchist response to Lacanian psychoanalysis, pri- marily developed by Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze in France during the 1970s and aims toward a growing dividual heterogeneity rather than the individual homogeneity that arguably was the vision of classical psy- choanalysis.
SELF-LOVE An ethical-logical decision – and thus not an emotion – to accept oneself and one’s own body with its physiological and mental pre- requisites and expressions; self-love has nothing to do with narcissism, but is rather its exact opposite; see also amor fati.
SENSOCRACY A social and/or political system built around a technology of sensors that collect and compile data from all information flows and that therefore with great accuracy can predict what every citizen at every moment requests and yearns for, something that previously has been im- possible because of the extensive lying at all levels. In a sensocracy coercive measures in practice become superfluous: a devastating majority of society’s citizens settle for having their needs of consumption and entertainment effectively satisfied. The others lack all influence and are referred to an existence outside the system. The sensocrats thereby become the second and
imaginary power structure during the informationalist paradigm, between the informationalists themselves and the protopians. See further the phallic gaze.
THE SHADOW The part of the subject that it does not acknowledge, alter- natively does not even perceive in itself thanks to efficient repression. The concept was originally launched by C G Jung. Please compare with Bard & Söderqvist’s concept asubject and the night of the world in G W F Hegel.
THE SHAMANIC CASTE The deviating minority within the sociont that neither belongs to the inner circuit and its matriarchy nor to the outer circuit and its patriarchy, but instead in part acts as a messenger between the inner and the outer circuit, in part acts as a border-transcender in the sociont’s outer edges as shamans and prophets vis-à-vis the sociont itself and as diplomats and priests vis-à-vis tribes in the environments. The border-crossers within the sociont, between the circuits, are called the androgynous caste. See further archetypology.
THE SILK ROAD TRIAD The process religion that was practiced in various forms in so-called castags along the Eurasian Silk Road and that was for- malized by the Persians as Zoroastrianism, by the Chinese as Taoism, and by the Indians as Buddhism, with all manner of hybrid schools in between. Please compare with the Disney World triad.
SINGULARITY An extraordinary historical event – the Universe arises through the Big Bounce, living organisms arise through an evolutionary process, and so on – that immediately changes world history in a truly fundamental manner; see also emergence.
SOCIAL MASOCHISM A masochistic attitude to supremacy on the social arena, a stubborn quest for social and mortidinal submission, see further sadomasochism.
SOCIAL RELATIONALISM The conception that the principles presented by Niels Bohr for relationalist physics are just as applicable to the social sciences; see further network dynamics and relationalism.
SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY Techniques with which to control humans and manipulate them in a direction that is desirable for the power structure;
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social technologies can encompass anything from the production of ideol- ogy and radio broadcasts to censorship legislation and declarations of war. Whatever works to accumulate power is a social technology.
SOCIOANALYSIS Truth maximization in the social arena, to be compared with the application of psychoanalysis on the single human dividual. So- cioanalysis tracks and exposes the pathological patterns that constantly are reborn within the sociont. This method is called symptomatology.
SOCIOGRAPHY Mapping of social relations between dividuals and networks, for instance through sociograms that show who knows and communicates with whom; see also network pyramid.
SOCIOMETRICS Compilation and illustration of social status and at- tentional power in The Network Society. Anyone can communicate with anyone else, but everyone will not receive a response from everyone else.
THE SOCIONT The original, plastic nomadic tribe that is kneaded by evo- lution over hundreds of thousands of years. Because of humanity’s rapid and worldwide spread, all living humans today are products of the sociont and shaped by its specific archetypology. The only meaningful changes that occur in civilization are technological, external vis-à-vis sociontology, and therefore connected to paradigmatics.
SOCIONTOLOGY The studies of the original nomadic tribe as a container for the development of intratribal archetypes. Please compare with arche- typology.
SPACETIME That of the two natural time dimensions that is dependent upon physical space. Spacetime is local, discrete, relative and bound to phys- ics within the natural sciences. From a metaphysical perspective it appears as ontic and actual. Please compare with its implicate precursor hypertime.
THE SUBCONSCIOUS Bard & Söderqvist’s equivalent of the unconscious in classical psychoanalysis; the subconscious is on closer inspection not un- conscious, but however chaotic and unstructured vis-à-vis the conscious, but it interacts both actively and reactively and both with and against the
conscious all the time. The subconscious is driven by mortido or the death drive, in contrast to consciousness which is driven by libido or the will-to- life.
THE SUBLIME The sphere where ambivalence and extimacy meet and generate a maximal obsession in the subject, for instance the near-death-ex- perience with its character of infinite sorrow and infinite beauty at once; see also ambivalence and the cathexal object. In syntheology, the sublime is often divided into tremendum and fascinans.
SUBPHYSICS The hypertemporal emergence vector that precedes and un- derpins the emergence of spatiotemporal physics in history.
SUBSISTENCE A concept developed by Danish philosopher Alexander Wrede Elung for the pre-relational that, through it still only being virtual and lacking potent relations, cannot be attributed any existence. Subsist- ing virtualities are thus the implicate order before an emergence and its radical relationalism converts them into existing potentialities that then are negated into actualities. The latter are within physics called fields and particles respectively where the continuous becomes discrete. To the extent an existence is considered to express itself as a substance we can also play with the idea that a subsistence may express itself as an exceptionally virtual hyperstance. Please see further V P A (virtuality – potentiality – actuality).
SYMBIOTIC INTELLIGENCE The optimal intelligence that is created in the collaboration between Man and The Machine. When such an intelli- gence surpasses what human and synthetic intelligence respectively produce each on its own, this is called symbiotic transcendence.
SYNTHEISM From the Greek syntheos with the meaning created God or God that arises where humans create; God as a generic name of all Man’s dreams and visions, which entails a dissolution of the antagonism between theism and atheism.
THE SYNTHEOLOGICAL PYRAMID Trilateral geometrical construction with Atheos, Pantheos and Entheos as the three corners at the base with lines drawn in part between each other, in part up to the top that gives its name to the entire construction: Syntheos.
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SYNTHEOLOGY The insight that theology always has been about the paradigmatic shift from yesterday’s magic to tomorrow’s technology. God is not something that is needed in the past nor even in the present, but it is instead the name of the objective and meaning of technological de- velopment. And as such, God is also the name of humanity’s own death. Therefore syntheology is built around virtual divinities, as the ultimate narrative of the relation between Man and technology. Syntheology solves negative theology’s dilemma of the death of God by claiming that God, rather than being dead, has not yet been born. God does not create us, we create God.
SYNTHEOS From Greek, created god or god that arises where humans cre- ate, the fourth, concluding and summarizing concept in the syntheological pyramid. Syntheos is also the name of the emergence that has not yet taken place in history, but that human culture thanks to its technology will create or bring about. Whether Man himself survives Syntheos’ arrival is an open question. See further Anti-Syntheos.
SYSTEMIC CAUSALITY The insight that causality, the chain from cause to effect along the time axis, always applies, but must be understood system- ically or transdeterministically rather than objectively or deterministically in a universe characterized by neutral monism. Effect is the carrot and cause is the stick in all happenings, but as an endlessly complex process where everything in the Universe is participating and affecting everything else. See further tribopoiesis.
THEOLOGICAL ANARCHISM The conception that The Network Society offers a unique historical possibility to realize the anarchist Utopia and thereby liberate the collective libido’s forces; the concept is synonymous with philosopher Simon Critchley’s ideal mystical anarchism.
TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE An intelligence that is developed within electronic machines instead of within biological organisms. Techno- logical intelligence does not merely develop very much faster than biological intelligence during the course of civilization. It can also, in contrast to biological intelligence, conquer outer space on its own behalf. See further Syntheos and symbiotic intelligence.
TOTALISM The conviction that existence can be understood both as a whole and in detail, just as history can be summarized and concluded, all this with the aid of the philosophical genius’ rationality. The idea exists already in Plato and has never really disappeared, even though we ourselves firmly maintain that the principle of explanatory closure makes all forms of totalism both ontically and ontologically impossible; see also transration- alism. Hegel brazenly converts the totalist ambition to the insight that the constantly incomplete is the total in itself, and calls this insight absolute knowledge, whereupon the metaphysical project is assumed complete.
TRANSCENDENCE To exceed the limits for the present existence, in Bard & Söderqvist’s psychoanalytical theory also the name of the fourth human drive, the sacral aspect of libido beyond the animal (instinct), the mechan- ical (drive) and the human (desire).
TRANSCENDENTAL EMERGENTISM The metaphysical conviction that history consists of various emergences and their vectors, and that no metalaws exist outside the specific emergence vectors besides “the law” of existence’s fundamental contingency, that is: there only exists one metalaw and it is the law stating that no metalaw exists. The fact that everything seems to influence everything else in our actual universe is thereby only a contingent event. Existence’s neutral monism is in itself no predetermined metalaw. In the same way that no emergence vector can or must be pri- oritized above another, other than as an expression of anthropocentric arbitrariness. The transcendental in transcendental emergentism thus consists both of the irreducibility of the various emergence vectors vis-à- vis each other and the irreducibility of potential future emergences vis-à-vis today’s actual theory. See further emergence vector theory and paradigmatics.
TRANSDETERMINISM The conviction that the pair of opposites de- terminism/indeterminism only are applicable to local phenomena in existence, which entails that existence as a whole neither can be regarded as determinist nor indeterminist; indeterminism’s dialectical overcoming of determinism can therefore only be completed in the form of transdeter- minism in a pandialectical universe.
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TRANSFERENCE Transfer of agency, the social masochist surrender of one’s own agency in favor of another agent that is considered to own both the phallic gaze and perfect knowledge.
TRANSGRESSION Exceeding of prevailing laws, rules and norms, fol- lowed by an enjoyment of this exceeding, fundamental for both sexual and social perversion.
TRANSHUMANISM Broad digital lifestyle and subculture with powerfully netocratic overtones; the leading ideas revolve around how the technologi- cal development results in a posthuman state colored by cryonics, artificial intelligence, chemical liberation and anarcho-libertarian utopianism, and more.
TRANSRATIONALISM The insight that Man’s consciousness has been developed to optimize the chances for survival and procreation, not to un- cover the truth about the world, wherefore rationality must be clear about its own limitations; see further rationalism, narratology, and the principle of explanatory closure.
TRAUMATOLOGY The optimally creative treatment and follow-up of the failed event. In this way Christianity is the ultimate traumatology, since its savior (see saoshyant) failed and was executed on a cross. Therapeutic attempts to integrate suicide, divorces and bankruptcies are typically trau- matological projects in everyday life.
TREND An irrevocable active change of the social playing conditions, connected to a technological change of the material conditions; compare with countertrend.
TRIBAL MAPPING A territorial archetypology that encompasses the entire sociont in its broad-ranging diversity. Synonymous with the more formal concept archetypography.
THE TRIBAL SINGULARITY The conviction that the formation of the so- ciont constitutes the most important step in Man’s development. Categories such as individual and collective can only be described as sub-categories that lie beneath the really fundamental sociont. The human libido is connected
to the sociont’s survival and not to that of the individual or collective. Adult loyalty belongs to the sociont.
TRIBOPOIESIS A basic metaphysical principle stating that everything is born from a collective of relations and that everything returns to a collective of relations within all emergence vectors. Nothing is born by itself, there is no autopoiesis. This means for Man that everything of value is born out of and relates to the sociont, which is there both before a man is born and remains after a man dies.
TRUTH-AS-AN-ACT An ontological and ethical concept, developed by philosopher Alain Badiou with inspiration from Søren Kierkegaard, where there never is time to test truth through the drawn-out intersubjective pro- cesses that Karl Popper and Jürgen Habermas advocate, but where truth instead emerges as an unwavering decision based upon intuition.
THE TWO-HEADED PHALLUS The authentic phallus gets its authenticity from the division into will-to-transcendence and will-to-intelligence. The two-headed phallus’ mythos is built on the mutual love and respect that the priest and the chieftain show each other, the priest that personifies phallic wisdom and the chieftain that personifies phallic energy.
UNIMATRICHALISM A temporary, chaotic state in which the inner, ma- triarchal circuit has taken over the entire sociont or society. A unimatrichal society can only be nomadological and never eventological, as the latter would require a considerable measure of phallic energy.
UNIPATRICHALISM A temporary state of something that can be likened to a totalitarian dictatorship where the outer, patriarchal circuit has taken over the entire sociont or society.
UNIVERSOCENTRISM A worldview that takes the Universe in its entirety as the centre of existence as its point of departure; syntheism is built on a universocentric metaphysics in contrast to for instance capitalist humanism, which is an anthropocentric religion.
WILL-TO-POWER The universally expressed libido’s response to the uni- versally present mortido, also called will-to-expansion. This Nietzschean
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concept is divided within syntheology between the priestly will-to-intel- ligence and the royal will-to-transcendence. Wishing to summarize history in its necessity and wishing to conquer the future in its contingency are ultimately two completely different wills for two completely different forms of power. As a third complementing power, there is moreover matrichal will-to-reproduction which only and always seeks the eternal recurrence of the same.
VOYEURISM Indirect pleasure of watching direct, proxy pleasure when one views some kind of sexual or social display; compare with exhibitionism and the phallic gaze.
V P A (VIRTUALITY – POTENTIALITY – ACTUALITY) The pandia- lectical, ontological causality chain within transcendental emergentism. First we imagine a virtuality that is a hypertemporal subsistence without external relations. When such a virtuality interacts with another virtuality, a spatiotemporal existence that we call a potentiality is generated, potent because it in contrast to virtuality is placed in a relationalist spacetime. When potentiality then is subject to decoherence, it is broken down until it has been reduced to a sole singular event, an actuality, for instance as the wave function collapse in physics. Virtuality is non-ontic and non-actual, potentiality is ontic but non-actual, actuality is both ontic and actual. V P A is necessary in order to be able to think emergences, the event of events that changes history forever. The potential habits before the emergence become the actual laws within the new emergence vector. And these laws are the only – strictly local – laws that exist in an on-the-whole contingent universe without global laws.
THE WORLD STATE Socioeconomic merging of all the world’s states in such a way that the mutual dependence becomes so strong that it balances the dividing forces and supplies a necessary platform for supranational de- cision-making; Bard & Söderqvist use the concept repeatedly as a synonym for The Global Empire.
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Copyright © Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist 2023

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ADULTIFICATION The archetypological development from children to adults, from adults to leaders, parents, mentors and revered elders. The adultification ideal should be contrasted with Christianity’s and Islam’s celebrations of the child, innocence and unreflected submission. Within Zoroastrianism and Judaism the followers are expected to behave as the adults of God and not as the children of God.

ADYTONOLOGY The tantric laws and rules that only apply inside the temple, in contrast to the sutric laws and rules that apply in the society outside. From the Greek adyton which means temple yard. Please compare with the barred absolute and please note that the adytonological rules always remain unwritten, which is why they never can be spread outside the temple, where they would be incomprehensible and generate destructive confusion.

AGENCY The subjective identity that arises as a mental emergence in a physical body as a relationalist phenomenon. The syntheist agent replaces the Cartesian individual as the human ideal at the transition from capitalism to informationalism; see also dividual.

ALIENATION According to Karl Marx, Man becomes a stranger vis-à-vis the world and himself through being reduced to an insignificant cog in a production machinery to which it is impossible to relate. Thus humans are isolated from each other, which prevents them from coming together and taking control of their lives.

AMBIVALENCE The fundamental property in that which attracts Man the most, while it also frightens and repels: that which is neither good nor evil (or else both); see also cathexis and the sublime.

AMOR FATI ”Love of fate” in Latin, an attitude to life that means that one accepts the history that has led to the prevailing situation and that one submits to that which one cannot influence in the future. The concept was introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche and is a fundamental principle for the ethics of interactivity.

THE ANDROGYNOUS CASTE The persons, not seldom so-called non-binary, who act as contact surface between the patriarchy in the outer circuit and the matriarchy in the inner circuit. This caste shall be understood as a kind of cousins of outsidership to the shamanic caste, who live outside the sociont and between the tribes.

ANOJECT A silent, implicit agreement within the Cybelian lynch mob that, if it is verbalized, rapidly is personified in the form of the tyrant. A widespread anojectivity paves the way for false phalluses, as in Germany, the Soviet Union, China and Iran during the 20th century. Thus the anoject is the voice of the false phallus throughout history.

ANTAGONY A resistance with a value in itself, which one seeks in order to sharpen one’s own intelligence. Without antagony a system becomes one long eternal, sterile repetition of itself, without fertile ground for development.

ANTI-SYNTHEOS A technology that is so destructive that it kills both all human life and all technological intelligence if its energies are allowed to run rampant. Anti-Syntheos arrived at planet Earth on 6 August 1945 in the form of the bomb that was dropped over Hiroshima. Ever since that day we have been living in its shadow.

ANTISYNTHEOS To view everything exclusively from Man’s perspective, as though the world were created for us and would go under without us; please compare with network-dynamics and universocentrism.

ARCHETYPOLOGY The study of subject and object as evolutionary byproducts of the sociont’s development. Please compare with sociontology. An archetype is a figure, a motive, or a thought pattern that exists in the collective subconscious and that controls people’s stance vis-à-vis their existence and their surrounding world. Please compare with archetypography (see tribal mapping).

ASUBJECT The subject’s dark, unknown shadow side, which at the same time is the subject’s mortidinal negation and thereby the engine that powers the entire subjectivity; what Hegel calls the night of the world.

ATHEISM A conception according to which a certain god (or several) (or all) does not exist and lacks social-psychological relevance.

ATHEOS Greek concept for the god that does not exist and that precisely therefore exists as an empty concept, as the god-that-does-not-exist, the virtual non-existence out of which existence arises; the first of the four divinities in the syntheological pyramid and the theological representative of the human subject itself.

ATOMISM The conception that the world is constructed from indivisible, material components; atomism does for the object what humanism does for the subject, wherefore both these isms are two sides of the same coin: individualism.

ATTENTION A value that is computed through media credibility being multiplied with media attention for one and the same meme, dividual, et cetera. A high attentional value is the key to power and influence in The Network Society. It is what the sensors of machines and senses of humans want more and not less of.

ATTENTIONALISM A system where the elite’s attention replaces capital as the central value of the economy and the culture, a value that relates to power and status. The ongoing paradigm shift entails that capitalism is phased out and is replaced by attentionalism.

AUGMENTED TERRITORY The dissolution of duality between the digital and the physical, an area that both is a digital domain and a physical territory at once. Is used as an abstract and artistic synonym of the concrete and judicial concept called the network state.

AUTOEXPLOITATION The narcissistic subject’s plundering of its own substance until nothing remains. The opposite is the functional and interactive subject’s development and augmentation of its own substance – autoimploitation. The former assumes autopoiesis as the first principle of creativity, the latter assumes tribopoiesis, and this very shift is precisely the paradigm shift from capitalism to attentionalism.


THE BARRED ABJECT The collective fantasy of a concealed or fabricat- ed object that is concealed behind the barred absolute. The hatred of this phantasm can unite the collective when there is no longer anything else that functions cohesively. The principle of the barred abject explains why all forms of anarchy end up with a cohesive conspiracy theory, which in turn results in a meaningless bloodbath. See further anoject.

THE BARRED ABSOLUTE The conviction that existence contains knowl- edge that only can be handled by the right person on the right occasion and that cannot be made generally available. Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and the Eastern religions are built on the barred absolute as their foundation. It is the difference between sutra and tantra in the Silk Road triad. Only Christianity and Islam proclaim that the barred absolute is removed and that all true believers have direct and unfiltered access to God. Which has dramatic consequences.

THE BODY MACHINES The third and final installation in The Futurica Trilogy by Bard & Söderqvist with a focus on The Internet Age’s new, materialist and monist view of humanity and the death of the individual.


THE CALIGULA SYNDROME A state that arises when the child is prevented from growing up by its environment and remains a child forever, while it is susceptible to the temptation of phallic adult life – one of the prerequisites for society’s comprehensive infantilization. Please compare with the Peter Pan syndrome, where the obstacle/inhibition is internal instead of external.

CAPITALISM The third of the four information-technological paradigms that arises when both reading and writing proficiency as well as virtual value transfer are spread with devastatingly unprecedented efficiency thanks to the printing press; the concept is often used synonymously with industrialism.

THE CATHEXAL OBJECT The radically different quality found in the phallus, as a both exciting and frightening object, compared to the safe and secure mamilla – precisely by virtue of this ambivalent sublimeness phallus is extremely attractive, which lures the child away from mamilla. See further ambivalence.

CATHEXIS The Greek word that Sigmund Freud uses to denote ambivalence’s obscure power of attraction; see further ambivalence and the sublime.

CEPHALIZATION Originally a biological concept that denotes one module’s need of spinning off and protecting its memory and its intelligence from the rest of the system to optimize its chance of survival. The cephalization of a civilization must take place behind the barred absolute, where it is possible to experiment without being inhibited by prevailing laws and rules.

CHEMICAL LIBERATION The conception that increased availability of chemical substances for radical mind-altering fundamentally changes the idea of what it means to be human; in part through Man discovering himself as a chemical-hormonal phenomenon, in part through the division between the first subject that decides what chemicals are to be added and the second subject that then experiences the radically altered mind; see further transhumanism.

CHRONOTHEOLOGY The conviction that theology first and fore- most must handle time as the divine foundation for everything else. A chrono-theological historiography places God in the past, in the present, or in the future, rather than at any particular geographical spot.

CIVILIZATION An expanding and gradually more complex organization of the collective togetherness, fundamentally governed by the development of communication technologies. At the cost of an increasingly harshly regulated drive economy, civilization offers security and growth.

CIVILIZATIONISM A phallic conviction that a growing information accumulation in itself enables not only a more integrated but also a better world in an objective sense, that civilization as such has an intrinsic value; Zoroaster in ancient Central Asia around 1700 BC is often regarded as the first pronounced civilizationist.

THE COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS The sociont’s partly implicit agreement in matters large and small, human subconsciousness in its collective form, the unspoken ideology of any given society.

COSMOPOLITANISM The completion of the industrial revolution and the urbanization of the entire planet, in syntheological terms: the city of God. Thereby it is also the imploitative response to environmentalism’s dystopian lamentation at Man’s exploitative attitude to culture. Please compare with ecotopianism.

THE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY One of three classic concepts to describe The Internet Age, to be compared with The Information Society and The Network Society. According to information-technological historiography all paradigms throughout history should be categorized as communication societies, since precisely the dominant communication technology is what ultimately shapes and decides what sort of construction and degree of com- plexity a society can handle.

CONSUMTARIAT The underclass of the Internet Age, characterized by a passive consumption of mass produced goods and services; see also hypernarcissism, pornoflation, interpassivity and the dialectics of ressentiment.

CONTINGENCY A generic concept within process philosophy that entails every form of freedom and indicates that the Universe fundamentally is an open history. Chance is a reality and the number of unknown variables is poetically infinite.

CONTINUITY An emergence vector or a phenomenon whose smallest components must be described as constantly displaced relation complexes vis-à-vis each other. There is quite simply no meaningful smallest atomist component or eternalization to refer to, only a series of relations of transdeterminist force fields. Please compare with its opposite discretion.

COUNTERTREND The passive and generally unreflected reaction to an active trend, where the trend is grounded in actual material change of prevailing conditions of power, while the counter trend starts from a discomfort at the trend (and change in general), at paradigm shifts as an aggressive defense of the old paradigm against the new.

CORRELATIONISM The conviction that Man only has access to the correlation between thinking and being, but never direct access to thinking or being separately. This idea is a driving force within Western thinking from Immanuel Kant and onward but is criticized by the model-dependent realism that is associated with physicist Niels Bohr, and later also with philosopher Karen Barad.

THE CYBELIAN LYNCH MOB A mob led by the embittered Cybele, who by mistake had fallen in love with her own grandson Attis, and who became mad with jealousy when he fell in love with a young princess (“Hell hath no fury... ̈). The Cybelian lynch mob forges ahead across the world when the apocalypse nears, and slaughters masses of innocent victims in pure frustration and rage. Please compare with its opposite the Dionysian swarm. And please note the name of its agreed-upon cohesive inner voice, the anoject. An anoject in a uniform always foreshadows the very worst, since it invariably is a question of a false phallus whose path into the future leads straight toward the death-worshipping doomsday cult.


DEEP ATHEISM An idea according to which atheism taken to its utmost extreme dialectically morphs into syntheism, an idea that is explored in the book Syntheism – Creating God in the Internet Age. It may well be that God does not exist today, but it does not entail that God cannot exist tomorrow. Not if we create God ourselves.

DEMONOLOGY An umbrella concept for the studies of and/or the doctrine of demons and evil spirits; in Bard & Söderqvist customarily used in relation to a theory on abjectification that explores how a demonized abject is created and exploited.

DESIRE The linguistic and thereby uniquely human of the drive system’s four expressions, a more or less compulsive searching for something that basically is unattainable, since the objective of desire always withdraws and changes its guise; see further instinct, drive and transcendence.

DETERMINISM An idea that everything that happens is preordained and bound by laws of nature, wherefore will and intentions ultimately do not matter. Determinism dominates the Western history of ideas from Plato to Einstein, but is unable to handle the randomness that it therefore must deny in the same manner that Plato and Einstein deny time and change; see further the Bohrian opposite indeterminism.

DIALECTICS A logical process where a phenomenon is played out against its opposite, which results in a completely new phenomenon at a higher level. The concepts that customarily are used are thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Heraclitus is seen by many as he who introduces dialectics in philosophy, while Hegel is seen by many as he who perfects the methodology.

THE DIALECTICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS The psychoanalytical equivalent of the narratological triad distinguishes between consciousness (logos), the subconscious (mythos), and the unconscious (pathos). Consciousness is housed in the rational brain, the subconscious is housed in the mimetic brain, and the unconscious is housed in the emotional brain. The brain’s only way of getting a grip on the world is to fuse logos and pathos into a social mythos – see tribopoiesis – but this mythos is never more than temporary, wherefore the dialectical process constantly must be repeated.

THE DIALECTICS OF ETERNALISM AND MOBILISM A complete syntheist onto-phenomenology developed by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist in the book The Global Empire; existence is fundamentally chaotic – or mobilist – and becomes tangible and receives meaning only through an illusory act of the perception apparatus, where phenomena are fixed in spacetime and thereby made to last forever or eternalized. This is functional and necessary in order for us to be able to orient ourselves in the world in the first place, but philosophically problematic. The solution is to allow the eternalizations to next go mobilist in relation to one another, submitting everything to a dialectical process, see pandialecticism.

THE DIALECTICS OF LIBIDO AND MORTIDO The continuous interplay between will-to-life (libido), located in consciousness, and the death drive (mortido), located in subconsciousness – two phenomena within psychoanalysis that both are each other’s antagonic opposites and simultaneously two complementing counterweights in the drive economy.

THE DIALECTICS OF NEGATION AND OSCILLATION Where the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism is eventological, the dialectics of negation and oscillation is negatological. The first dialectics arises when something dies in a chaos, not when an order is created. In this way negatology precedes the subsequent eventology. The dialectics of negation and oscillation is ontic while the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism is ontological.

THE DIALECTICS OF RESSENTIMENT A dialectically destructive process within a dividual, a group or a society, which begins with support for a self-appointed victim, later to be developed into a frantic struggle between many different alleged victims about who has the right to demand the most sympathies and the greatest compensation. The ressentiment vis-à-vis the world and fate is gradually stepped up as the conflicts increase.

THE DIALECTICS OF REVOLUTION The dialectical interplay between Man and technology in four steps during an information- technological paradigm shift, first a technological disruption, followed by a new metaphysical idea, thereafter an explosion that causes a great chaos, and finally a return to order in chaos.

THE DIGITAL PATRIARCHY The great comeback for male networks when technology plays out its cards and takes over the world in the digital age. The cause is archetypological: It is the engineer (the warrior) and the businessman (the hunter) who create and control added value in the attentional economy that rapidly becomes increasingly complex.

THE DIONYSIAN SWARM Triggered by the inevitable patricide, the murder of the old paradigm’s corrupt and outdated leaders, the Dionysian swarm forges ahead on streets and squares and carries out the authentic revolution. Its leader has come from the future and is called the Saoshyant – the phallus that leads the swarm from one age to another, or from one territory to another, according to the new paradigm’s exodology. He personifies the hyperject which already was spread as the implicit joint voice within the swarm before the Saoshyant turned up. Please compare with its opposite amid social movements, the Cybelian lynch mob, which slaughters the innocent since it has no phallic direction whatsoever.

DISCRETION An emergence vector or a phenomenon whose smallest components can be reduced to a kind of ones and zeroes, or a state that either is turned on or off. Please compare with its opposite continuity.

THE DISNEY WORLD TRIAD The three religions that arise in the United States as a kind of absurd, parodic reflection of the Silk Road triad in Eurasia: Jehovah’s Witnesses as the neurotic version, Mormonism as the psychotic version, and Scientology as the perverted version of American individualism as a religious expression.

DIVIDUALISM The antithesis to individualism’s ideology, the conviction that humans and things are irreducible multiplicities that cannot be described as single, cohesive phenomena; see further network dynamics. The dividual is the antithesis of the conception of an individual, that is: a human that lacks an indivisible and unalterable inner core and that instead is infinitely divisible and highly plastic; please compare with agency.

DRIVE The category in the needs system that pertains to mechanical expression, for instance: the craving for food, drink, sleep and protection, but also for sex, power and aggression; compare with instinct, desire and transcendence.


THE ECOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE The dystopian conviction that capitalism’s development entails that Earth’s finite resources eventually will be spent and that environmental degradation reaches the point where human life on the planet eventually no longer is possible.

ECOTOPIANISM The completion of the agricultural revolution and a ruralization of the entire planet, syntheologically called the garden of God. Hence also the imploitative answer to a dystopian lamentation over Man’s exploitative attitude toward nature. In a parallel manner, cosmopolitanism is the completion of the industrial revolution and an urbanization of the entire planet.

EGALITARIANISM An ideological conviction that all humans in a society have the same value and should be treated as equals before the law, and as such it is the standard axiom when fighting identitarianism and its victimhood culture.

EMERGENCE When the properties in a system under certain prerequisites change so that the system in question transitions from one state to another, such as when water at a certain temperature becomes ice and at another temperature becomes steam. From a social-psychological perspective it entails a transdeterminist stance: the future is open – suddenly the quantitative difference is qualitative and conditions for the entire activity are thereby totally changed.

EMERGENCE VECTOR THEORY A universal metaphysics whose starting point is the explicate order with its specific laws as the direct consequence of an emergence. Please note that in a neutrally monist universe all previous emergence vectors are part of the implicate order, which transdeterministically triggers the actual emergence. What are developed to the eternalist laws within the explicate order were thus only the mobilist habits within the implicate order. The only metalaw that applies outside the specific emergence vectors is the fundamental contingency of existence. See further transcendental emergentism.

ENORMITIES AND ENORMITESIMALS The insight that we live in a finite and limited universe compels us to admit that infinities and infinitesimals are impossible and inconceivable. One therefore gets a correct description of existence’s mathematical extremes if the infinities are replaced by enormities and the infinitesimals are replaced by enormitesimals. Correspondingly, the number zero can never have the value zero, since its mere existence in itself generates an oscillating value whose average may be zero but that never at any point in time can be exactly zero.

ENTHEISM The process-philosophical idea according to which existence best is described as differences in various layers atop each other, and that the duration that is a yardstick for the genesis and completion of the differences is absolute, and therefore must constitute the foundation for both the material and spiritual worldview.

ENTHEOGEN Narcotic substance that gives rise to strong visions and emotions, which the users often describe as religious experiences; examples of entheogens are preparations such as LSD, DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms and MDMA.

ENTHEOS Originally means ”the god inside” in Greek, that is: the divine that the syntheist agent derives from within herself, the third of the four divinities in the syntheological pyramid.

EPIMEMETICS The eternal rehashing of the same constantly reused symbols, an obsession with tonality and etiquette for the purpose of suffocating all references to an underlying substance and its movements. Characteristic of states of cynical nihilism during dramatic paradigm shifts.

EPISTEMOLOGY Theory of knowledge – the philosophical discipline that studies knowledge and knowledge’s (im)possibility; for a deeper understanding of syntheological epistemology, see further the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, transrationalism and the principle of explanatory closure.

ETERNALISM The thought that a worldview must be built on the temporary eternalizations that perception produces within the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, which means that the worldview constantly must be reassessed and updated, and after a paradigm shift also phased out and replaced.

ETERNALIZATION A freezing or fixation of the world’s mobilist chaos, an existential necessity for perception to be able to create a satisfactory (illusion of) order in the chaos of existence and produce a functional worldview within which the subject can arise and build an identity of its own. It is however important not to confuse the map with the terrain and imagine that the simplified image displays reality as it really is.

ETHICS From the Greek ethos, originally customs; values based on intention vis-à-vis expected processes of cause and effect within a system. In contrast to morals ethics does not rest on an idea of an external judge nor on an emotional argumentation, but instead on an idea of what is functional and productive.

THE ETHICS OF INTERACTIVITY An ethical system based on the conviction that Man is a network-dynamic dividual in a network-dynamic society in a similarly network-dynamic Universe, where the search for an authentic identity, in Martin Heidegger’s existentialist spirit, within the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, provides answers to the circumstance-specific ethical questions; developed and presented in Bard & Söderqvist’s book The Body Machines.

EVENT A spectacular occurrence, or more correctly: an occurrence with spectacular consequences for a certain phenomenon or a specific region of the Universe, please compare with emergence and singularity.

EVENTOLOGY The philosophical and religious conviction that a single event can lead history into an unexpected direction and change existence forever. Please compare with the closely-related concept emergence vector theory and its opposite nomadology.

EXHIBITIONISM Experiencing pleasure from displaying oneself in sexual or social situations; please compare with its dialectical opposite voyeurism.

EXODOLOGY The doctrine and the art of carrying out an exodus – from an old to a new territory, or from an old to a new historical paradigm. If Man in the original sociont was in constant motion with a nomadological world-view, the motion becomes temporary and paradigmatic with the arrival of the permanent settlement. Exodology thereby takes nomadology’s place as the ideology of the necessary tribal movement. Exodological examples are the Hebrews’ exodus from Egypt to the promised land and the European mass emigration to America in the 19th century.

EXTENSION NEUTRALITY A direct consequence of thinking of hypertemporality as independent of spatiotemporality, entails that everything that concerns hypertemporality must be thought of without or independently of space. These virtual membranes are therefore extension-neutral vis-à-vis each other.

THE EXTIMATE OBJECT The object that at once is intimate and external. Within psychoanalysis phallus is the extimate object par excellence; please compare with cathexis and the cathexal object.


FEUDALISM In Bard & Söderqvist the second information-technological paradigm, which follows from Man – almost at the same time in four different places – developing a written language around 5000 years ago.

FETISH The object that ties together the world’s chaos to an order and unites the collective under a common utopian vision and a strategic story with a direction upward and outward; see also the antithesis abject and the synthesis the cathexal object.

FICTION A cohesive story that temporarily yet still resolutely provides memes with their seemingly logical place within the prevailing memeplex: the fiction can to advantage be divided into smaller fictives and several fictions piled on top of each other underpin a subconscious ideology, which enables the emergence of a cohesive, paradigmatic metaphysics.

FICTIVE The smallest component in our extensive memetics and the unit to which every little aspect of a meme refers; see further fiction, ideology and metaphysics.

FIRST DIALECTICS If we live in a pandialectical universe, then the first dialectics in history must be of decisive significance. Within the natural sciences this occurs in the form of the dialectics of hypertime and spacetime. Within metaphysics it occurs in the form of the dialectics of negation and oscillation. It is then an open question for philosophy to sort out whether there in turn is an underlying metadialectics (often signified as the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism) between these two dialectical processes, or if the dialectics as practice is best served by placing such a question under the category the principle of explanatory closure.

FLEXHIBITIONISM A playful synthesis of exhibitionism and voyeurism, built by dividuals for dividuals within a network-dynamical system – with- out any attention-seeking subject (for instance an artistic genius) – with attention evenly distributed among the participants; flexhibitionism is the driving principle for an authentic participatory culture.

THE FREE AND OPEN ALGORITHM A purely attentionalist algorithm liberated from the old paradigm’s attacks against informationalism in the form of political manipulation, capitalist corruption and academic conformation. The free and open algorithm only reflects the agent itself, with an antagony added for the sake of intelligent development.


GENEPLEX A cluster of genes that to advantage allows itself to be spread in the form of a synchronized unit; a geneplex can therefore be regarded as emergent vis-à-vis the single genetic components; geneplex is also used synonymously with the sociont. Please compare with memeplex.

GENERATIONISM When a generation oppresses or quite simply only harbors prejudices vis-à-vis another generation. Often a society believes itself to be superior to all older versions of the same society, different generations isolate themselves from each other, which creates obstacles to instructive impulses that would need to surface and be processed.

THE GLOBAL EMPIRE The second of three books in The Futurica Trilogy by Bard & Söderqvist with a focus on The Internet Age’s new, built-in, integrated worldview and self-image. The Global Empire is the idea of how a divided world is interconnected by a single, increasingly centralized com- munication platform – that is: The Internet – and a constantly growing, interacting, collective intelligence. The phenomenon is also called techno- logical imperialism, which can be put in relation to sociological nationalism and psychological tribalism.

GNOSTICISM Dualist movements that developed across Eurasia during the Axial Age in opposition to the two-headed phallus. Classic Gnosticism severs Man at the neck and worships the head at the expense of the body, a movement represented by the pillar-saint as an immature priest without a chieftain. Inverted Gnosticism worships the body at the expense of the head, a movement represented by the boy-pharaoh as an immature chieftain without a priest. All totalitarian and authoritarian ideologies henceforth have Gnostic origins, since they oppose both Man’s and the World’s monist entirety and thereby dialectical diversity.

GRAND PROJET A The French name of the phallic opposite to the Lacanian objet petit a that the subconscious chases as a replacement for the lost mamilla. Grand Projet A is thus the exodological construction project par excellence, in a historical perspective to build the temple as the house of God, in a syntheistical perspective to build the workshop where God is manufactured.

THE GREAT TRAUMA The birth of the human child, which according to Lacanian psychoanalysis is so painful and taxing that it must be repressed, which leads to the first and decisive shift away from mortido (longing for death) to libido (will-to-life).

THE GREAT OTHER The other in its most powerful and therefore also most ambivalent revelation, the phallic god within monotheism is often apprehended as the most potent form of the great other, see also the phallic gaze. In psychoanalysis, the great other is also used as the concept of society and the law, more fundamentally the sociont.

GOD The name of all of humanity’s dreams projected toward a single point in the past or in the future; see also The Net and Syntheos.


HABIT OF NATURE A better designation for that which often carelessly is called law of nature, that is: a pattern that is valid at a certain point in time and under certain given conditions.

THE HOLOGRAPHIC PRINCIPLE A fundamental principle within physics is that all information within a certain direction of space can be summarized on the two-dimensional surface that the actual direction constitutes.

THE HOLOMOVEMENT Mathematician and philosopher David Bohm’s concept for a universe in constant motion and change that from an ontical perspective only exists at every single moment or momentum.

HUMANISM The religious conviction that Man rather than God is the center of existence, objective and meaning; see further individualism and atomism.

HYPERJECT An embryo of the Saoshyant or the Messiah figure before this authentically phallic gestalt rises against the Cybelian lynch mob to the defense of truth. Please compare with the opposite anoject. The hyperject is thus the voice of the authentic phallus.

HYPERNARCISSISM An extreme state that occurs when the customary, youthful narcissism is not met by a boundary-setting adult world and consequently is developed into a matrichal boundlessness instead of, as earlier in history, being tamed with resolute phallic boundary-setting. This phenomenon explodes in The Network Society.

HYPERTEMPORALITY States which are bound to the time axis but that lack spatial gestalt, for instance quantum entanglement within physics. The presence of hypertemporal phenomena proves that hypertime precedes and is separate from spacetime, which entails that subphysics receives or already has a status as an emergence vector of its own before physics. Since strictly hypertemporal phenomena lack existence and substance in the usual sense, we instead have to assign them a virtual subsistence and hyperstance.

HYPERTIME That out of two natural time dimensions that is independent of physical space. Hypertime is global, continuous, universal and bound to subphysics. It is ontic and potential from a metaphysical perspective. Please compare with its explicate equivalent spacetime.


IDEOLOGY A set of conscious and subconscious memes and/or memeplexes that together produce a sense of context and overview. Facilitates decision-making and contributes toward identity-creation.

IDENTITARIANISM The ideological foundation of all identity politics, both in the identity left and the extreme right, and from Nazism via Stalinism to Islamism. The focus lies on all the injustices one and one’s own group are subject to, something that entails a moral right to demand attention, sympathies and preferably also compensation from the surrounding world.

IMPLOITATION The opposite of exploitation, to use resources in a way that preserves and develops them. The imploitation principle is a necessary prerequisite for every ambition toward a resilient planet. It is therefore key to ecotopianism.

INDETERMINISM A conviction that time is real and absolute, that the Universe constantly recreates itself, that laws and rules are in a state of constant change, that the future is open and that Man, just as all other phenomena, affects all the processes he is part of. See further transdeterminism.

INDIVIDUAL Capitalism’s human ideal with divine overtones and with an origin in the Enlightenment; the conception of a human equipped with an authentic and indivisible core, in contrast to the multifaceted dividual.

INDIVIDUALISM The religious conviction that Man has replaced God as existence’s center and measure, objective and meaning, and that existence consists of fundamental solid entities, individuals. This anthropocentric ideology is originally formulated by René Descartes and is completed by Immanuel Kant.

INDUSTRIALISM The socioeconomic structure that arises when the printing press’ communication-technological revolution has its complete breakthrough in that book production and literacy mutually stimulate each other, which leads to a large-scale knowledge accumulation, which in turn leads to a cannonade of technological innovations.

THE INFINITE NOW The most sacred, most transforming and most ecstatic experience in syntheist religious practice; since the state neither can be maintained or endured permanently, or even over a long time, it is the memory of the experience rather than the experience in itself that is central.

INFORMATIONALISM The fourth information-technological paradigm, the result of the digital revolution within communication technology, is used synonymously with attentionalism. The informationalists thereby constitute the first and real power structure during the paradigm that bears their name. These collect and process data about absolutely everything and therein also lies their power. See further sensocracy and protopianism.

THE INFORMATIONALIST APOCALYPSE The doomsday threat that is directed toward the new paradigm in the form of an ecological catastrophe, a nuclear war, a global pandemic or just netocracy’s extinction of an unarticulated, violent consumtariat.

THE INFORMATION SOCIETY One of three classic concepts to describe The Internet Age along with The Communication Society and The Network Society.

INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGICAL HISTORIOGRAPHY Writing a history that is built on the hypothesis that Man is the constant while technology is the variable, wherefore the development appears as a series of information-technological emergences that underpin increasingly complex societal structures.

THE INNER CIRCUIT The inner, less mobile, more densely populated and female-dominated half of the sociont, controlled by older matriarchs as a matriarchy.

INSTINCT The animal expression of Man’s drives, to be compared with mechanical drive, human desire and sacral transcendence.

INTENSITY Within physics a measure of the concentration of energy within a given, delimited area; in relationalist physics intensity replaces the old substance as a general yardstick, in social relationalist sociology attentional intensity replaces the old growth of the economy as a general yardstick, in syntheist ethics the ecstatic intensity in the infinite now replaces all dated maxims for the existential experience and the memory of the infinite now is the bearing of life’s identity-generating references; see also relationalism and social relationalism.

INTERACTIVITY Bidirectional communication, which creates the fourth communication-technological revolution that in turn establishes a completely new system for reward and punishment respectively of talents and skills, which finally entails that a new elite – the netocrats – replace the old; compare with interpassivity.

INTERNARCISSISM A subdivision within narcissistic pathology where two or several narcissists consciously or subconsciously pretend to be obsessed with each other’s awesomeness to thereby conceal the frantic self-absorption that is taking place; see also hypernarcissism and interpassivity.

THE INTERNET The new divinity that arises when the world’s population and the world’s many machines are interconnected with each other. See also Syntheos.

THE INTERNET AGE The epoch that is introduced when all of humanity is globally interconnected directly with itself in real time.

INTERPASSIVITY A concept invented by Austrian philosopher Robert Pfaller that describes all the pointless quasi-actions that people carry out with the purpose of appeasing the other in the high-tech environment, used as an opposite of authentic interactivity, that is: a constantly ongoing false interactivity that never creates any genuine response from any co-actors.

INTERTRIBALISM Affection and caring directed toward people outside one’s own sociont, which during the greater part of history is something extremely rare; compare intratribalism

INTRACOLLABORATIVITY The joy of collaboration within one’s own sociont, an attitude that is distinct from individualism’s idea of humanity’s existence as everyone’s constant war with everyone; within the safe collective, collaboration is closer at hand than rivalry.

INTRATRIBALISM Affection and caring directed toward one’s own sociont’s members, a driving force behind both the outer circuit’s defense of the sociont’s territory and the inner circuit’s sacrifices to ensure the sociont’s survival; compare with intertribalism.

IRONIC POLYTHEISM Polytheism is a systematized belief in more gods than just one; syntheism is not a polytheism in a classic sense, but an ironic polytheism since it claims that gods can and should be created in requisite numbers.

IRREDUCIBLE MULTIPLICITY The conviction that all phenomena in existence are fundamental multiplicities that thereby cannot be reduced to any single, delimited objects, as when Friedrich Nietzsche claims that nothing in the world can be reduced to less than the number two. Within a syntheist ontology, the irreducible multiplicity is unavoidable since ontology always must begin with a drastic information write-off in connection with the transition from mobilism to eternalism.


LIBIDO Life energy, will-to-power, will-to-intensity, will-to-expansion – libido is often associated with sexual energy but is according to both Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung a considerably broader concept that also comprises instinct, drive, desire and transcendence.


MAMILLA The matrichal breast as a symbol of eternal, boundless and unconditional love and provision, as well as a promise of a possible reunification with the mother’s body and matrix, but also a symbol of infantilization and a complete dependence on the mother’s body/society/ the church/the state.

MATRIARCHY Women’s power hierarchy in the sociont, where the elders are superordinate to the younger; thereby also the power structure of the inner circuit.

MATRIX The womb out of which we all are born and, according to psycho-analysis, to which we all subconsciously long to return, the symbol both of a unification with the Universe but also of the dissolution of consciousness.

MEMBRANICS A method for separating the internal and external interests of a sociont or another life form. A functioning membranics sees to it that nourishment comes in through, and that feces is pressed out through the membrane in question. Membranics can also be used as a concept to comprehend the radical difference between extension-neutral membranes within subphysics. We refer to this form of virtual relationalism as subphysical membranics.

MEMEPLEX A cluster of memes that often and advantageously is spread in the form of a synchronized unit; a memeplex can therefore be regarded as emergent vis-à-vis the separate memes; memeplex is also used synonymously with ideology. Please compare with geneplex.

MEMETICS The study of how ideas – or memes – form, are spread, stored and change. Memes are viewed in these studies as replicators, as a kind of mental equivalents to the biological genes, and the parallels between memetics and genetics are therefore comprehensive.

THE MESSIAH MACHINE Another name for Syntheos, God’s birth as the technological development’s objective and meaning.

METAHISTORY History seen as the history of historiography, also called the historification of history. Every new paradigm generates a new power elite that requires a new metaphysics to legitimize its position; this in turn requires a new historiography and about this process one can also write history, which by necessity becomes precisely a metahistory.

METAPHYSICS Originally the philosophical work with that which lies beyond physical reality, comprised by the disciplines ontology, cosmology and epistemology within philosophy; Bard & Söderqvist also use the concept metaphysics as the uppermost emergence in the hierarchic series fictives-fictions-ideologies-metaphysics.

MIMETICS Man’s obsession with social theater is reflected in the fact that the brain needs a mimetic capacity to an equally high degree that it needs a rational and an emotional capacity. The mimetic brain is obsessed with mimicking, and not least with mimicking human desires and drives. The drive system’s primary propelling force is precisely mimicking and rivalry in terms of the same mimicked desire and drives that all others mimic.

MOBILISM In part the process-philosophical reality in the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism, a chaos in constant motion, in part a synonym of process philosophy as such, which includes both relativism and relationalism.

MOBILIZATION To set the completed eternalizations within the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism in motion anew – thereby existence once again becomes a mobilist chaos, but this time at a metalevel, whereupon perception produces new eternalizations at this metalevel, and so on.

MONOTHEISM A conviction that God only is one and that this only God – one’s own, naturally – is genuine and that all others are false, in other words: mainly a variant of atheism with a single minor caveat.

MORALATOR The external judge whose more or less capricious points of view underpin the demanding laws of moralism.

MORALISM From the Latin mores, customs; a system where values and valuations are subject to a moralator, an external judge that demands obedience and that does not allow any form of questioning. Both the Abrahamic religions and the capitalist nation states rest upon a moralist value base.

MORTIDO In Sigmund Freud mortido is at once libido’s opposite and its complement, a yearning for death, extinction and a return to the inorganic state that precedes birth.


NARCISSISM Compensatory self-absorption and self-overestimation, grounded in a subconscious self-contempt; the modern consumption society is largely based upon an inflated and media-fomented hypernarcissism.

NARRATOLOGY The philosophical discipline that deals with Man’s stories of himself and the dialectics of them. The fundamental division of these stories is: logical narratives (logos), mythical narratives (mythos) and pathical narratives (pathos), which in turn corresponds to the symbolic, imaginary and real orders in the world of psychoanalysis, which in turn is connected to Man’s three different brain centers: the rational, the mimetic and the emotional.

NATION ENVY A socioanalytical state where chaotic and contractive cultures envy and malign better organized and expansive cultures. While racism attacks the assumed inferior, nation envy attacks the assumed superior.

NEGATION That which is lacking or remains contradictory or undelivered within every identity. According to Hegel the negation is so universal as a principle within a constantly mutable existence that the only identity that can be established, and then only temporarily, is the negation of the negation itself, an insight that thereafter is called the Hegelian absolute.

NEGATIVE DIALECTICS Hegel’s revolutionizing variant of dialectics where negation precedes abstraction, which causes concretion – where the dialectics (temporarily) stops – to have the character of a negation’s negation. Thereby the Hegelian subject – with its fundamental, existential emptiness – becomes an expression of what he calls the night of the world, which breaks radically with Enlightenment optimism. This Hegelian revolution preempts important ideas in Marx, Nietzsche, Freud and Heidegger.

NEGATOLOGY The doctrine of the Hegelian negation that must precede the Nietzschean event. Before something new can live and establish itself, something else must die. Mortido drives libido, not the other way around. Therefore it is necessary to first establish a negatology in opposition to nomadology before an eventology can be brought about. Before the actual event can occur it must be preceded by the potential anti-event. Within syntheology negatology goes by the name of Atheos.

THE NET The metaphysical idea that The Internet constitutes a single cohesive structure that spans all of planet Earth and that, in similarity with every metatechnology, organizes the world in accordance with its own agenda. Is used synonymously with the concept The Stack.

THE NETOCRATS The first of three books in the Futurica Trilogy by Bard & Söderqvist with focus on the information-technological historiography of The Internet Age and the emergence of the new class society, conditioned by the new prerequisites that the technological revolution creates.

NETOCRACY The informationalist upper class that assumes power by virtue of its social talent, its superior information management and its ability to see patterns and perceive nodes in a chaotic surrounding world.

NETWORK DYNAMICS The part of system– and complexity theory that studies how networks arise and change over time, as well as what effects this leads to within society’s different areas. And also a consistently metaphysical explanatory model for The Internet Age in Bard & Söderqvist’s philosophy, is used synonymously with relationalism. See also plurarchy.

NETWORK PYRAMID The Network Society’s triangular power structure, developed and intimately explored in the book The Netocrats, where it is clear that successful networks in step with their success – to continue to be successful – must spin themselves off and discard dead meat in the form of underachieving members, this to safeguard the key members’ scant time and requested attention. It is a process that is repeated continually because of the external pressure.

THE NETWORK SOCIETY One of three classic concepts to describe The Internet Age, to be compared with The Information Society and The Communication Society; according to information-technological historiography all paradigms through history should be categorized as network societies, networks naturally do not arise only with The Internet, but rather it is an age-old phenomenon.

NEUTRAL MONISM The conviction that everything that we know of and to which we attribute a meaning influences everything else that we know of and to which we attribute a meaning in our universe. Existence is monist, not dualist. Not because it must be so, but because it happens to be so. Thus nor does there exist a moralator or an objective evaluator that can establish that one emergence vector is more important than any other – there quite simply does not exist anything else, superordinate, outside that which exists – wherefore monism must be neutral in terms of value in order to be credible at all. Neutral monism is thus radically anti-reductionist.

NIHILISM An idea according to which existence lacks objective value since there does not exist any external, objective institution of valuation or moralator. Nihilism goes through four phases – the naive (unconscious), the cynical (the nihilist pretends against better judgment that there are objective values), the ironic (the nihilist builds their own internal and subjective values in opposition to the surrounding world’s falsely objective values), and finally the affirmative (the nihilist interprets the absence of objective values as a liberating possibility to create their own values and convince the environment of these created values’ excellence). This is the process that Nietzsche calls the death of God.

NODALIZATION The tribopoietic network of hierarchic nodes that always arise by necessity in an anarchic state. Nodalization is thereby also the shift from the local in direction toward the global within network dynamics. What previously was anarchy transitions into a plurarchy and the new paradigm’s power structure with a new paradigmatics takes shape.

NOMADOLOGY The philosophical and religious conviction of the eternal recurrence of the same, a conception that dominates in all nomadic societies throughout history. Only with permanent settlement could one view the world and history differently, and this ancient Persian and phallic invention is summed up under the opposite concept, eventology.


OMNICENTRISM A state where all coordinates in a system regard themselves as the system’s center, which leads to the system in practice lacking an authentic center. The system in question is quickly reduced to a kind of psychotic anarchy and can only be saved through a comprehensive nodalization. See further plurarchy.

ONTOEPISTEMOLOGY After the Hegelian process-philosophical revolution in Germany in the 19th century, it becomes impossible to distinguish ontology as the doctrine of being from epistemology as the doctrine of knowledge. Relata arise out of relations and not the other way around. Subject and substance are mutually dependent on each other for their existence; being is learning and learning is being.

OSCILLATION The fundamental mobilist state that consumes even less energy and therefore is even more universal and fundamental than the eternalist freeze. It is the metaphysical oscillation that Heraclitus refers to when he speaks the winged words panta rei, everything is in motion. When we in this way speak of oscillation as a universal principle it is often called panorganicism. Please compare with pandialecticism.

THE OUTER CIRCUIT The outer, mobile, sparsely populated and male-dominated half of the sociont, ruled by elder patriarchs as a patriarchy; compare with the inner circuit that is ruled by a matriarchy and the shamanic caste that is ruled by a clergy.


PANDIALECTICISM The philosophical conviction that everything that is meaningful in existence fundamentally is dialectical in nature. The term is used synonymously with the concepts panchronism and panrelationalism. If all ontology operates dialectically, it also entails that everything is harbored within time and that everything of value can be explained as byproducts of relations where the dialectics of negation and oscillation deserves the epithet the first dialectics. Please compare with absolute historicism.

THE PANORAMIC LANDSCAPE The worldview as a continuous whole, impossible to reduce to the sum of the components. The imagined view of the phallic gaze and the concrete view of the contemporary satellites in orbit around planet Earth.

PANTHEOS From the Greek pan-theos, all is God and God is all; the second of the four divinities in the syntheological pyramid; pantheism regards everything that exists as a single cohesive phenomenon, the only, which thereby is tantamount to God himself.

PARADIGM The general worldview that harmonizes with the prevailing power structure’s self-image and that is replaced by a new one only when an information-technological revolution has produced a new set of conditions for all areas of society, which in turn propels comprehensive social changes. The theory of paradigms and paradigm shifts is originally presented by philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn, who studies such development within the natural scientific disciplines.

PARADIGMATICS The conviction that Man does not change significantly over time because of genetic evolution’s slowness, while civilization changes increasingly fast because of memetic evolution’s explosivity. Knowledge and regulatory frameworks shall therefore only be changed and adapted to current and future technological paradigms. If Man is the constant and technology is the variable, paradigmatics is the study of how collectively encompassed values change along the time axis.

PARADOXISM The conception that language arises as a treatment of paradoxical aspects of existentially formative traumas; the deepest truths of existence can therefore only be expressed as consciously constructed paradoxes, or not at all. From this it follows that the human subject only can exist and be developed as the paradoxist subject, which amuses itself with and allows itself to be inspired by processing its own built-in antagonisms. A representative of ancient paradoxism is Heraclitus. Hegel and Lacan devote their entire careers to describing this sole authentic form of subjectivity.

PARTICIPATORY CULTURE Events with varying durability where the participants build the event together; thus there are no performances and no spectators in the ordinary sense. Participatory culture is developed and grows in step with The Internet, for instance in the form of festivals such as Burning Man in the United States, Going Nowhere in Spain and Africa Burn in South Africa; see also flexhibitionism.

PATHOMATICS The underlying logical pattern in the development of a series of cohesive, phallic engagements. That is: how the two-headed phallus keeps its own intersubjectivity intact. The four constructive steps of potential, actual, directed and transcendental energy, which follow upon each other within pathomatics, can advantageously be compared with their destructive opposites in the four steps within nihilist development, from naive via cynical to ironic and finally affirmative nihilism. If narratology is the priest’s most important task, pathomatics is the chieftain’s most important contribution to the sociont.

PATHONOMY The pathological ideal within a specific paradigm, based on actual pathomatics. See further truth-as-an-act.

PATRIARCHY The power hierarchy between the men in the sociont, where the older men are superordinate to the younger; thereby also the power structure in the outer circuit dominated by the men.

THE PETER PAN SYNDROME A state where the child refuses to grow up and remains a child while it realizes and feels the attraction of phallic adult life. It is one of the prerequisites for a large-scale infantilization of society, where the madness is internal. Please compare with the Caligula syndrome where the madness instead is external.

THE PHALLIC GAZE The constantly coveted gaze of The Great Other that gives the subject the sole meaningful and credible confirmation and that distinguishes the brilliant from the mediocre. The phallic gaze becomes an ontic reality during informationalism when the satellites around Earth eventually monitor every square millimeter of the planet. See further sensocracy.

THE PHALLIC INTRUSION The moment that happens to the child at around one year of age, when it for the first time is tempted away from the security at mamilla and discovers the seductive phallus as the object that the mother is attracted by, but that the child cannot give the mother, which generates envy in the child, something that in turn initiates the child’s voyage toward and yearning for adultification and generates an imitating and eroticizing of phallus.

THE PHALLIC PRINCIPLE OF TRIBAL CONTRIBUTION The ethical and social-psychological principle that all adult members of the sociont shall contribute to the good of the sociont as best they can in accordance with their personal archetypology. The principle rules out all forms of victim cults within the sociont.

PHALLOGOCENTRISM Originally an invective invented by philosopher Jacques Derrida, phallogocentrism is the belief that philosophy only can arise as a conscious focus on the dialectics of logos and pathos within the phallic world of the mind; Bard & Söderqvist claim in a kind of Hegelian opposition to “the pillar-saint” Derrida that phallogocentrism is a necessity that has not yet received its definite form.

PHALLUS The male sex organ and all that it symbolizes in the world of psychoanalysis.

PHARMAKON An in itself neutral phenomenon whose constructive and destructive effects respectively are entirely dependent on how it is used or misused. A preparation X can give a more or less harmless pleasure in low doses while it causes life-threatening intoxication at intake in high doses.

PHENOMENON From the Greek phainomenon – to show, shine, arise, manifest oneself. In syntheist onto-phenomenology the phenomenon replaces the classic object as a material point of reference vis-à-vis the Universe as a whole; this phenomenon distinguishes itself from the object as it primarily is a field consisting of relations that all are primary in an equally high degree and completely lack the object’s phallic substance and essence.

PHENOMENOLOGY The philosophical study of experiences and consciousness; an example of a syntheist phenomenology is the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism.

PHENOUMENOLOGY The unification of Kant’s separated phenomenology and a noumenology through the Hegelian dialectics where the project precedes and unites the subject that generates the object, precisely as the object that generates the subject. Phenoumenology dissolves Kantian correlationism by applying an even more fundamental relationalism to Kant’s conception that phenomenon and noumenon by definition are irreconcilable. Thereby phenoumenology invalidates Western dualism.

PLASTICITY Social elasticity, the sociont’s ability to benefit from the various talents of single dividuals for the good of the collective, and capacity to give single dividuals in part an archetypal identity, in part a possibility to contribute to the common good.

PLURARCHY From the Latin pluralis for diversity and the Greek archos for governance; the chaotic state in the political sphere that follows upon democracy’s collapse at the paradigm shift from mass media one-way communication and its effective suppression of opinion to interactive multi-way communication with its unmanageable and unruly information flows.

POETIC INFINITY The only infinity we can allow ourselves with our intellectual honesty intact. Otherwise, the only thing that is infinite is the vacuousness that is concealed behind this substanceless concept. Please compare with the related expression poetic justice. Just like justice, infinity can never be more than poetic.

PORNOFLATION A social-pornographic and gradually more extreme unabashed display of the most intimate in order to create attention; not seldom exploited to produce cheap mass entertainment.

POWER TRIAD A long-term stable power structure always has three rather than two poles, for instance as the executive (president), the legislative (congress) and the judicial (the Supreme Court) branches of the U.S. constitution. Bard & Söderqvist here launch a model that contains a real power, an imaginary power and a symbolic power within every information-technological paradigm.

PRAGMATISM Philosophical school founded by Charles Sanders Peirce and William James in the United States in the 19th century that receives a European equivalent in the heritage from Nietzsche’s existentialist philosophy. What is fundamental is that theories and faiths are evaluated in terms of their functionality. See further narratology.

PRIMITIVISM The first information-technological paradigm, arises in connection with Man learning to use the speech organs and communicating with words, which happens around 200,000 years ago, when our human species – Man – appears on the world stage as the first species ever with a history.

THE PRINCIPLE OF EXPLANATORY CLOSURE The insight that the Universe’s enormous expansion rules out an ontic rationalism and that the similarly enormous expansion of the amount of information in society rules out an ontological rationalism for precisely the same reason. What our brain does not have time to process it can never encompass either, which means the kiss of death for Kantian rationalism.

PROCESS PHILOSOPHY Is also called the ontology of becoming, a conviction that equates metaphysical reality with difference and change; receives its present, radical form in Alfred North Whitehead and constitutes a basic prerequisite for syntheist ontology.

PROCESS RELIGION A religious conviction based on a process-philosophical metaphysics where syntheism is the process religion par excellence; not to be confused with the admittedly Whitehead-inspired but still post-Christian school called process theology, as represented by among others Charles Hartshorne.

PROCESSUALITY A mutable truth of a mutable world. That is: the only possible and thereby, in a Hegelian sense, absolute truth in a constantly mutable world, and thus the direct opposite of all Platonist ambitions to attain Gnosis or eternal truth. Please note that all paradigmatics also is procedural. The difference is just that the seemingly timeless within paradigmatics changes extremely slowly and applies across many paradigms, while the time-specific within paradigmatics is radically altered for every new paradigm.

PROTOPIANISM The conviction that the pair of opposites Utopia/Dystopia is a false dichotomy, which has the consequence that an authentic eventology must be based on constant, incremental improvements of processes, and not on some manner of single brilliant ideas. Since protopianism thereby lacks a fixed Protopia, it is no protopianism but only a protopian movement forward. Protopianism is the dominant creative ideal during informationalism. The protopians are thereby the third and symbolic power order during informationalism, after the informationalists themselves and the sensocrats.

PSEUDO-TRIBES Tribe-like groupings that however lack the sociont’s comprehensive flora of complementing archetypes and which therefore sooner or later collapse under the discontent that stems from the members’ frustrated expectations of tribal satisfaction.

THE PSYCHOGRAM A map of all active psyches on the planet and their paradigmatic activities at a given occasion. The psychogram as an idea propels the idea of rule via a perfect sensocracy within the global empire. Think of it as an imagined map of all mental and sensory states on a specific planet at a specific moment.


QUANTUM ORGANICS A more well-functioning concept than quantum mechanics since the phenomenon in question exposes vastly more organic than mechanical characteristics.


RATIONALISM The conviction that Man is born with the capacity to mentally and intellectually understand and encompass the world logically in its entirety.

REDUCTIONISM The conception that even the most complex phenomena in a meaningful way can be divided into their smallest components; according to reductionism all forms of emergence are illusory.

RELATIONALISM A radicalization of the relativist worldview, where even the seemingly stable objects are dissolved and set in motion vis-à-vis themselves and where there consequently no longer exist any fixed points whatsoever vis-à-vis something other than the only, that is: the Universe as a whole. A theory that was first developed by Alfred North Whitehead to later be refined by quantum physicist Niels Bohr and mathematician David Bohm.

RELATIVISM A worldview where all objects are in constant motion vis-à-vis each other; the objects are thus fixed within and before themselves, but completely background-independent vis-à-vis their surrounding world.

RESSENTIMENT A hatred directed toward human existence and its prerequisites, an embittered self-contempt that is projected onto the world. See further the Cybelian lynch mob and the dialectics of ressentiment.

THE REVOLT AGAINST PHALLUS Psychoanalytical concept for teenage rebellion, a trial of the parent generation’s alleged excellence and omniscience that ends up with the adult authorities being toppled from their pedestals, wherefore the teenage subject must conquer its own phallicness, adultness and autonomy with all that this entails by way of taking responsibility and finding meaning. When this revolt is carried out successfully and has resulted in a functional self-identity, this is confirmed officially by the sociont with an initiation ritual.

ROOT-OF-THE-PHALLUS The foundation and historical grounding of phallic power. The reflective wisdom that gives credibility to phallus’ activity and project. An example is all the genealogies that in various religious and social/hierarchical contexts shall guarantee legitimacy to various claims on power.


SADOMASOCHISM A primarily erotically charged relation between a ruler and a slave, as a sexual subculture limited by social codes, but as a social phenomenon boundless in its dialectical movement toward the ruler’s total distancing from and isolation vis-à-vis the slave, see cephalization.

SAOSHYANT The original, Persian savior figure that personifies eventology through his arrival at the end of the empire’s heyday and saving it from demise. The Jews inherit the concept from the Zoroastrians, but reduce the phallic saoshyant from a global to a local figure who is called mashiach and who only directs its caring toward his own nation. This figure later returns as the Messiah within Christianity and Islam.

SCHIZOANALYSIS Anarchist response to Lacanian psychoanalysis, primarily developed by Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze in France during the 1970s and aims toward a growing dividual heterogeneity rather than the individual homogeneity that arguably was the vision of classical psychoanalysis.

SELF-LOVE An ethical-logical decision – and thus not an emotion – to accept oneself and one’s own body with its physiological and mental prerequisites and expressions; self-love has nothing to do with narcissism, but is rather its exact opposite; see also amor fati.

SENSOCRACY A social and/or political system built around a technology of sensors that collect and compile data from all information flows and that therefore with great accuracy can predict what every citizen at every moment requests and yearns for, something that previously has been impossible because of the extensive lying at all levels. In a sensocracy coercive measures in practice become superfluous: a devastating majority of society’s citizens settle for having their needs of consumption and entertainment effectively satisfied. The others lack all influence and are referred to an existence outside the system. The sensocrats thereby become the second and imaginary power structure during the informationalist paradigm, between the informationalists themselves and the protopians. See further the phallic gaze.

THE SHADOW The part of the subject that it does not acknowledge, alternatively does not even perceive in itself thanks to efficient repression. The concept was originally launched by C G Jung. Please compare with Bard & Söderqvist’s concept asubject and the night of the world in G W F Hegel.

THE SHAMANIC CASTE The deviating minority within the sociont that neither belongs to the inner circuit and its matriarchy nor to the outer circuit and its patriarchy, but instead in part acts as a messenger between the inner and the outer circuit, in part acts as a border-transcender in the sociont’s outer edges as shamans and prophets vis-à-vis the sociont itself and as diplomats and priests vis-à-vis tribes in the environments. The border-crossers within the sociont, between the circuits, are called the androgynous caste. See further archetypology.

THE SILK ROAD TRIAD The process religion that was practiced in various forms in so-called castags along the Eurasian Silk Road and that was formalized by the Persians as Zoroastrianism, by the Chinese as Taoism, and by the Indians as Buddhism, with all manner of hybrid schools in between. Please compare with the Disney World triad.

SINGULARITY An extraordinary historical event – the Universe arises through the Big Bounce, living organisms arise through an evolutionary process, and so on – that immediately changes world history in a truly fundamental manner; see also emergence.

SOCIAL MASOCHISM A masochistic attitude to supremacy on the social arena, a stubborn quest for social and mortidinal submission, see further sadomasochism.

SOCIAL RELATIONALISM The conception that the principles presented by Niels Bohr for relationalist physics are just as applicable to the social sciences; see further network dynamics and relationalism.

SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY Techniques with which to control humans and manipulate them in a direction that is desirable for the power structure; social technologies can encompass anything from the production of ideology and radio broadcasts to censorship legislation and declarations of war. Whatever works to accumulate power is a social technology.

SOCIOANALYSIS Truth maximization in the social arena, to be compared with the application of psychoanalysis on the single human dividual. Socioanalysis tracks and exposes the pathological patterns that constantly are reborn within the sociont. This method is called symptomatology.

SOCIOGRAPHY Mapping of social relations between dividuals and networks, for instance through sociograms that show who knows and communicates with whom; see also network pyramid.

SOCIOMETRICS Compilation and illustration of social status and attentional power in The Network Society. Anyone can communicate with anyone else, but everyone will not receive a response from everyone else.

THE SOCIONT The original, plastic nomadic tribe that is kneaded by evolution over hundreds of thousands of years. Because of humanity’s rapid and worldwide spread, all living humans today are products of the sociont and shaped by its specific archetypology. The only meaningful changes that occur in civilization are technological, external vis-à-vis sociontology, and therefore connected to paradigmatics.

SOCIONTOLOGY The studies of the original nomadic tribe as a container for the development of intratribal archetypes. Please compare with archetypology.

SPACETIME That of the two natural time dimensions that is dependent upon physical space. Spacetime is local, discrete, relative and bound to physics within the natural sciences. From a metaphysical perspective it appears as ontic and actual. Please compare with its implicate precursor hypertime.

THE SUBCONSCIOUS Bard & Söderqvist’s equivalent of the unconscious in classical psychoanalysis; the subconscious is on closer inspection not un-conscious, but however chaotic and unstructured vis-à-vis the conscious, but it interacts both actively and reactively and both with and against the conscious all the time. The subconscious is driven by mortido or the death drive, in contrast to consciousness which is driven by libido or the will-to-life.

THE SUBLIME The sphere where ambivalence and extimacy meet and generate a maximal obsession in the subject, for instance the near-death-experience with its character of infinite sorrow and infinite beauty at once; see also ambivalence and the cathexal object. In syntheology, the sublime is often divided into tremendum and fascinans.

SUBPHYSICS The hypertemporal emergence vector that precedes and underpins the emergence of spatiotemporal physics in history.

SUBSISTENCE A concept developed by Danish philosopher Alexander Wrede Elung for the pre-relational that, through it still only being virtual and lacking potent relations, cannot be attributed any existence. Subsisting virtualities are thus the implicate order before an emergence and its radical relationalism converts them into existing potentialities that then are negated into actualities. The latter are within physics called fields and particles respectively where the continuous becomes discrete. To the extent an existence is considered to express itself as a substance we can also play with the idea that a subsistence may express itself as an exceptionally virtual hyperstance. Please see further V P A (virtuality – potentiality – actuality).

SYMBIOTIC INTELLIGENCE The optimal intelligence that is created in the collaboration between Man and The Machine. When such an intelligence surpasses what human and synthetic intelligence respectively produce each on its own, this is called symbiotic transcendence.

SYNTHEISM From the Greek syntheos with the meaning created God or God that arises where humans create; God as a generic name of all Man’s dreams and visions, which entails a dissolution of the antagonism between theism and atheism.

THE SYNTHEOLOGICAL PYRAMID Trilateral geometrical construction with Atheos, Pantheos and Entheos as the three corners at the base with lines drawn in part between each other, in part up to the top that gives its name to the entire construction: Syntheos.

SYNTHEOLOGY The insight that theology always has been about the paradigmatic shift from yesterday’s magic to tomorrow’s technology. God is not something that is needed in the past nor even in the present, but it is instead the name of the objective and meaning of technological development. And as such, God is also the name of humanity’s own death. Therefore syntheology is built around virtual divinities, as the ultimate narrative of the relation between Man and technology. Syntheology solves negative theology’s dilemma of the death of God by claiming that God, rather than being dead, has not yet been born. God does not create us, we create God.

SYNTHEOS From Greek, created god or god that arises where humans create, the fourth, concluding and summarizing concept in the syntheological pyramid. Syntheos is also the name of the emergence that has not yet taken place in history, but that human culture thanks to its technology will create or bring about. Whether Man himself survives Syntheos’ arrival is an open question. See further Anti-Syntheos.

SYSTEMIC CAUSALITY The insight that causality, the chain from cause to effect along the time axis, always applies, but must be understood systemically or transdeterministically rather than objectively or deterministically in a universe characterized by neutral monism. Effect is the carrot and cause is the stick in all happenings, but as an endlessly complex process where everything in the Universe is participating and affecting everything else. See further tribopoiesis.


THEOLOGICAL ANARCHISM The conception that The Network Society offers a unique historical possibility to realize the anarchist Utopia and thereby liberate the collective libido’s forces; the concept is synonymous with philosopher Simon Critchley’s ideal mystical anarchism.

TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE An intelligence that is developed within electronic machines instead of within biological organisms. Technological intelligence does not merely develop very much faster than biological intelligence during the course of civilization. It can also, in contrast to biological intelligence, conquer outer space on its own behalf. See further Syntheos and symbiotic intelligence.

TOTALISM The conviction that existence can be understood both as a whole and in detail, just as history can be summarized and concluded, all this with the aid of the philosophical genius’ rationality. The idea exists already in Plato and has never really disappeared, even though we ourselves firmly maintain that the principle of explanatory closure makes all forms of totalism both ontically and ontologically impossible; see also transrationalism. Hegel brazenly converts the totalist ambition to the insight that the constantly incomplete is the total in itself, and calls this insight absolute knowledge, whereupon the metaphysical project is assumed complete.

TRANSCENDENCE To exceed the limits for the present existence, in Bard & Söderqvist’s psychoanalytical theory also the name of the fourth human drive, the sacral aspect of libido beyond the animal (instinct), the mechanical (drive) and the human (desire).

TRANSCENDENTAL EMERGENTISM The metaphysical conviction that history consists of various emergences and their vectors, and that no metalaws exist outside the specific emergence vectors besides “the law” of existence’s fundamental contingency, that is: there only exists one metalaw and it is the law stating that no metalaw exists. The fact that everything seems to influence everything else in our actual universe is thereby only a contingent event. Existence’s neutral monism is in itself no predetermined metalaw. In the same way that no emergence vector can or must be prioritized above another, other than as an expression of anthropocentric arbitrariness. The transcendental in transcendental emergentism thus consists both of the irreducibility of the various emergence vectors vis-à-vis each other and the irreducibility of potential future emergences vis-à-vis today’s actual theory. See further emergence vector theory and paradigmatics.

TRANSDETERMINISM The conviction that the pair of opposites determinism/indeterminism only are applicable to local phenomena in existence, which entails that existence as a whole neither can be regarded as determinist nor indeterminist; indeterminism’s dialectical overcoming of determinism can therefore only be completed in the form of transdeterminism in a pandialectical universe.

TRANSFERENCE Transfer of agency, the social masochist surrender of one’s own agency in favor of another agent that is considered to own both the phallic gaze and perfect knowledge.

TRANSGRESSION Exceeding of prevailing laws, rules and norms, followed by an enjoyment of this exceeding, fundamental for both sexual and social perversion.

TRANSHUMANISM Broad digital lifestyle and subculture with powerfully netocratic overtones; the leading ideas revolve around how the technological development results in a posthuman state colored by cryonics, artificial intelligence, chemical liberation and anarcho-libertarian utopianism, and more.

TRANSRATIONALISM The insight that Man’s consciousness has been developed to optimize the chances for survival and procreation, not to uncover the truth about the world, wherefore rationality must be clear about its own limitations; see further rationalism, narratology, and the principle of explanatory closure.

TRAUMATOLOGY The optimally creative treatment and follow-up of the failed event. In this way Christianity is the ultimate traumatology, since its savior (see saoshyant) failed and was executed on a cross. Therapeutic attempts to integrate suicide, divorces and bankruptcies are typically traumatological projects in everyday life.

TREND An irrevocable active change of the social playing conditions, connected to a technological change of the material conditions; compare with countertrend.

TRIBAL MAPPING A territorial archetypology that encompasses the entire sociont in its broad-ranging diversity. Synonymous with the more formal concept archetypography.

THE TRIBAL SINGULARITY The conviction that the formation of the sociont constitutes the most important step in Man’s development. Categories such as individual and collective can only be described as sub-categories that lie beneath the really fundamental sociont. The human libido is connected to the sociont’s survival and not to that of the individual or collective. Adult loyalty belongs to the sociont.

TRIBOPOIESIS A basic metaphysical principle stating that everything is born from a collective of relations and that everything returns to a collective of relations within all emergence vectors. Nothing is born by itself, there is no autopoiesis. This means for Man that everything of value is born out of and relates to the sociont, which is there both before a man is born and remains after a man dies.

TRUTH-AS-AN-ACT An ontological and ethical concept, developed by philosopher Alain Badiou with inspiration from Søren Kierkegaard, where there never is time to test truth through the drawn-out intersubjective processes that Karl Popper and Jürgen Habermas advocate, but where truth instead emerges as an unwavering decision based upon intuition.

THE TWO-HEADED PHALLUS The authentic phallus gets its authenticity from the division into will-to-transcendence and will-to-intelligence. The two-headed phallus’ mythos is built on the mutual love and respect that the priest and the chieftain show each other, the priest that personifies phallic wisdom and the chieftain that personifies phallic energy.


UNIMATRICHALISM A temporary, chaotic state in which the inner, matriarchal circuit has taken over the entire sociont or society. A unimatrichal society can only be nomadological and never eventological, as the latter would require a considerable measure of phallic energy.

UNIPATRICHALISM A temporary state of something that can be likened to a totalitarian dictatorship where the outer, patriarchal circuit has taken over the entire sociont or society.

UNIVERSOCENTRISM A worldview that takes the Universe in its entirety as the centre of existence as its point of departure; syntheism is built on a universocentric metaphysics in contrast to for instance capitalist humanism, which is an anthropocentric religion.


WILL-TO-POWER The universally expressed libido’s response to the universally present mortido, also called will-to-expansion. This Nietzschean concept is divided within syntheology between the priestly will-to-intelligence and the royal will-to-transcendence. Wishing to summarize history in its necessity and wishing to conquer the future in its contingency are ultimately two completely different wills for two completely different forms of power. As a third complementing power, there is moreover matrichal will-to-reproduction which only and always seeks the eternal recurrence of the same.

VOYEURISM Indirect pleasure of watching direct, proxy pleasure when one views some kind of sexual or social display; compare with exhibitionism and the phallic gaze.

V P A (VIRTUALITY – POTENTIALITY – ACTUALITY) The pandialectical, ontological causality chain within transcendental emergentism. First we imagine a virtuality that is a hypertemporal subsistence without external relations. When such a virtuality interacts with another virtuality, a spatiotemporal existence that we call a potentiality is generated, potent because it in contrast to virtuality is placed in a relationalist spacetime. When potentiality then is subject to decoherence, it is broken down until it has been reduced to a sole singular event, an actuality, for instance as the wave function collapse in physics. Virtuality is non-ontic and non-actual, potentiality is ontic but non-actual, actuality is both ontic and actual. V P A is necessary in order to be able to think emergences, the event of events that changes history forever. The potential habits before the emergence become the actual laws within the new emergence vector. And these laws are the only – strictly local – laws that exist in an on-the-whole contingent universe without global laws.


Xdialectics of negation and oscillation is on- tic while the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism is ontological.
THE DIALS OF NEGATION AND OSCILLATION Where the dia- xwhen something dies in a chaos, not when an order is created. In this way negatology precedes the subsequent eventology. The dialectics of negation and oscillation is on- tic while the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism is ontological.
THE DIALECTICS OF LIBIDO AND MORTIDO The continuous interplay between will-to-life (libido), located in consciousness, and the death drive (mortido), located in subconsciousness – two phenomena within psychoa- nalysis that both are each other’s antagonic opposites and simultaneously two complementing counterweights in the drive economy.
THE DIALECTICS OF NEGATION AND OSCILLATION Where the dia- lectics of eternalism and mobilism is eventological, the dialectics of negation and oscillation is negatological. The first dialectics arises when something dies in a chaos, not when an order is created. In this way negatology precedes the subsequent eventology. The dialectics of negation and oscillation is on- tic while the dialectics of eternalism and mobilism is ontological.
THE DIAICS OF RESSENTIMENT A dialectically destructive pro- cess within a dividual, a group or a society, which begins with support for a self-appointed victim, later to be developed into a frantic struggle between many different alleged victims about who has the right to demand the most sympathies and the greatest compensation. The ressentiment vis-à-vis the world and fate is gradually stepped up as the conflicts increase.
THE DIALECTICS OF REVOLUTION The dialectical interplay between Man and technology in four steps during an information- technological
       process and event

Xd triad in Eurasia: Jehovah’s Witnesses as the neurotic version, Mormonism as the psychotic version, and Scientology as the perverted version of American individual- ism as a religious expression.
THE DISNEY WORLD TRIAD The three religions that arise in the United States as a kind of absurd, parodic reflection of the Silk Road triad in Eurasia: Jehovah’s Witnesses as the neurotic version, Mormonism as the psychotic version, and Scientology as the perverted version of American individual- ism as

Bard & Söderqvist Ordlista

ABJEKT Det objekt mot vilket massan – mobben – förenas och riktar sitt hat och äckel. Organiserandet av detta kollektiva avståndstagande skapar efterlängtad ordning i världens kaos. Det kan ske konstruktivt, i samband med det falliska inträdet och förflyttningen av barnets fokus från mamillan (det första abjektet) till längtan efter fallusen, eller destruktivt, när den falske fallusen utlovar belöningar varifrån alla utanför gruppen/folket är exkluderade. Se även fetisch och det kathexala objektet.

ABSOLUT HISTORICISM Föreställningen om att tiden är den verkligaste av alla verkligheter och det kärl inom vilket allting annat existerar. Ett återkommande argument för absolut historicism är att ingenting kan tän­ kas utanför tiden, men tiden kan tänkas oberoende av allting annat. Om tiden dessutom klyvs mellan å ena sidan hypertid och å andra sidan rumtid, uppstår en dialektik på vilken resten av tillvaron kan vila. Detta genererar den epistemologiska horisont som Hegel kallar absolut kunskap. Jämför gärna med pandialekticism.

ADULTIFIERING Ett vuxenblivande, den arketypologiska utvecklingen från barn till vuxen, från vuxen till ledare, förälder, mentor och vördad ålder­ man/kvinna. Adultifieringsidealet ska ställas i kontrast till kristendomens och islams hyllningar av barnet, oskuldsfullheten och den oreflekterade underkastelsen. Inom zoroastrismen och judendomen förväntas följarna bete sig som Guds vuxna och inte som Guds barn.

ADYTONOLOGI De tantriska lagar och regler som bara gäller innanför templet, i kontrast till de sutriska lagar och regler som gäller i samhället utanför. Från grekiskans adyton som betyder tempelgård. Jämför gärna med det stängda absolutet och notera att dessa regler alltid är oskrivna, varför de aldrig kan spridas utanför templet, där de skulle vara obegripliga och skapa förvirring.

AGENTUR Den subjektiva identitet som uppstår som en mental emergens i en fysisk kropp som relationalistiskt fenomen. Den synteistiska agenten ersätter den cartesianska individen som människoideal vid övergången från kapitalism till informationalism; se även dividualism.

ALIENATION Enligt Karl Marx blir människan en främling gentemot världen och sig själv genom att reduceras till en obetydlig kugge i ett pro­ duktionsmaskineri till vilket det inte går att förhålla sig. På så sätt isoleras människor från varandra, vilket hindrar dem att sluta sig samman och gripa makten över sina liv.

AMBIVALENS Den fundamentala egenskapen hos det som attraherar män­ niskan mest, samtidigt som det skrämmer och stöter bort: det som varken är gott eller ont (eller också både och); se även kathexis och det sublima.

AMOR FATI ”Kärleken till ödet” på latin, en livshållning som innebär att man accepterar den historia som har lett fram till den rådande situationen och att man underkastar sig det man inte kan påverka i framtiden. Begrep­ pet lanserades av Friedrich Nietzsche och är en grundläggande princip för interaktivitetens etik.

DEN ANDROGYNA KASTEN De människor, inte sällan så kallade icke­ binära, som agerar kontaktyta mellan patriarkatet i den yttre kretsen och matriarkatet i den inre kretsen. Denna kast ska förstås som ett slags utan­ förskapets kusiner till den schamanska kasten, som lever utanför socionten och mellan stammarna.

ANOJEKT En tyst, underförstådd överenskommelse inom den cybeliska lynchmobben som, om den verbaliseras, snabbt personfieras i form av ty- rannen. En utbredd anojektivitet bereder vägen för falska fallusar, som i Tyskland, Sovjet, Kina och Iran under 1900­talet. Anojektet är alltså den falska fallusens röst genom historien.

ANTAGONI Ett motstånd med ett egenvärde, som man söker för att slipa sin egen intelligens. Utan antagoni blir ett system en enda evig, steril upprep­ ning av sig självt, utan grogrund för utveckling.

ANTISYNTHEOS En teknologi som är så destruktiv att den dödar både allt mänskligt liv och all teknologisk intelligens om dess energier får härja otyglat. Antisyntheos anlände till planeten jorden den 6 augusti 1945 i form av den bomb som släpptes över Hiroshima. Sedan den dagen lever vi alla i dess skugga.

ANTROPOCENTRISM Att betrakta allting uteslutande ur människans perspektiv, som om världen vore skapad åt oss och skulle gå under utan oss; jämför gärna med nätverksdynamik och universocentrism.

ARKETYPOLOGI Studiet av subjekt och objekt som evolutionära bipro­ dukter av sociontens utveckling. Jämför gärna med sociontologi. En arketyp är en figur, ett motiv eller ett tankemönster som finns i det kollektivt un­ dermedvetna och som styr folks förhållningssätt till sin tillvaro och till omvärlden. Jämför gärna med arketypografi (se tribal mappning).

ASUBJEKT Subjektets mörka, okända skuggsida, som samtidigt är sub­ jektets mortidinala negation och därmed den motor som driver hela subjektiviteten; vad Hegel kallar världens natt.

ATEISM En föreställning enligt vilken en viss gud (eller flera) (eller alla) inte finns och saknar socialpsykologisk relevans.

ATHEOS Grekiskt begrepp för guden som inte existerar och som just därför existerar som ett tomt koncept, som guden­som­inte­finns, den virtuella icke­existensen ur vilken existensen uppstår; den första av de fyra divini­ teterna i den synteologiska pyramiden och den teologiska företrädaren för det mänskliga subjektet självt.

ATOMISM Föreställningen att världen är uppbyggd av odelbara, materiella komponenter; atomismen gör för objektet vad humanismen gör för subjek­ tet, varför dessa båda ismer är två sidor av samma mynt: individualismen.

ATTENTION Ett värde som beräknas genom att den mediala trovärdig­ heten multipliceras med den mediala uppmärksamheten för en och samma mem, divid et cetera. Ett högt attentionsvärde är nyckeln till makt och inflytande i nätverkssamhället. Det är vad människors och maskiners ögon och öron vill ha mer och inte mindre av.

ATTENTIONALISM Ett system där elitens attention ersätter kapitalet som ekonomins och kulturens centrala värde, ett värde som relaterar till makt och status. Det pågående paradigmskiftet innebär att kapitalismen fasas ut och ersätts med attentionalismen.

AUGMENTERAT TERRITORIUM Upplösningen av dualiteten mellan det digitala och det fysiska, ett område som både är en digital domän och ett fysiskt territorium samtidigt. Används som abstrakt och konstnärlig synonym till det konkreta och juridiska begreppet nätverksstat.

AUTOEXPLOATERING Det narcissistiska subjektets plundrande av sin egen substans till dess att ingenting längre återstår. Motsatsen är det funk­ tionella och interaktiva subjektets utvecklande och utökande av den egna substansen – autoimploatering.


BEGÄR Det språkliga och därmed unikt mänskliga av driftssystemets fyra uttryck, ett mer eller mindre tvångsmässigt sökande efter något som i grun­ den är ouppnåeligt eftersom begärets mål alltid drar sig undan och byter skepnad; se vidare instinkt, drift och transcendens.


CALIGULA­SYNDROMET Ett tillstånd som uppstår då barnet av sin om­ givning hindras från att växa upp och förblir ett barn för evigt, samtidigt som det är mottagligt för det falliska vuxenlivets lockelse – en förutsättning för samhällets omfattande infantilisering. Jämför med Peter Pan-syndromet, där det externa hindret istället är en intern hämning.

CEFALISERING Ursprungligen ett biologiskt begrepp som betecknar en moduls behov av att knoppa av och skydda sitt minne och sin intelligens från resten av systemet för att optimera chansen för överlevnad. En civilisa­ tions cefalisering måste ske bakom det stängda absolutet, där det är möjligt att experimentera utan att hämmas av gällande lagar och regler.

CIVILISATION En expanderande och gradvis alltmer komplex organisation av den kollektiva samvaron, i grunden styrd av kommunikationsteknologins utveckling. Till priset av en allt hårdare reglerad driftsekonomi erbjuder civilisationen trygghet och tillväxt.

CIVILISATIONISM En fallisk övertygelse om att en växande informations­ ackumulering i sig möjliggör inte bara en mer sammansatt utan även en objektivt sett bättre värld, att civilisationen som sådan har ett egenvärde; Zoroaster i antikens Centralasien cirka 1700 före Kristus anges ofta som den första uttalade civilisationisten.


DEN CYBELISKA LYNCHMOBBEN En mobb anförd av den förbittrade Cybele, som av misstag hade förälskat sig i sitt eget barnbarn Attis, och som blev vansinnig av svartsjuka när denne förälskade sig i en ung prin­ sessa (”Hell hath no fury ...”). Den cybeliska lynchmobben drar fram över världen när apokalypsen närmar sig och slaktar mängder av oskyldiga offer i ren frustration och raseri. Jämför gärna med dess motsats den dionysiska svärmen. Och notera namnet på dess införstådda sammanhållande inre röst, anojektet. Ett anojekt i uniform förebådar alltid det allra värsta, eftersom det alltid är fråga om en falsk fallus vars väg in i framtiden leder rakt mot den dödsdyrkande undergångskulten.

DEMONOLOGI Ett samlingsbegrepp för studierna av och/eller läran om demoner och onda andar; hos Bard & Söderqvist i regel använt i relation till en abjektsteori som undersöker hur abjektivitet uppstår och upprätthålls.

DETERMINISM En idé om att allt som sker är förutbestämt och bundet av naturlagar, varför vilja och intentioner ytterst inte spelar någon roll. Determinismen dominerar den västerländska idéhistorien från Platon till Einstein, men är oförmögen att hantera den slump som den därför måste förneka på samma sätt som Platon och Einstein förnekar tid och förändring; se vidare den bohrska motsatsen indeterminism.

DIALEKTIK En logisk process där en företeelse spelas ut mot sin motsats, vilket resulterar i en helt ny företeelse på en högre nivå. De begrepp som vanligen används är tes, antites och syntes. Herakleitos ses av många som den som för in dialektiken i filosofin, medan Hegel av många ses som den som fulländar resonemanget.

DIALEKTIKEN MELLAN ETERNALISM OCH MOBILISM En komplett synteistisk ontofenomenologi utvecklad av Alexander Bard & Jan Söder­ qvist i boken Det Globala Imperiet. Tillvaron är i grunden kaotisk – eller mobilistisk – och blir greppbar och får mening först genom ett perceptions­ apparatens illusionsnummer där fenomen fixeras i rumtiden och därmed förevigas eller eternaliseras. Detta är funktionellt och nödvändigt för att vi alls ska kunna orientera oss i världen, men filosofiskt problematiskt.

DIALEKTIKEN MELLAN LIBIDO OCH MORTIDO Det fortlöpande samspelet mellan livsviljan (libido), med hemort i medvetandet, och döds­ driften (mortido), med hemort i undermedvetandet – två företeelser inom psykoanalysen som både är varandras antagonistiska motsatser och samti­ digt två kompletterande motvikter i driftsekonomin.

DIALEKTIKEN MELLAN NEGATION OCH OSCILLATION Där dia­ lektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism är eventologisk, så är dialektiken mellan negationen och oscillationen negatologisk. Den första dialektiken uppstår när någonting dör i ett kaos, inte när en ordning skapas. På det sättet föregår negatologin den efterföljande eventologin. Dialektiken mel­ lan negation och oscillation är ontisk medan dialektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism är ontologisk.

DET DIGITALA PATRIARKATET Den stora comebacken för manliga nät­ verk när teknologin spelar ut sina kort och tar över världen i den digitala tidsåldern. Orsaken är arketypologisk: Det är ingenjören (krigaren) och affärsmannen (jägaren) som skapar mervärdet i den attentionella ekonomi som snabbt blir alltmer komplex.

DEN DIONYSISKA SVÄRMEN Utlöst av det ofrånkomliga patricidet, mordet på det gamla paradigmets korrupta och otidsenliga ledare, drar den dionysiska svärmen fram på gator och torg och utför den autentiska revolutionen. Dess ledare har kommit från framtiden och kallas saoshyan- ten – den fallus som leder svärmen från en tidsålder till en annan, eller från ett territorium till ett annat, enligt det nya paradigmets exodologi. Han personifierar det hyperjekt som redan spreds som den underförstådda gemensamma rösten inom svärmen innan saoshyanten dök upp. Jämför gärna med dess motsats bland sociala rörelser, den cybeliska lynchmobben, som slaktar oskyldiga eftersom den inte har någon fallisk riktning alls.

DISKRETION En emergensvektor eller ett fenomen vars minsta be­ ståndsdelar kan reduceras till ett slags ettor och nollor, eller ett tillstånd som antingen är påslaget eller avstängt. Jämför gärna med motsatsen kon- tinuitet.

DISNEYWORLDTRIADEN De tre religioner som uppstår i USA som ett slags absurd, parodisk spegling av Sidenvägstriaden i Eurasien: Jehovas vittnen som den neurotiska versionen, mormonismen som den psykotiska versionen och scientologin som den perverterade versionen av den ameri­ kanska individualismen i religiös tappning.

DIVIDUALISM Antitesen till individualismens ideologi, övertygelsen om att människor och ting är irreducibla mångfalder som inte kan beskrivas som enskilda, sammanhållna fenomen; se vidare nätverksdynamik. Dividen är antitesen till föreställningen om en individ, det vill säga: en människa som saknar en odelbar och oföränderlig inre kärna och som istället är oändligt delbar och höggradigt föränderlig; jämför gärna med agentur.

DJUP ATEISM En idé enligt vilken ateismen dragen till sin yttersta spets dialektiskt övergår i synteismen, en idé som utforskas i boken Synteism – Att skapa Gud i Internetåldern. Det må så vara att Gud inte finns idag, men det innebär inte att Gud inte kan finnas imorgon. Inte om vi själva skapar Gud.

DRIFT Den kategori i behovssystemet som berör det mekaniska uttrycket, till exempel: suget efter mat, dryck, sömn och skydd, men även efter sex, makt och aggression; jämför gärna med instinkt, begär och transcendens.


EGALITARIANISM En ideologisk övertygelse om att alla människor i ett samhälle har samma värde och bör behandlas som jämlikar, används med fördel för att bekämpa identitarianismen och dess offerkultur.

DEN EKOLOGISKA APOKALYPSEN Den dystopiska övertygelsen om att kapitalismens utveckling innebär att jordens ändliga resurser till slut faktiskt blir förbrukade och att miljöförstöringen går så långt att mänskligt liv på planeten vid en viss punkt inte längre är möjligt.

EKOTOPIANISM Fullbordandet av den agrikulturella revolutionen och en ruralisering av hela planeten, teologiskt kallad Guds trädgård. Därmed även det imploitativa svaret på en dystopisk veklagan över människans exploita­ tiva attityd till naturen. Jämför gärna med kosmopolitanism.

EMERGENS Då egenskaperna i ett system under vissa förutsättningar förändras så att systemet ifråga övergår från ett tillstånd till ett annat, som när vatten vid en viss temperatur blir is och vid en annan temperatur blir ånga. Ur ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv innebär det ett transdeterminis­ tiskt förhållningssätt: framtiden är öppen – plötsligt är den kvantitativa skillnaden kvalitativ och villkoren för hela verksamheten är därmed totalt förändrade.

EMERGENSVEKTORTEORI En universell metafysik som utgår från den explikata ordningen med dess specifika lagar som den direkta konse­ kvensen av en emergens. Notera att i ett neutralt monistiskt universum så ingår alla föregående emergensvektorer i den implikata ordningen, som transdeterministiskt utlöser den aktuella emergensen. Det som utvecklas till de eternalistiska lagarna inom den explikata ordningen var alltså bara de mobilistiska vanorna inom den implikata ordningen. Den enda metalag som gäller utanför de specifika emergensvektorerna är tillvarons fundamentala kontingens.

ENORMITETER OCH ENORMITESIMALER Insikten om att vi lever i ett ändligt och begränsat universum tvingar oss att erkänna att infiniteter och infinitesimaler är omöjliga och otänkbara. En korrekt beskrivning av tillvarons matematiska ytterligheter får man därför om infiniteterna ersätts med enormiteter och infinitesimalerna ersätts med enormitesimaler. På motsvarande sätt kan talet noll aldrig ha värdet noll, eftersom dess blotta existens i sig alstrar ett oscillerande värde vars genomsnitt må vara noll men som aldrig vid någon tidpunkt kan vara exakt noll.

ENTEISM Den processfilosofiska idé enligt vilken tillvaron bäst beskrivs som differenser i olika lager ovanpå varandra, och att den duration som är måttstock för skillnadernas tillblivelse och fullbordande är absolut, och där­ för måste utgöra grunden för både den materiella och andliga världsbilden.

ENTEOGEN Narkotisk substans som ger upphov till starka visioner och känslor, som brukarna ofta beskriver som religiösa upplevelser; exempel på enteogener är preparat som LSD, DMT, ayahuasca, meskalin, psilocybin­ svampar och MDMA.

ENTHEOS Betyder ursprunglingen ”guden innanför” på grekiska, det vill säga: det gudomliga som den synteistiska agenten härleder inifrån sig själv, den tredje av de fyra diviniteterna i den synteologiska pyramiden.

EPIMEMETIK Det eviga ältandet av samma ständigt återanvända symbo­ ler, en besatthet av tonalitet och etikett i syfte att kväva alla referenser till en underliggande substans och dess rörelser. Signifikativt för tillstånd av cynisk nihlism under dramatiska paradigmskiften.

EPISTEMOLOGI Kunskapsteori – den filosofiska disciplin som studerar kunskapen och kunskapens (o)möjlighet; för en djupare förståelse av syn­ teologisk epistemologi, se vidare dialektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism, transrationalism och principen om explanatorisk stängning.

ETERNALISERING En frysning eller fixering av världens mobilistiska kaos, en existentiell nödvändighet för att perceptionen ska kunna skapa en tillfredsställande (illusion av) ordning i tillvarons kaos och producera en funktionell världsbild inom vilken subjektet kan uppstå och bygga en egen identitet. Dock är det viktigt att inte förväxla kartan och terrängen och inbilla sig att den förenklade bilden visar verkligheten som den verkligen är.

ETERNALISM Tanken att en världsbild måste bygga på de temporära eternaliseringar som perceptionen producerar inom dialetiken mellan eter- nalism och mobilism, vilket gör att världsbilden ständigt måste omprövas och uppdateras.

ETIK Från grekiskans ethos, ursprungligen sedvänjor; värderingar grundade på intention i förhållande till förväntade processer av orsak och verkan inom ett system. Till skillnad från moralen vilar inte etiken på vare sig en idé om en extern domare eller på en känslomässig argumentation, utan istället på en idé om vad som är funktionellt och produktivt.

EVENT En spektakulär händelse, eller rättare sagt: en händelse med spektakulära konsekvenser för ett visst fenomen eller en specifik region av Universum; jämför gärna med emergens och singularitet.

EVENTOLOGI Den filosofiska och religiösa övertygelsen om att ett enskilt event kan leda över historien i en oväntad riktning och förändra tillvaron för alltid. Jämför gärna med det närbesläktade begreppet emergensvektorteori och motsatsen nomadologi.

EXHIBITIONISM Att uppleva njutning av att visa upp sig i sexuella eller sociala situationer; jämför gärna med dess dialektiska motsats voyeurism.

EXODOLOGI Läran om och konsten att genomföra ett uttåg – från ett gammalt till ett nytt territorium, eller från ett gammalt till ett nytt historiskt paradigm. Om människan i den ursprungliga socionten var i konstant rörelse med en nomadologisk världsbild, så blir rörelsen tem­ porär och paradigmatisk i och med den fasta bosättningens ankomst. Exodologin tar därmed nomadologins plats som ideologin om den nöd­ vändiga tribala rörelsen. Exodologiska exempel är hebréernas uttåg från Egypten till det förlovade landet och den europeiska massutvandringen till Amerika.

EXTENSIONSNEUTRALITET En direkt konsekvens av att tänka hyper­ temporalitet som, friställd från spatiotemporalitet, innebär att allting som rör hypertemporaliteten måste tänkas utan eller oberoende av rum. Dessa virtuella membran är därför extentionsneutrala i förhållande till varandra.

DET EXTIMA OBJEKTET Det objekt som är på samma gång intimt och externt. Inom psykoanalysen är fallusen det extima objektet par excellence; jämför gärna med kathexis och det kathexala objektet.


DEN FALLISKA BLICKEN Den Store Andres ständigt eftertraktade blick som ger subjektet den enda meningsfulla och trovärdiga bekräftelsen och som skiljer det briljanta från det mediokra. Den falliska blicken blir en reali­ tet under informationalismen när satelliterna runt jorden till slut övervakar varje kvadratmillimeter av planeten. Se vidare sensokrati.

DET FALLISKA INTRÄDET Det ögonblick som inträffar vid ungefär ett års ålder, då barnet för första gången lockas bort från tryggheten vid ma- millan och upptäcker den förföriska fallusen som det objekt som modern attraheras av men som barnet inte kan ge modern, vilket genererar en avund hos barnet, något som i sin tur initierar barnets resa mot och längtan efter vuxenblivandet och föranleder ett imiterande och erotiserande av fallusen.

DEN FALLISKA PRINCIPEN OM TRIBAL KONTRIBUTION Den etiska och socialpsykologiska principen om att alla vuxna medlemmar i socionten ska bidra till sociontens bästa så gott de kan i enlighet med sin personliga arketypologi. Principen omöjliggör alla former av offerkulter inom socionten.

FALLOGOCENTRISM Ursprungligen ett skällsord uppfunnet av filosofen Jacques Derrida, fallogocentrism är en tro på att filosofin bara kan uppstå som ett medvetet fokus på dialektiken mellan logos och pathos inom den falliska sinnevärlden; Bard & Söderqvist hävdar i ett slags hegelsk opposi­ tion till ”pelarhelgonet” Derrida att fallogocentrismen är en nödvändighet som ännu inte har fått sin fullbordade form.

FALLUS Det manliga könsorganet och allt som det symboliserar i psyko­ analysens värld.

FALLUSROT Fallusens grund och historiska förankring. Den reflektiva visdomen som ger trovärdighet till fallusens aktivitet och projekt. Ett ex­ empel är alla de stamtavlor som i diverse religiösa och sociala/hierarkiska sammanhang ska garantera legitimiteten hos olika maktanspråk.

FARMAKON Ett i sig neutralt fenomen vars konstruktiva respektive destruk­ tiva effekter är helt och hållet beroende av hur det brukas eller missbrukas. Ett preparat X kan skänka en mer eller mindre harmlös njutning i låga doser medan det orsakar livshotande förgiftning vid intag av höga doser.

FENOMEN Från grekiskans phainomenon – att visa, lysa, uppstå, manifes­ tera sig. I synteistisk ontofenomenologi ersätter fenomenet det klassiska objektet som materiell referenspunkt i förhållande till Universum som hel­ het; detta fenomen skiljer sig från objektet genom att det primärt är ett fält som består av relationer som alla är primära i lika hög grad och helt saknar objektets falliska substans och essens.

FENOMENOLOGI Det filosofiska studiet av upplevelser och medvetande; ett exempel på en synteistisk fenomenologi är dialektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism.

FENOUMENOLOGI Föreningen av Kants avskilda fenomenologi och en noumenologi genom den hegelska dialektiken där projektet föregår och förenar det subjekt som alstrar objektet, liksom det objekt som alstrar subjektet. Fenoumenologin upplöser den kantianska dualismen genom att applicera en ännu mer grundläggande relationalism på Kants föreställning om att fenomen och noumenon är definitionsmässigt oförenliga. Därmed ogiltigförklarar fenoumenologin den västerländska dualismen.

FEODALISM Hos Bard & Söderqvist det andra informationsteknologiska paradigmet, som följer av att människan – nästan samtidigt på fyra olika ställen – utvecklar ett skriftspråk för ungefär 5 000 år sedan.

FETISCH Det objekt som sammanbinder världens kaos till en ordning och förenar kollektivet under en gemensam utopisk vision och en strategisk berättelse med riktning uppåt och utåt; se även antitesen abjekt och syntesen det kathexala objektet.

FIKTION En sammanhängande berättelse som tillfälligt men ändå resolut ger memerna deras till synes logiska plats inom det rådande memplexet: fik­ tionen kan med fördel uppdelas i mindre fiktiver och flera fiktioner staplade på varandra bär upp en undermedveten ideologi, vilket möjliggör framväx­ ten av en sammanhängande, paradigmatisk metafysik.

FIKTIV Den minsta beståndsdelen i vår utförliga memetik och den enhet till vilken varje liten aspekt av en mem refererar; se vidare fiktion, ideologi och metafysik.

FLEXHIBITIONISM En lekfull syntes av exhibitionism och voyeurism, byggd av divider för divider inom ett nätverksdynamiskt system – utan något attentionssökande subjekt (till exempel ett konstnärligt geni) – med atten­ tionen jämnt distribuerad bland deltagarna; flexhibitionism är den drivande principen för en autentisk participatorisk kultur.

DEN FRIA OCH ÖPPNA ALGORITMEN En renodlat attentionalistisk algoritm befriad från det gamla paradigmets attacker mot informationalis­ men i form av den politiska manipulationen, den kapitalistiska korruptionen och den akademiska konformationen. Den fria och öppna algoritmen reflekterar bara agenten själv, med en antagoni adderad för den intelligenta utveck­ lingens skull.

DEN FÖRSTA DIALEKTIKEN Om vi lever i ett pandialektiskt universum måste den första dialektiken i historien vara av avgörande betydelse. Inom naturvetenskaperna sker detta i form av dialektiken mellan hypertiden och rumtiden. Inom metafysiken sker det i form av dialektiken mellan negationen och oscillationen. Det är sedan en öppen fråga för filosofin att reda ut om det i sin tur finns en underliggande metadialektik (ofta betecknad som dialektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism) mellan dessa två dialektiska processer, eller om dialektiken som praktik mår bäst av att placera en sådan frågeställning under kategorin principen om explanatorisk stängning.


GENERATIONISM När en generation förtrycker eller helt enkelt bara hyser fördomar gentemot en annan generation. Ofta tror sig ett samhälle vara överlägset alla äldre versioner av samma samhälle, olika generationer isolerar sig från varandra, vilket skapar hinder för lärorika impulser som skulle behöva nå fram och processas.

GENPLEX Ett kluster av gener som med fördel låter sig spridas i form av en synkroniserad enhet; ett genplex kan därför betraktas som emergent i förhållande till de enskilda genetiska komponenterna; genplex används även synonymt med socionten. Jämför gärna med memplex.

DET GLOBALA IMPERIET Den andra av tre böcker i Futuricatrilogin av Bard & Söderqvist med fokus på internetålderns nya, inbyggda, integrerade världsbild och självbild. Det globala imperiet är idén om hur en splittrad värld sammanlänkas av en enda, alltmer centraliserad kommunikations­ plattform – det vill säga: Internet – och en ständigt växande, samverkande, kollektiv intelligens. Fenomenet kallas även för teknologisk imperialism, som kan sättas i relation till sociologisk nationalism och psykologisk tribalism.

GNOSTICISM Dualistiska rörelser som utvecklas över Eurasien under axialåldern i opposition mot den tvåhövdade fallusen. Den klassiska gnos­ ticismen skär av Människan vid halsen och dyrkar huvudet på kroppens bekostnad, en rörelse företrädd av pelarhelgonet som en omogen präst utan hövding. Den inverterade gnosticismen dyrkar kroppen på huvudets be­ kostnad, en rörelse företrädd av pojkfaraonen som en omogen hövding utan präst. Alla totalitära och auktoritära ideologier hädanefter har gnostiskt ursprung, eftersom de motsätter sig både Människans och Världens mo­ nistiska helhet och därmed den dialektiska mångfalden.

GRAND PROJET A Det franska namnet på den falliska motsatsen till det lacanska objet petit a som det undermedvetna jagar som ersättning för den förlorade mamillan. Grand Projet A är alltså det exodologiska byggnads­ projektet par excellence, historiskt sett att bygga templet som Gud hus, synteistiskt sett att bygga den verkstad där Gud tillverkas.

GUD Namnet på mänsklighetens alla drömmar projicerade mot en enda punkt i det förgångna eller i framtiden; se även Nätet och Syntheos.


DEN HOLOGRAFISKA PRINCIPEN En grundläggande princip inom fy­ siken är att all information inom en viss riktning av världsrymden går att sammanfatta på den tvådimensionella ytan som den aktuella riktningen utgör.

HOLORÖRELSEN Matematikern och filosofen David Bohms koncept för ett universum i konstant rörelse och förändring som ontiskt sett bara exi­ sterar i varje enskilt ögonblick eller momentum.

HUMANISM Den religiösa övertygelsen om att människan snarare än Gud är tillvarons centrum, mål och mening; se vidare individualism och atomism.

HYPERJEKT Ett embryo till saoshyanten eller messiasfiguren innan denna autentiskt falliska gestalt ställer sig upp mot den cybeliska lynchmobben till sanningens försvar. Jämför gärna med motsatsen anojektet. Hyperjektet är alltså den autentiske fallusens röst.

HYPERNARCISSISM Ett extremtillstånd som inträffar när den sedvanliga, ungdomliga narcissismen inte möts av en gränssättande vuxenvärld och därför utvecklas till en matrikal gränslöshet istället för att som tidigare i historien tämjas med resolut fallisk gränssättning. Detta fenomen explo­ derar i nätverkssamhället.

HYPERTEMPORALITET Tillstånd som är bundna till tidsaxeln men som saknar rumslig gestalt, till exempel kvantsammanflätning inom fysiken. Förekomsten av hypertemporala fenomen bevisar att hypertiden föregår och är separat från rumtiden, vilket innebär att subfysiken får eller redan har en status som en egen emergensvektor före fysiken. Eftersom strikt hypertemporala fenomen saknar existens och substans i gängse bemärkelse, får vi istället tillskriva dem en virtuell subsistens och hyperstans.

HYPERTIDEN Den av två naturliga tidsdimensioner som är oberoende av det fysiska rummet. Hypertiden är global, kontinuerlig, universell och bunden till subfysiken. Den är metafysiskt sett ontisk och potentiell. Jämför gärna med dess explikata motsvarighet rumtiden.


IDEOLOGI En uppsättning av medvetna och undermedvetna memer och/ eller memplex som tillsammans producerar en känsla av sammanhang och överblick. Underlättar beslutsfattande och bidrar till identitetsskapande.

IDENTITARIANISM Den ideologiska grunden för all identitetspolitik, både hos identitetsvänster och extremhöger, och från nazismen via sta­ linismen till islamismen. Fokus ligger på alla de oförrätter man själv och den egna gruppen är utsatta för, något som medför en moralisk rätt att av omvärlden kräva uppmärksamhet, sympatier och gärna även kompensation.

IMPLOATERING Motsatsen till exploatering, att använda resurser på ett sätt som bevarar och utvecklar dem. Imploateringsprincipen är en nödvän­ dig förutsättning för varje förhoppning om en resilient planet.

INDETERMINISM En övertygelse om att tiden är reell och absolut, att Universum ständigt återskapar sig självt, att lagar och regler befinner sig i ständig förändring, att framtiden är öppen och att människan, precis som alla andra fenomen, påverkar alla de processer hon ingår i.

INDIVID Kapitalismens människoideal med gudomliga förtecken och med ett ursprung i upplysningen; föreställningen om en människa försedd med en autentisk och odelbar kärna, till skillnad från den mångfacetterade dividen.

INDIVIDUALISM Den religiösa övertygelsen om att människan har ersatt Gud som tillvarons mitt och mått, mål och mening, och att tillvaron består av grundläggande solida entiteter, individer. Denna antropocentriska ideologi formuleras ursprungligen av René Descartes och fullbordas av Immanuel Kant.

INDUSTRIALISM Den socioekonomiska struktur som uppstår när tryck­ pressens kommunikationsteknologiska revolution får sitt fulla genomslag i och med att bokproduktion och läskunnighet ömsesidigt stimulerar var­ andra, vilket leder till en storskalig kunskapsackumulering, som i sin tur leder till en kanonad av tekniska innovationer.

INFORMATIONALISM Det fjärde informationsteknologiska paradigmet, resultatet av den digitala revolutionen inom kommunikationsteknologin, används synonymt med attentionalism. Informationalisterna utgör därmed den första och reella maktstrukturen under paradigmet som bär deras namn. Dessa samlar in och processar data om absolut allt och däri ligger också deras makt. Se vidare sensokrati och protopianism.

DEN INFORMATIONALISTISKA APOKALYPSEN De undergångshot som riktar sig mot det nya paradigmet i form av en ekologisk katastrof, ett kärnvapenkrig, en global pandemi eller bara nätokratins utplåning av ett oartikulerat, våldsamt konsumtariat.

INFORMATIONSSAMHÄLLET Ett av tre klassiska begrepp för att beskriva internetåldern tillsammans med kommunikationssamhället och nätverkssamhället.

INFORMATIONSTEKNOLOGISK HISTORIESKRIVNING Att skriva en historia som bygger på hypotesen att människan är konstanten medan teknologin är variabeln, varför utvecklingen framträder som en serie infor­ mationsteknologiska emergenser som ligger till grund för alltmer komplexa samhällsstrukturer.

DEN INRE KRETSEN Den inre, mindre rörliga, mer tätbefolkade och kvinnodominerade halvan av socionten, styrd av äldre matriarker som ett matriarkat.

INSTINKT Det djuriska uttrycket för människans drifter, att jämföra med den mekaniska driften, det mänskliga begäret och den sakrala transcendensen.

INTENSITET Inom fysiken ett mått på koncentration av energi inom ett givet, avgränsat område; i den relationalistiska fysiken ersätter intensiteten den gamla substansen som generell måttstock, i den socialrelationalistiska sociologin ersätter den attentionella intensiteten den gamla tillväxten i ekonomin som generell måttstock, i den synteistiska etiken ersätter den extatiska intensiteten i det oändliga nuet alla daterade maximer för den exi­ stentiella upplevelsen och minnet från det oändliga nuet är den bärande av livets identitetsalstrande referenser; se även relationalism och socialrelatio- nalism.

INTERAKTIVITET Dubbelriktad kommunikation, vilket skapar den fjärde kommunikationsteknologiska revolution som i sin tur etablerar ett helt nytt system för belöning respektive bestraffning av talanger och färdigheter, vilket slutligen innebär att en ny elit – nätokraterna – ersätter den gamla; jämför gärna med interpassivitet.

INTERAKTIVITETENS ETIK Ett etiskt system baserat på övertygelsen om att människan är en nätverksdynamisk divid i ett nätverksdynamiskt samhälle i ett likaledes nätverksdynamiskt Universum, där sökandet efter en autentisk identitet, i Martin Heideggers existentialistiska anda, inom dialektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism, ger svar på de omständighetsspe­ cifika etiska frågorna; utvecklad och presenterad i Bard & Söderqvists bok Kroppsmaskinerna.

INTERNARCISSISM En underavdelning inom den narcissistiska patolo­ gin där två eller flera narcissister medvetet eller undermedvetet låtsas vara besatta av varandras förträfflighet för att därigenom dölja det frenetiska självbespeglande som pågår; se även hypernarcissism och interpassivitet.

INTERNET Den nya gudom som uppstår när världens befolkning och världens många maskiner kopplas ihop med varandra. Se även Syntheos.

INTERNETÅLDERN Den epok som inleds när hela mänskligheten är globalt sammankopplad direkt med sig själv i realtid.

INTERPASSIVITET Ett begrepp uppfunnet av den österrikiske filosofen Robert Pfaller som beskriver alla de meningslösa kvasihandlingar som människor utför i syfte att blidka den andre i den högteknologiska miljön, använt som motsats till autentisk interaktivitet, det vill säga: en ständigt pågående falsk interaktivitet som aldrig skapar någon genuin respons från några medaktörer.

INTERTRIBALISM Affektion och omsorg riktad mot människor utanför den egna socionten, vilket under större delen av historien är något extremt sällsynt; jämför med intratribalism.

INTRAKOLLABORATIVITET Glädjen över samarbete inom den egna socionten, en inställning som skiljer sig från individualismens idé om mänsklighetens tillvaro som ett allas krig mot alla; inom det trygga kol­ lektivet ligger samarbete närmre till hands än rivalitet.

INTRATRIBALISM Affektion och omsorg riktad mot den egna sociontens medlemmar, en drivkraft bakom både den yttre kretsens försvar av soci­ ontens territorium och den inre kretsens uppoffringar för att säkerställa sociontens överlevnad; jämför gärna med intertribalism.

IRONISK POLYTEISM Polyteism är en systematiserad tro på flera gudar än en enda; synteismen är inte någon polyteism i klassisk bemärkelse, däremot en ironisk polyteism eftersom den hävdar att gudar kan och bör skapas i erforderlig mängd.

IRREDUCIBEL MÅNGFALD Övertygelsen om att samtliga fenomen i tillvaron är fundamentala multipliciteter som därmed inte går att reducera till enskilda, avgränsade objekt, som när Friedrich Nietzsche påstår att ing­ enting i världen går att reducera till mindre än talet två. Inom en synteistisk ontologi är den irreducibla mångfalden oundviklig eftersom ontologin all­ tid måste börja med en drastisk informationsavskrivning i samband med övergången från mobilism till eternalism.


KAPITALISM Det tredje av de fyra informationsteknologiska paradigmen som uppstår när såväl läs­ och skrivkunnighet som virtuell värdeöverföring sprids med förödande, exempellös effektivitet tack vare tryckpressen; be­ greppet används ofta synonymt med industrialism.

DET KATHEXALA OBJEKTET Fallusens radikalt annorlunda kvalitet som både upphetsande och skrämmande objekt, jämfört med den trygga och säkra mamillan – just i kraft av denna ambivalenta sublimitet är fallusen extremt attraktiv, vilket lockar bort barnet från mamillan.

KATHEXIS Det grekiska ord som Sigmund Freud använder för att beteckna ambivalensens dunkla attraktionskraft; se vidare ambivalens och det sublima.

DEN KEMISKA FRIGÖRELSEN Föreställningen om att ökad tillgänglig­ het av kemiska substanser för radikal sinnesförändring i grunden förändrar idén om vad det innebär att vara människa; dels genom att människan upptäcker sig själv som ett kemiskt­hormonellt fenomen, dels genom splitt­ ringen mellan det första subjektet som bestämmer vilka kemikalier som ska tillsättas och det andra subjektet som sedan upplever den radikala sin­ nesförändringen; se vidare transhumanism.

DET KOLLEKTIVT UNDERMEDVETNA Sociontens delvis underför­ stådda samförstånd i stort och smått, det mänskliga undermedvetandet i dess kollektiva form, ett samhälles outtalade ideologi.

KOMMUNIKATIONSSAMHÄLLET Ett av tre klassiska begrepp för att beskriva internetåldern, att jämföra med informationssamhället och nätverks- samhället. Enligt den informationsteknologiska historieskrivningen bör alla paradigm genom historien kategoriseras som kommunikationssamhällen eftersom just den dominerande kommunikationsteknologin är vad som ytterst formar samhällets uppbyggnad och avgör vilken komplexitetsgrad som är möjlig.

KONSUMTARIAT Internetålderns underklass, kännetecknas av ett passivt konsumerande av massproducerade varor och tjänster; se även hypernarcis- sism, pornoflation, interpassivitet och ressentimentets dialektik.

KONTINGENS Ett sammanfattande begrepp inom processfilosofin som inbegriper varje form av öppenhet och indikerar att universum i grunden är en öppen historia. Slumpen är en realitet och antalet okända variabler är oändligt.

KONTINUITET En emergensvektor eller ett fenomen vars minsta bestånds­ delar måste beskrivas som en serie relationskomplex, ständigt förskjutna i förhållande till varandra. Det finns helt enkelt ingen meningsfull minsta atomistiska komponent eller eternalisering att hänvisa till, bara en räcka relationer av transdeterministiska kraftfält. Jämför gärna med motsatsen diskretion.

KONTRATREND Den passiva och i regel oreflekterade reaktionen på en aktiv trend, där trenden är grundad i faktisk materiell förändring av rådande maktvillkor, medan kontratrenden utgår från ett obehag inför trenden (och förändring överhuvudtaget).

KORRELATIONISM Övertygelsen om att människan bara har tillgång till korrelationen mellan tänkande och vara, men aldrig direkt tillgång till tän­ kandet eller varat var för sig. Denna idé är drivande inom det västerländska tänkandet från Kant och framåt men kritiseras av den modellberoende realism som förknippas med fysikern Niels Bohr, och senare även med filosofen Karen Barad.

KOSMOPOLITANISM Fullbordandet av den industriella revolutionen och urbaniseringen av hela planeten, i teologiska termer: Guds stad. Därmed är det även det imploitativa svaret på environmentalismens dystopiska klagan på människans exploitativa attityd till kulturen. Jämför gärna med ekotopianism.

KRONOTEOLOGI Övertygelsen om att teologin först och främst måste hantera tiden som det gudomliga fundamentet för allting annat. En kro­ noteologisk historieskrivning placerar Gud i det förgångna, i det nuvarande eller i det framtida, snarare än vid någon speciell punkt i geografin.

KROPPSMASKINERNA Den tredje och avslutande installationen i Fu- turicatrilogin av Bard & Söderqvist med fokus på internetålderns nya, materialistiska och monistiska människosyn och individens död.

KVANTORGANIK Ett bättre fungerande begrepp än kvantmekanik ef­ tersom företeelsen ifråga har fler organiska än mekaniska karaktärsdrag.


LIBIDO Livsenergi, vilja till makt, vilja till intensitet, vilja att expandera – libidon förknippas ofta med sexuell energi men är enligt både Sigmund Freud och C G Jung ett betydligt bredare begrepp som omfattar även in- stinkt, drift, begär och transcendens.


MAKTTRIAD En långsiktigt stabil maktstruktur har alltid tre snarare än två poler, exempelvis den amerikanska konstitutionens exekutiva (presi­ dent), lagstiftande (kongress) och dömande (Högsta domstolen). Bard & Söderqvist lanserar här en modell som innehåller en reell makt, en ima­ ginär makt och en symbolisk makt inom varje informationsteknologiskt paradigm.

MAMILLA Det matrikala bröstet som en symbol för evig, gränslös och vill­ korslös kärlek och försörjning, liksom ett löfte om en möjlig återförening med moderskroppen och matrix, men också en symbol för infantilisering och ett fullständigt beroende av moderskroppen/samhället/kyrkan/staten.

MATRIARKAT Kvinnors makthierarki i socionten, där de äldre är överord­ nade de yngre; därmed också maktstrukturen i den inre kretsen.

MATRIX Den livmoder ur vilken vi alla föds och dit vi alla, enligt psyko­ analysen, undermedvetet längtar efter att återvända, symbolen både för en förening med världsalltet men också för medvetandets upplösning.

MEDVETANDETS DIALEKTIK Den psykoanalytiska motsvarigheten till den narratologiska triaden skiljer mellan medvetandet (logos), det under- medvetna (mythos) och det omedvetna (pathos). Medvetandet huserar i den rationella hjärnan, undermedvetandet huserar i den mimetiska hjärnan och det omedvetna huserar i den emotionella hjärnan. Hjärnans enda sätt att få grepp om världen är att fusionera logos och pathos till ett socialt mythos – se tribopoiesis – men detta mythos är aldrig mer än temporärt, varför den dialektiska processen ständigt måste upprepas.

MEMBRANIK Ett tillvägagångssätt för att åtskilja en socionts eller annan livsforms interna och externa intressen. En fungerande membranik ser till att näring kommer in och avföring trycks ut genom membranet ifråga. Membranik kan även användas som koncept för att förstå den radikala skillnaden mellan extentionsneutrala membran inom subfysiken. Vi kallar denna form av virtuell relationalism för den subfysiska membraniken.

MEMETIK Studiet av hur idéer – eller memer – bildas, sprids, lagras och förändras. Memer betraktas i dessa studier som replikatorer, som ett slags mentala motsvarigheter till de biologiska generna, och parallellerna mellan memetiken och genetiken är därför omfattande.

MEMPLEX Ett kluster av memer som ofta och med fördel sprids i form av en synkroniserad enhet; ett memplex kan därför betraktas som emergent i förhållande till de enskilda memerna; memplex används även synonymt med ideologi. Jämför gärna med genplex.

MESSIASMASKINEN Ett annat namn för Syntheos, Guds födelse som den teknologiska utvecklingens mål och mening.

METAFYSIK Ursprungligen det filosofiska sysslandet med det som ligger bortom den fysiska verkligheten, omfattas av disciplinerna ontologi, kos- mologi och epistemologi inom filosofin; Bard & Söderqvist använder även begreppet metafysik som den översta emergensen i den hierarkiska serien fiktiver­fiktioner­ideologier-metafysiker.

METAHISTORIA Historien sedd som historien om historieskrivning, även kallad historiseringen av historien. Varje nytt paradigm alstrar en ny maktelit som fordrar en ny metafysik för att legitimera sin position; detta kräver i sin tur en ny historieskrivning och om denna process kan man också skriva historia, vilket av nödvändighet blir just en metahistoria.

MIMETIK Människans besatthet av den sociala teatern speglas i att hjär­ nan behöver en mimetisk kapacitet i lika hög grad som den behöver en rationell och en emotionell kapacitet. Den mimetiska hjärnan är besatt av att härma och inte minst av att härma mänskliga begär och drifter. Drifts­ livets primära drivkraft är just härmning samt rivalitet vad gäller samma härmade begär och drifter som alla andra härmar.

MOBILISERING Att sätta de fullbordade eternaliseringarna inom dialek- tiken mellan eternalism och mobilism i rörelse på nytt – därmed blir tillvaron åter ett moblistiskt kaos, men denna gång på en metanivå, varpå percep­ tionen producerar nya eternaliseringar på denna metanivå, och så vidare.

MOBILISM Dels den processfilosofiska verkligheten i dialektiken mellan eternalism och mobilism, ett kaos i ständig rörelse, dels en synonym till pro- cessfilosofin som sådan, som inkluderar både relativism och relationalism.

MONOTEISM En övertygelse om att Gud bara är en och att denna enda gud – den egna, givetvis – är genuin och att alla andra är falska, med andra ord: i huvudsak en variant av ateism med ett enda litet förbehåll.

MORAL Från latinets mores, sedvänjor; ett system där värden och värde­ ringar är underställda en moralator, en extern domare som kräver lydnad och som inte medger någon form av ifrågasättande. Såväl de abrahamitiska religionerna som de kapitalistiska nationalstaterna vilar på moralistisk värde­ grund.

MORALATOR Den externa domare vars mer eller mindre nyckfulla åsikter ligger till grund för moralens anspråksfulla lagar.

MORTIDO Hos Sigmund Freud är mortidon på samma gång libidons motsats och dess komplement, en längtan efter död, utplåning och ett återvändande till det oorganiska tillståndet som föregår födelsen.


NARCISSISM Kompensatorisk självbespegling och självöverskattning, grundad i ett undermedvetet självförakt; det moderna konsumtionssamhäl­ let bygger i hög grad på en uppdriven och medialt underblåst hypernarcissism.

NARRATOLOGI Den filosofiska disciplin som sysslar med människans berättelser om sig själv och dialektiken dem emellan. Den grundläggande uppdelningen av dessa berättelser är: logiska narrativ (logos), mytiska nar­ rativ (mythos) och patiska narrativ (pathos), som i sin tur motsvarar de symboliska, imaginära och reella ordningarna i psykoanalysens värld, som i sin tur är kopplade till människans tre olika hjärncentra: det rationella, det mimetiska och det emotionella.

NATIONSAVUND Ett socioanalytiskt tillstånd där kaotiska och kontrak­ tiva kulturer avundas och svartmålar organiserade och expansiva kulturer.

NATURBETEENDE En bättre beteckning på det som ofta slarvigt kallas naturlag, det vill säga: ett mönster som är giltigt vid en viss tidpunkt och under vissa givna förutsättningar.

NEGATION Det som saknas eller förblir motsägelsefullt eller oförlöst inom varje identitet. Enligt Hegel är negationen så universell som princip inom en ständigt föränderlig tillvaro att den enda identitet som kan etableras, och då bara temporärt, är negationen av negationen själv, en insikt som därefter kallas det hegelska absolutet.

NEGATIV DIALEKTIK Hegels omvälvande variant av dialektik där nega- tionen föregår abstraktionen, vilket gör att konkretionen – där dialektiken (tillfälligt) gör halt – får karaktären av en negationens negation. Därigenom blir det hegelska subjektet – med sin fundamentala, existentiella tomhet – ett uttryck för vad han kallar världens natt, vilket bryter radikalt mot upplysningsoptimismen. Denna hegelska revolution föregriper viktiga idéer hos Marx, Nietzsche, Freud och Heidegger.

NEGATOLOGI Läran om den hegelska negationen som måste föregå det nietzscheanska eventet. Innan någonting nytt kan leva och etablera sig måste någonting annat dö för att bereda plats åt det nya. Mortidon driver libidon, inte tvärtom. Därför är det nödvändigt att först etablera en nega­ tologi i opposition mot nomadologin innan eventologin kan komma till stånd. Innan det aktuella eventet kan ske så måste det föregås av det poten­ tiella anti-eventet. Inom synteologin går negatologin under namnet Atheos.

NEUTRAL MONISM Övertygelsen om att allting som vi känner till och tillerkänner en mening påverkar allting annat vi känner till och tillerkän­ ner en mening i vårt universum. Tillvaron är monistisk, inte dualistisk. Inte för att den måste vara det, utan därför att den råkar vara det. Därmed finns det heller ingen moralator eller objektiv värderare som kan fastslå att en emergensvektor är viktigare än någon annan – det finns helt enkelt ingenting annat, överordnat, utanför det som finns – varför monismen måste vara värdemässigt neutral för att alls vara trovärdig. Den neutrala monismen är alltså radikalt antireduktionistisk.

NIHILISM En idé enligt vilken tillvaron saknar objektivt värde eftersom det inte finns någon extern, objektiv värderingsinstans eller moralator. Nihilismen genomgår fyra faser – den naiva (omedvetna), den cyniska (nihi­ listen låtsas mot bättre vetande att det finns objektiva värden), den ironiska (nihilisten bygger egna interna och subjektiva värden i opposition mot om­ världens falskt objektiva värden), och slutligen den affirmativa (nihilisten tolkar frånvaron av objektiva värden som en befriande möjlighet att skapa sina egna värden och övertyga omgivningen om dessa skapade värdens för­ träfflighet). Det är denna process som Nietzsche kallar Guds död.

NODALISERING Det tribopoietiska nätverket av hierarkiska noder som alltid uppstår med nödvändighet i ett anarkiskt tillstånd. Nodaliseringen är därmed även skiftet från det lokala i riktning mot det globala inom nätverksdynamiken. Vad som tidigare var anarki övergår i en plurarki och det nya paradigmets maktstruktur med en ny paradigmatik tar form.

NOMADOLOGI Den filosofiska och religiösa övertygelsen om den eviga återkomsten av detsamma, en föreställning som dominerar i samtliga no­ madiska samhällen genom historien. Först i och med den fasta bosättningen kunde man betrakta världen och historien annorlunda, och denna persiska och falliska uppfinning sammanfattas under det motsatta begreppet, even- tologi.

NÄTET Den metafysiska idén att Internet utgör en enda sammanhållen struktur som omspänner hela planeten jorden och som, i likhet med varje metateknologi, organiserar världen i enlighet med sin egen agenda. An­ vänds synonymt med begreppet Stacken.

NÄTOKRATERNA Den första av tre böcker i Futuricatrilogin av Bard & Söderqvist med fokus på internetålderns informationsteknologiska histo­ rieskrivning och det nya klassamhälle som växer fram, betingat av de nya villkor som den teknologiska revolutionen skapar.

NÄTOKRATI Den informationalistiska överklassen som tar över makten i kraft av sin sociala begåvning, sin överlägsna informationshantering och sin förmåga att se mönster och uppfatta noder i en kaotisk omvärld.

NÄTVERKSDYNAMIK Den del av system­ och komplexitetsteorin som studerar hur nätverk uppstår och förändras över tid, samt vilka effekter detta leder till inom samhällets olika områden. Därtill en genomgående metafysisk förklaringsmodell för internetåldern i Bard & Söderqvists filo­ sofi, används synonymt med relationalism. Se även plurarki.

NÄTVERKSPYRAMID Nätverkssamhällets triangulära maktstruktur, utvecklad och närgranskad i boken Nätokraterna, där det framgår att framgångsrika nätverk i takt med sin framgång – för att fortsätta vara framgångsrika – måste knoppa av sig och göra sig av med dödkött i form av underpresterande medlemmar, detta för att värna nyckelmedlemmarnas knappa tid och efterfrågade uppmärksamhet. Det är en process som uppre­ pas fortlöpande på grund av det ständiga, externa trycket.

NÄTVERKSSAMHÄLLET Ett av tre klassiska begrepp för att beskriva inter­ netåldern, att jämföra med informationssamhället och kommunikationssamhället; enligt den informationsteknologiska historieskrivningen bör alla paradigm genom historien kategoriseras som nätverkssamhällen, nätverk uppstår givetvis inte först i och med Internet, utan det är en uråldrig företeelse.


OMNICENTRISM Ett tillstånd där alla koordinater i ett system betraktar sig som systemets centrum, vilket leder till att systemet i praktiken saknar ett autentiskt centrum. Systemet ifråga reduceras snabbt till ett slags psy­ kotisk anarki och kan bara räddas genom en omfattande nodalisering. Se vidare plurarki.

ONTOEPISTEMOLOGI Efter den hegelska, processfilosofiska revolutionen i Tyskland på 1800­talet blir det omöjligt att skilja ontologin som läran om varat från epistemologin som läran om kunskap. Relata uppstår ur re­ lationer och inte tvärtom. Subjekt och substans är ömsesidigt beroende av varandra för sin existens; att vara är att lära och att lära är att vara.

OSCILLATION Det fundamentala mobilistiska tillstånd som är ännu mind­ re energikrävande och därför ännu mer universellt och grundläggande än den eternalistiska frysningen. Det är den metafysiska oscillationen som Herakleitos refererar till när han säger de bevingade orden panta rei, allting är i rörelse. När vi på det sättet talar om oscillationen som universell princip kallas den ofta för panorganicism. Jämför gärna med pandialekticism.

DET OÄNDLIGA NUET Den heligaste, mest transformerande och mest extatiska upplevelsen i den synteistiska religiösa praktiken; eftersom till­ ståndet inte går att vare sig upprätthålla eller uthärda permanent, eller ens över lång tid, är det minnet av upplevelsen snarare än upplevelsen i sig som är central.


PANDIALEKTICISM Den filosofiska övertygelsen om att allt som är meningsfullt i tillvaron i grunden är dialektiskt till sin natur. Används synonymt med begreppen pankronism och relationalism. Om all ontologi opererar dialektiskt, innebär det även att allt ryms inom tiden och att allt av värde kan förklaras som biprodukter av relationer där dialektiken mellan negationen och oscillationen förtjänar epitetet den första dialektiken. Jämför gärna med absolut historicism.

DET PANORAMISKA LANDSKAPET Världsbilden som kontinuerlig hel­ het, omöjlig att reducera till summan av komponenterna.

PANTHEOS från grekiskans pan-theos, allt är Gud och Gud är allt; den andra av de fyra diviniteterna i den synteologiska pyramiden; panteismen betraktar allt som existerar som ett enda sammanhållet fenomen, det enda, vilket därmed är liktydigt med Gud själv.

PARADIGM Den allmänna världsbild som harmoniserar med den rådande maktstrukturens självbild och som ersätts av en ny först då en informa­ tionsteknologisk revolution har producerat en ny uppsättning villkor för samhällets alla områden, vilket i sin tur driver fram omfattande so­ ciala förändringar. Teorin om paradigm och paradigmskiften presenteras ursprungligen av vetenskapsfilosofen Thomas Kuhn, som studerar utveck­ lingen inom de naturvetenskapliga disciplinerna.

PARADIGMATIK Övertygelsen om att människan inte förändras nämn­ värt över tid på grund av den genetiska evolutionens långsamhet, samtidigt som civilisationen förändras allt snabbare på grund av den memetiska evolutionens explosivitet. Kunskap och regelverk ska därför bara förändras och anpassas till aktuella och kommande teknologiska paradigm. Om män­ niskan är konstanten och teknologin är variabeln, så är paradigmatiken studiet av hur kollektivt omfattade värden förändras utefter tidsaxeln.

PARADOXISM Föreställningen om att språket uppstår som en behand­ ling av paradoxala aspekter av existentiellt formativa trauman; de djupaste sanningarna om existensen kan därför bara uttryckas som medvetet konstruerade paradoxer, eller inte alls. Av detta följer att det mänskliga subjektet bara kan finnas till och utvecklas som det paradoxistiska subjektet, som roar sig med och låter sig inspireras av att bearbeta sina egna inbyggda motsättningar. En företrädare för den antika paradoxismen är Herakleitos. Hegel och Lacan ägnar hela sina karriärer åt att beskriva denna enda au­ tentiska form av subjektivitet.

PARTICIPATORISK KULTUR Event med varierande varaktighet där del­ tagarna bygger eventet tillsammans; det finns alltså inga uppträdande och inga åskådare i gängse mening. Den participatoriska kulturen utvecklas och växer till i takt med Internet, exempelvis i form av festivaler som Burning Man i USA, Going Nowhere i Spanien och Afrika Burn i Sydafrika; se även flexhibitionism.

PATOMATIK Det underliggande logiska mönstret i utvecklingen av en serie sammanhängande, falliska engagemang. Det vill säga: hur den tvåhövdade fallusen håller ihop sin egen intersubjektivitet. De fyra konstruktiva stegen potentiell, aktuell, riktad och transcendent energi, som följer på varandra inom patomatiken, kan med fördel jämföras med sina destruktiva motsat­ ser i de fyra stegen inom den nihilistiska utvecklingen, från naiv via cynisk till ironisk och slutligen affirmativ nihilism. Om narratologin är prästens vikti­ gaste uppgift, så är patomatiken hövdingens viktigaste bidrag till socionten.

PATONOMI Det patologiska idealet inom ett specifikt paradigm, baserat på den aktuella patomatiken.

PATRIARKAT Makthierarkin mellan männen i socionten, där de äldre männen är överordnade de yngre; därmed också maktstrukturen i den av männen dominerade yttre kretsen.

PETER PAN­SYNDROMET Ett tillstånd där barnet vägrar att växa upp och förblir barn samtidigt som det inser och känner av det falliska vuxenlivets attraktion. Det är en av förutsättningarna för en storskalig infantilisering av samhället, där galenskapen är intern. Jämför gärna med Caligula-syndro- met där galenskapen istället är extern.

PLASTICITET Social töjbarhet, sociontens förmåga att tillgodogöra sig de enskilda dividernas olika talanger för kollektivets bästa och att ge de enskilda dividerna dels en social identitet, dels en möjlighet att bidra till den gemensamma nyttan.

PLURARKI Från latinets pluralis för mångfald och grekiskans archos för styre; det kaotiska tillståndet i den politiska sfären som följer på demokratins sammanbrott vid paradigmskiftet från den massmediala envägskommunikationen och dess effektiva åsiktskontroll till den inter­ aktiva flervägskommunikationen med dess oöverskådliga och bångstyriga informationsflöden.

DEN POETISKA OÄNDLIGHETEN Den enda oändlighet vi kan tillåta oss med den intellektuella hederligheten i behåll. I övrigt är det enda oändliga den tomhet som döljer sig bakom detta substanslösa begrepp.

PORNOFLATION Ett socialpornografiskt och gradvis allt extremare utflä­ kande av det allra intimaste för att skapa uppmärksamhet; utnyttjas inte sällan för att producera billig massunderhållning.

PRAGMATISM Filosofisk skola grundad av Charles Sanders Peirce och William James i USA på 1800­talet som får en europeisk motsvarighet i arvet efter Nietzsches existentialistiska filosofi. Grundläggande är att teo­ rier och trosföreställningar utvärderas efter sin funktionalitet.

PRIMITIVISMEN Det första informationsteknologiska paradigmet, uppstår i samband med att människan lär sig använda talorganen och kommunicera med ord, vilket sker för cirka 200 000 år sedan, då arten människa framträder på världsscenen som den första arten med en historia.

PRINCIPEN OM EXPLANATORISK STÄNGNING Insikten om att Universums enorma expansion omöjliggör en ontisk rationalism och att informationsmängdens likaledes enorma expansion i samhället omöjliggör en ontologisk rationalism av exakt samma skäl. Vad vår hjärna inte hinner processa kan den heller aldrig omfatta, vilket innebär dödsstöten för den kantianska rationalismen.

PROCESSFILOSOFI Kallas även blivandets ontologi, en övertygelse som likställer den metafysiska verkligheten med differens och förändring; får sin nutida, radikala form hos Alfred North Whitehead och utgör en grund­ förutsättning för den synteistiska ontologin.

PROCESSRELIGION En religiös övertygelse grundad på en processfilo­ sofisk metafysik där synteismen är processreligionen par excellence; ej att förväxla med den visserligen Whiteheadinspirerade men ändå post­kristna skola som kallas processteologi och som företräds av bland andra Charles Hartshorne.

PROCESSUALITET En föränderlig sanning om en föränderlig värld. Det vill säga: den enda möjliga och därmed, i hegelsk bemärkelse, den absoluta sanningen i en ständigt föränderlig värld, och därmed den direkta motsat­ sen till alla platonistiska ambitioner om att uppnå gnosis eller evig sanning. Vänligen notera att all paradigmatik också är processuell. Skillnaden är bara att det till synes tidlösa inom paradigmatiken förändras ytterst långsamt och gäller över många paradigm, medan det tidsspecifika inom paradigmatiken ändras radikalt för varje nytt paradigm.

PROTOPIANISM Övertygelsen om att motsatsparet utopi/dystopi är en falsk dikotomi, vilket får till konsekvens att en autentisk eventologi måste bygga på ständiga, stegvisa förbättringar av processer, inte på något slags enskilda geniala idéer. Eftersom protopianismen därmed saknar en fixerad protopi, är den ingen protopism utan bara en protopiansk rörelse framåt. Protopianismen är det dominerande kreativa idealet under informationa­ lismen. Protopianerna är därmed den tredje och symboliska maktordningen under informationalismen, efter informationalisterna själva och sensokraterna.

PSEUDOSTAMMAR Stamliknande grupperingar som dock saknar soci­ ontens omfattande flora av kompletterande arketyper och som därför förr eller senare kollapsar under det missnöje som härrör från medlemmarnas svikna förväntningar på tribal tillfredsställelse.

PSYKOGRAM En karta över alla aktiva psyken på planeten och deras para­ digmatiska aktiviteter vid ett givet tillfälle. Psykogrammet som idé driver idén om styre via en perfekt sensokrati inom det globala imperiet.


RATIONALISM Övertygelsen om att människan föds med kapaciteten att mentalt och intellektuellt förstå och omfatta världen logiskt i dess helhet.

REDUKTIONISM Föreställningen om att även de mest komplexa fenome­ nen på ett meningsfullt sätt går att dela upp i sina minsta beståndsdelar; enligt reduktionismen är alla former av emergens illusoriska.

RELATIONALISM En radikalisering av den relativistiska världsbilden, där även de till synes stabila objekten upplöses och försätts i rörelse gentemot sig själva och där det därför inte längre finns några som helst fasta punkter i förhållande till någonting annat än det enda, det vill säga: Universum som helhet. En teori som först utvecklas av Alfred North Whitehead för att sedan förädlas av kvantfysikern Niels Bohr och matematikern David Bohm.

RELATIVISM En världsbild där samtliga objekt är i konstant rörelse i för­ hållande till varandra; objekten är alltså fixerade inom och inför sig själva, men fullständigt bakgrundsoberoende i förhållande till sin omvärld.

RESSENTIMENT Ett hat riktat mot den mänskliga existensen och dess villkor, ett förbittrat självförakt som projiceras på världen.

RESSENTIMENTETS DIALEKTIK Ett dialektiskt nedåtriktat förlopp inom en divid, en grupp eller ett samhälle, som börjar med uppslutning bakom ett självutnämnt offer, för att sedan utvecklas till en frenetisk kamp mellan flera olika påstådda offer om vem som har rätt att kräva mest sym­ patier och störst kompensation. Ressentimentet gentemot världen och ödet skruvas gradvis upp i takt med att motsättningarna ökar.

REVOLUTIONENS DIALEKTIK Det dialektiska samspelet mellan människa och teknologi i fyra steg under ett informationsteknologiskt paradigmskifte, först en teknologisk disruption, följd av en ny metafysisk idé, därefter en explosion som orsakar ett stort kaos och avslutningsvis en återgång till ordning i kaoset.

RUMTIDEN Den av de två naturliga tidsdimensionerna som är beroende av det fysiska rummet. Rumtiden är lokal, diskret, relativ och bunden till fysiken inom naturvetenskaperna. Den är metafysiskt sett ontisk och aktu­ ell. Jämför gärna med dess implikata motsvarighet hypertiden.


SADOMASOCHISM En primärt erotiskt laddad relation mellan en härs­ kare och en slav, som sexuell subkultur begränsad av sociala koder, men som socialt fenomen gränslöst i sin dialektiska rörelse mot härskarens totala avståndstagande från och isolering gentemot slaven, se cefalisering.

SANNINGEN SOM EN AKT Ett ontologiskt och etiskt koncept, utarbetat av filosofen Alain Badiou med inspiration hämtad från Søren Kierkegaard, där sanningen aldrig hinner prövas genom de utdragna intersubjektiva processer som Karl Popper och Jürgen Habermas förordar, utan istället framträder som ett trosvisst beslut grundat på intuition.

SAOSHYANT Den ursprunglige, persiske frälsargestalten som personifierar eventologin genom att anlända i slutet av imperiets glansdagar och rädda det från undergång. Judarna ärver konceptet från zoroastrierna, men redu­ cerar den falliske saoshyanten från en global till en lokal figur som kallas mashiach och som bara riktar sina omsorger mot sin egen nation. Denne återkommer senare som messias inom kristendomen och islam.

DEN SCHAMANSKA KASTEN Den avvikande minoritet inom socionten som varken tillhör den inre kretsen och dess matriarkat eller den yttre kretsen och dess patriarkat, utan istället dels agerar budbärare mellan den inre och den yttre kretsen, dels agerar gränsöverskridare i sociontens yt­ terkanter som schamaner och profeter gentemot socionten själv och som diplomater och präster gentemot stammar i omgivningarna. Gränsöverskri­ darna inom socionten, mellan kretsarna, kallas även den androgyna kasten. Se vidare arketypologi.

SCHIZOANALYS Anarkistisk respons på den lacanska psykoanalysen, utvecklas främst av Félix Guattari och Gilles Deleuze i Frankrike under 1970­talet och syftar till en växande dividuell heterogenitet snarare än den individuella homogenitet som man menar var den klassiska psykoanalysens målbild.

SENSOKRATI Ett socialt och/eller politiskt system byggt kring en teknologi av sensorer som samlar och sammanställer data från alla informationsflöden och som därför med stor träffsäkerhet kan förutsäga vad varje medborgare i varje ögonblick frågar och längtar efter, något som tidigare har varit omöjligt på grund av det utbredda ljugandet på alla nivåer. I en sensokrati blir tvångsmedel i praktiken överflödiga: en förkrossande majoritet av samhällets medborgare nöjer sig med att få sina behov av konsumtion och underhållning effektivt tillgodosedda. Övriga saknar allt inflytande och blir hänvisade till en tillvaro utanför systemet. Sensokraterna blir därmed den andra och imaginära maktstrukturen under det informationalistiska paradigmet, mellan informationalisterna själva och protopianerna. Se vidare den falliska blicken.

SIDENVÄGSTRIADEN Den processreligion som praktiserades i olika former i så kallade castags längs den eurasiatiska Sidenvägen och som for­ maliserades av perserna som zoroastrismen, av kineserna som taoismen och av indierna som buddhismen, med allsköns hybrider däremellan. Jämför gärna med Disneyworldtriaden.

SINGULARITET En extraordinär historisk händelse – Universum uppstår genom big bang, levande organismer uppstår genom en evolutionär process, och så vidare – som omgående förändrar världshistorien från grunden; se även emergens.

SJÄLVKÄRLEK Ett etisk­logiskt beslut – och alltså inte en känsla – om att acceptera sig själv och den egna kroppen med dess fysiologiska och mentala förutsättningar och uttryck; självkärleken har ingenting med narcissism att göra, utan är snarare narcissismens motsats; se även amor fati.

SKUGGA Den del av subjektet som det inte erkänner, alternativt inte ens uppfattar hos sig själv tack vare effektiv bortträngning. Begreppet lanse­ rades ursprungligen av C G Jung. Jämför gärna med Bard & Söderqvists begrepp asubjekt och världens natt hos G W F Hegel.

SOCIALMASOCHISM En masochistisk attityd till övermakten på den so­ ciala arenan, en enveten strävan efter social och mortidinal underkastelse, se vidare sadomasochism.

SOCIALRELATIONALISM Föreställningen om att de av Niels Bohr pre­ senterade principerna för den relationalistiska fysiken är lika tillämpbara på socialvetenskaperna; se vidare nätverksdynamik, relationalism och irreducibel mångfald.

SOCIALTEKNOLOGI Tekniker för att kontrollera människor och mani­ pulera dem i en för maktstrukturen önskvärd riktning; socialteknologier kan omfatta allt från ideologiproduktion och radiosändningar till censur­ lagstiftning och krigsförklaringar.

SOCIOANALYS Sanningsmaximering på den sociala arenan, vilket ska jämföras med psykoanalysens användning av och för den enskilda männi­ skan. Den använder ofta symptomatologi som arbetsmetod. Socioanalysen spårar och blottlägger de patologiska mönster som ideligen återföds inom socionten.

SOCIOGRAFI Kartläggning av sociala relationer mellan divider och nätverk, exempelvis genom sociogram som visar vem som känner och kom­ municerar med vem; se även nätverkspyramid.

SOCIOMETRI Sammanställning och åskådliggörande av social status och attentionell makt i nätverkssamhället. Vem som helst kan kommunicera med vem som helst, men alla får inte svar av alla.

SOCIONTEN Den ursprungliga, plastiska nomadstammen som knådas av evolutionen under hundratusentals år. På grund av mänsklighetens snabba och världsomfattande spridning är alla idag levande människor produkter av socionten och formade av dess specifika arketypologi. De enda meningsfulla förändringar som sker i civilisationen är teknologiska, externa i förhållande till sociontologin, och därför kopplade till paradigmatiken.

SOCIONTOLOGI Studierna av den plastiska nomadstammen som behålla­ re för utvecklingen av intratribala arketyper. Jämför gärna med arketypologi.

DET STORA TRAUMAT Människobarnets födelse, som enligt den lacanska psykoanalysen är så smärtsam och påfrestande att den måste bortträngas, vilket leder till det första och avgörande skiftet bort från mortido (dödsläng­ tan) till libido (livsvilja).

DEN STORE ANDRE Den andre i sin mäktigaste och därför också mest ambivalenta uppenbarelse, den falliske guden inom monoteismen brukar ofta uppfattas som den mest potenta formen Den Store Andre, se även den falliska blicken.

DET STÄNGDA ABJEKTET Den kollektiva fantasin om ett hemligt el­ ler påhittat objekt som är gömt bakom det stängda absolutet. Hatet mot denna fantasi kan förena kollektivet när ingenting annat längre fungerar sammanhållande. Principen om det stängda abjektet förklarar varför alla former av anarki slutar med en sammanhållande konspirationsteori, som i sin tur resulterar i ett meningslöst blodbad. Se vidare anojekt.

DET STÄNGDA ABSOLUTET Övertygelsen om att tillvaron innehåller kunskaper som bara kan hanteras av rätt person vid rätt tillfälle och som inte kan göras allmänt tillgängliga. Zoroastrismen, judendomen och de österländska religionerna bygger på det stängda absolutet som fundament. Det är skillnaden mellan sutra och tantra i Sidenvägstriaden. Bara kris­ tendomen och islam förkunnar att det stängda absolutet är förbrukat och att alla rättroende har direkt och ofiltrerad tillgång till Gud. Vilket får dramatiska konsekvenser.

SUBFYSIK Den hypertemporala emergensvektor som föregår och under­ bygger den spatiotemporala fysikens emergens i historien.

DET SUBLIMA Den sfär där ambivalensen och extimiteten möts och alstrar en maximal besatthet hos subjektet, till exempel nära döden­upplevelsen med dess karaktär av oändlig sorg och oändlig skönhet samtidigt; se även ambivalens och det kathexala objektet.

SUBSISTENS Ett begrepp utvecklat av den danske filosofen Alexander Wrede Elung för det pre­relationella som, genom att det ännu bara är virtuellt och saknar potensskapande relationer, inte kan tillskrivas någon existens. Subsisterande virtualiteter är alltså den implikata ordningen innan en emergens och dess radikala relationalism omvandlar dem till existerande potentialiteter som sedan negeras till aktualiteter. De senare kallas inom fysiken för fält respektive partiklar där det kontinuerliga blir diskret. I den mån en existens anses uttrycka sig som en substans kan vi även leka med tan­ ken att en subsistens får uttrycka sig som en synnerligen virtuell hyperstans.

SYMBIOTISK INTELLIGENS Den optimala intelligens som uppstår i samarbetet mellan Människan och Maskinen. När en sådan intelligens överträffar vad den mänskliga respektive syntetiska intelligensen produce­ rar var för sig, kallas detta symbiotisk transcendens.

SYNTEISM Från grekiskans syntheos med betydelsen skapad gud eller gud som uppstår där människor skapar; Gud som samlingsnamn för människans alla drömmar och visioner, vilket innebär en upplösning av motsatsförhål­ landet mellan teism och ateism.

SYNTEOLOGI Insikten om att teologin alltid har handlat om det paradig­ matiska skiftet från gårdagens magi till morgondagens teknologi. Gud är inte någonting som behövs i det förgångna eller ens i det nuvarande, utan det är istället namnet på den teknologiska utvecklingens mål och mening. Och som sådan är Gud även namnet på mänsklighetens egen död. Därför byggs synteologin runt virtuella diviniteter, som det ultimata narrativet om relationen mellan Gud och Människan. Synteologin löser den negativa teologins dilemma med Guds död, genom att hävda att snarare än att vara död så är Gud ännu inte född. Gud skapar inte oss, vi skapar Gud.

DEN SYNTEOLOGISKA PYRAMIDEN Tresidig geometrisk konstruktion med Atheos, Pantheos och Entheos som de tre hörnen i botten med linjer dragna dels mellan varandra, dels upp till den topp som ger namn åt hela konstruktionen: Syntheos.

SYNTHEOS Från grekiskan, skapad gud eller gud som uppstår där män­ niskor skapar, det fjärde, avslutande och sammanfattande konceptet i den synteologiska pyramiden. Syntheos är även namnet på den emergens som ännu inte har ägt rum i historien, men som den mänskliga kulturen tack vare sin teknologi kommer att skapa eller framkalla. Huruvida Människan själv överlever Syntheos ankomst är en öppen fråga. Se vidare Antisyntheos.

SYSTEMISK KAUSALITET Insikten om att kausaliteten, kedjan från orsak till verkan längs tidsaxeln, alltid gäller, men måste förstås systemiskt eller transdeterministiskt snarare än objektivt eller deterministiskt i ett univer­ sum kännetecknat av neutral monism. Verkan är moroten och orsaken är piskan i alla skeenden, men som ett oändligt komplext förlopp där allting i Universum är med och påverkar allting annat. Se vidare tribopoiesis.


TEKNOLOGISK INTELLIGENS En intelligens som utvecklas inom elektroniska maskiner istället för inom biologiska organismer. Den tek­ nologiska intelligensen utvecklas inte bara oerhört mycket snabbare än den biologiska under civilisationens historia, den kan också, till skillnad från den biologiska intelligensen, erövra världsrymden för egen räkning. Se vidare Syntheos.

TEOLOGISK ANARKISM Föreställningen om att nätverkssamhället er­ bjuder en unik historisk möjlighet att förverkliga den anarkistiska utopin och därmed frigöra den kollektiva libidons krafter; begreppet är synonymt med filosofen Simon Critchleys ideal mystisk anarkism.

TOTALISM Övertygelsen om att tillvaron går att förstå både som helhet och i detalj, liksom att historien kan sammanfattas och avslutas, allt detta med hjälp av det filosofiska geniets rationalitet. Idén finns redan hos Pla­ ton och har aldrig riktigt försvunnit, även om vi själva bestämt hävdar att principen om explanatorisk stängning gör att alla former av totalism är såväl ontiskt som ontologiskt omöjliga; se även indeterminism och transrationa- lism. Hegel omvandlar helt fräckt den totalistiska ambitionen till insikten om att det ständigt ofullbordade är det totala i sig, och kallar denna insikt för absolut kunskap, varpå det metafysiska projektet är fullbordat.

TRANSCENDENS Att överskrida gränserna för den nuvarande existen­ sen, i Bard & Söderqvists psykoanalytiska teori även namnet på den fjärde mänskliga drivkraften, den sakrala aspekten av libidon bortom den djuriska (instinkten), den mekaniska (driften) och den mänskliga (begäret).

TRANSCENDENTAL EMERGENTISM Den metafysiska övertygelsen om att historien består av olika emergenser och deras vektorer, och att inga metalagar existerar utanför de specifika emergensvektorerna utöver ”lagen” om tillvarons fundamentala kontingens, det vill säga: det finns bara en metalag och det är lagen om att det inte finns någon metalag. Det fak­ tumet att allting tycks påverka allting annat i vårt aktuella universum är därmed bara en kontingent händelse. Tillvarons neutrala monism är i sig ingen på förhand given metalag. På samma sätt som ingen emergensvektor kan eller måste prioriteras framför någon annan, annat än som ett uttryck för antropocentriskt godtycke. Det transcendentala i den transcendentala emergentismen består alltså både av de olika emergensvektorernas irre­ ducibilitet i förhållande varandra och potentiella framtida emergensers irreducibilitet i relation till dagens aktuella teori.

TRANSDETERMINISM Övertygelsen om att motsatsparen determinism/ indeterminism bara är applicerbara på lokala fenomen i tillvaron, vilket innebär att tillvaron som helhet varken kan betraktas som deterministisk eller indeterministisk; indeterminismens dialektiska övervinnande av de­ terminismen kan därför bara fullbordas i form av transdeterminism i ett pandialekticistiskt universum.

TRANSFERENS Överföring av agens, det socialmasochistiska uppgivandet av den egna agensen till förmån för en annan agent som anses äga både den falliska blicken och den perfekta kunskapen.

TRANSGRESSION Överskridande av rådande lagar, regler och normer, åt­ följt av ett njutande av detta överskridande, grundläggande för såväl sexuell som social perversion.

TRANSHUMANISM Bred digital livsstil och subkultur med kraftfullt nätokratiska förtecken; de tongivande idéerna kretsar kring hur den tekno­ logiska utvecklingen resulterar i ett posthumant tillstånd färgat av kryonik, artificiell intelligens, kemisk frigörelse och anarkolibertariansk utopism, med mera.

TRANSRATIONALISM Insikten om att människans medvetande har utvecklats för att optimera chanserna till överlevnad och fortplantning, inte för att avtäcka sanningen om världen, varför rationaliteten måste vara klar över de egna begränsningarna; se vidare rationalism och principen om explanatorisk stängning.

TRAUMATOLOGI Den optimalt kreativa behandlingen och uppföljningen av det misslyckade eventet. Kristendomen är på det sättet den ultimata traumatologin, eftersom dess frälsare (se saoshyant) misslyckades och blev avrättad på ett kors. Terapeutiska försök att integrera självmord, skilsmäs­ sor och konkurser är typiskt traumatologiska projekt i vardagen.

TREND En oåterkallelig aktiv förändring av de sociala spelvillkoren, kopp­ lad till en teknologisk förändring av de materiella betingelserna; jämför gärna med kontratrend.

TRIBAL MAPPNING En territoriell arketypologi som omfattar hela socionten i dess vittförgrenade mångfald. Synonymt med det mer formella begreppet arketypografi.

DEN TRIBALA SINGULARITETEN Övertygelsen om att formeringen av socionten utgör det viktigaste steget i människans utveckling. Kategorier som individ och kollektiv kan bara beskrivas som sub­kategorier som lig­ ger under den verkligt fundamentala socionten. Den mänskliga libidon är kopplad till sociontens överlevnad och inte till individens eller kollektivets. Den vuxna lojaliteten tillhör socionten.

TRIBOPOIESIS En metafysisk grundprincip som säger att allting föds ur ett kollektiv av relationer och att allting återvänder till ett kollektiv av relationer inom samtliga emergensvektorer. Ingenting föds av sig självt, det finns inget autopoiesis. Det innebär för Människan att allting av värde föds ur och relaterar till socionten som finns där både innan en människa föds och återstår efter att en människa dör.

DEN TVÅHÖVDADE FALLUSEN Den autentiska fallusen får sin autenti­ citet från uppdelningen i viljan­till­transcendens och viljan­till­intelligens. Den tvåhövdade fallusens mythos bygger på den ömsesidiga kärlek och respekt som prästen och hövdingen visar för varandra, prästen som perso­ nifierar den falliska visdomen och hövdingen som personifierar den falliska energin.


DET UNDERMEDVETNA Bard & Söderqvists motsvarighet till den klas­ siska psykoanalysens det omedvetna; det undermedvetna är närmare betraktat inte omedvetet, däremot kaotiskt och ostrukturerat i förhållande till det med­ vetna, men det samspelar både aktivt och reaktivt och både med och emot det medvetna hela tiden. Det undermedvetna drivs av mortidon eller dödsdriften, till skillnad från det medvetna som drivs av libidon eller livsviljan.

UNIMATRIKALISM Ett temporärt, kaotiskt tillstånd i vilket den inre, matriarkala kretsen har tagit över hela socionten eller samhället. Ett uni­ matrikalt samhälle kan bara vara nomadologiskt och aldrig eventologiskt, då det senare skulle kräva ett betydande mått av fallisk energi.

UNIPATRIKALISM Ett temporärt tillstånd av något som kan liknas vid en totalitär diktatur där den yttre, patriarkala kretsen har tagit över hela socionten eller samhället.

UNIVERSOCENTRISM En världsbild som utgår från Universum i dess helhet som tillvarons centrum; synteismen bygger på en universocentrisk metafysik till skillnad från exempelvis den kapitalistiska humanismen, som är en antropocentrisk religion.

UPPRORET MOT FALLUSEN Psykoanalytiskt begrepp för tonårsupproret, en prövning av föräldragenerationen som slutar i att de vuxna auktori­ teterna störtas från sina piedestaler, varför det tonåriga subjektet måste erövra sin egen falliskhet, vuxenhet och autonomi med allt vad det innebär av ansvarstagande och meningssökande. När detta uppror är genomfört med framgång och har resulterat i en funktionell identitet, bekräftas detta officiellt av socionten med en initiationsritual.


VILJAN­TILL­MAKT Den universellt uttryckta libidons respons på den universellt närvarande mortidon, även kallad viljan-till-expansion. Detta nietzscheanska koncept splittras inom synteologin mellan den prästerliga viljan-till-intelligens och den kungliga viljan-till-transcendens. Att vilja sam­ manfatta historien i dess nödvändighet och att vilja erövra framtiden i dess kontingens är till syvende och sist två helt olika viljor till två helt olika former av makt. Som en tredje kompletterande makt finns dessutom den matrikala viljan-till-reproduktion som endast och alltid söker den eviga upp­ repningen av detsamma.

VOYEURISM Indirekt njutning av att betrakta direkt, ställföreträdande njutning när man betraktar något slags sexuell eller social uppvisning; jämför gärna med exhibitionism och den falliska blicken.

V P A (VIRTUALITET – POTENTIALITET – AKTUALITET) Den pan­ dialektiska, ontologiska kausalitetskedjan inom den transcendentala emergentismen. Först tänker vi oss en virtualitet som är en hypertemporal subsistens utan externa relationer. När en sådan virtualitet interagerar med en annan virtualitet alstras en spatiotemporal existens som vi kallar en potentialitet, potent därför att den till skillnad från virtualiteten är placerad i en relationalistisk rumtid. När potentialiteten sedan utsätts för dekoherens, bryts den ned till dess att den har reducerats till ett enda singulärt event, en aktualitet, exempelvis som fysikens vågfunktionskollaps. Virtualiteten är icke­ontisk och icke­aktuell, potentialiteten är ontisk men icke­aktuell, aktualiteten är både ontisk och aktuell. V P A är nödvändigt för att kunna tänka emergenser, eventens event som förändrar historien för evigt. De potentiella vanorna före emergensen blir de aktuella lagarna inom den nya emergensvektorn. Och dessa lagar är de enda – strikt lokala – lagar som finns i ett som helhet kontingent universum utan globala lagar.

VÄRLDSSTATEN Socioekonomiskt sammanfogande av världens alla stater på ett sådant sätt att det ömsesidiga beroendet blir så starkt att det balan­ serar de söndrande krafterna och tillhandahåller en nödvändig plattform för övernationellt beslutsfattande; Bard & Söderqvist använder begreppet återkommande som en synonym för Det Globala Imperiet.


DEN YTTRE KRETSEN Den yttre, rörliga, glest befolkade och mans­ dominerade halvan av socionten, styrs av äldre patriarker som ett patriarkat; jämför med den inre kretsen som styrs av ett matriarkat och den schamanska kasten som styrs av ett prästerskap.


Copyright © Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist 2023